#18- Banglore is full of surprises!!

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I slept most of my travel time. I barely ate. The conductor guy was funny. I don't know how but we got to be friends with each other. I feel like I knew him from a lifetime ago.

His name is Naveed. He is this nice guy not like bad ass or jerk type. He has a girlfriend named Lia in Bangalore. She is from a well to do family. He loves her badly, just a look into his eyes while he talks about her will tell you that.

Then somehow I told him I am running away from my husband and his father. I told him about boys and everything except, who is my husband and who am I..

Being the good guy, he planned to help me. And hell yeah he does this as a time pass, a new experience... I really love this part... He had done all worst jobs!! Even he had been in club as a bar tender!!! Those memories he shared with me were funny!!

Well, today we will reach Bangalore. I am kind of excited. We pulled up at the bus stop at Bangalore. He told me to wait at a place and went off.

I really think whether he is playing me or he is genuine... But I will have to risk it right?? It was almost 15 mins. A black Audi with modern features horned. I just kept ignoring it.

Suddenly I heard my name being shouted. I turned find Naveed in the Audi, he shouted," Sahana are u always like this?? Man!!! Get in!"

I smiled at him and his friendliness. Guess I have grown fond of him. He smiled at me and said," Lia will love you.. She already is crazy to meet you."

We reached hotel. I saw him and asked," Are you staying in a hotel?" He laughed at me and said," My dear Sahana I own this hotel and the top floor penthouse is where I and my gf live...."

I know I was staring at him like he said that he was an alien and planning on invasion of planet earth. I asked him," You both are living together." He smiled and said," Sahana we are engaged! She moved in with me. And don't give that look when people tell you they are living together... It's quite common around here.."

I was still nervous when the door opened to a lift. I am really expecting a jealous bitchy girlfriend. How in world can this guy be this sure of helping me??

Or is he a drug dealer??? Or a guy who traffics girls?? But he looks like a nice guy!!! How can he be a bad guy??

Suddenly in fear I said," I can't meet your girlfriend!! I should leave!! Thanks for your offer!!!" I turned to leave, he said," Where are u going to go Sahana??? I am not suggesting to meet mafia leader or drug lord or some one dangerous. For crying out loud she is my girlfriend yaar!!"

I was suddenly too terrified. He said," Just meet my girlfriend. You can stay our of the door near the elevator itself!!" I nodded. I believe him still I should be cautious right??

We are now standing before a redwood door with golden name plate saying Mr. and Mrs. Naveed Blake. I saw him with confusion and asked," U r just engaged right??" He chuckles at me and said," It's just for fun. Well we are already engaged, marriage is not far."

Suddenly the door opened and a redheaded girl crabs Naveed and kisses him senseless. I smile at them and still not able to see the redhead's face...

I said," Naveed baby, I wish u keep the PDA lessons within your room. I love my innocence!! I do like to meet your fiancée..."

Naveed smirked at me and said," Sahana This is my fiancée Lia Lozano, I can add ur ex-best friend who will again become ur best friend..."

I stare at my BFF Lia I never even in my dreams thought I wil meet Lia!! I shouted and charged running and hugged her. She was same charging at me...

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