#11- I am best in stupidity!

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Three full weeks, I was in this house. All his relatives left before two days, but his monster brothers gang hung around. I am really grateful to have them around. Like yes they anger me to no end but they are the only way for me to remember my past. I could smile freely around them, prank them. But I was cautious if hear or see Kevin the jackass around them, I will keep my distance from him... He is dangerous and doesn't care.

I decided to start cooking becoz my mom said I should. All the hired servants had left, only the permanent ones were there. The chef was a guy with his wife who helps him.

When I entered the kitchen both chef and his wife stopped doing what they were doing. I nervously gave them a smile and said," Hello, I am Sahana." Both of them stood staring at me then they exclaimed," Madam was the food not good?? Or do you need anything??" The chef's wife questioned me without taking a moment to take breath.

I smiled at her and said," You both are perfect and best, if anyone tells they didn't like even a single dish u guys cook. I am sure I will personally go after them and kill them for sure."

They were happy with the compliment I gave them. The chef asked me," So madam sorry if I sound rude but why are you here???" I said," To cook my dear chef." They both were shocked.

Both of them together asked,"U cook???" I nodded and said," Yes. You guys can help me." They both were a bit taken back and said," Master Kevin knows??" I smiled and said," no but you don't have to tell him." But in my head I was cursing this Kevin becoz of him and a stupid marriage, my whole life revolves around him!!

They didn't know what to say.. I questioned them,"So can u tell me your names??" The chef said," Forgive my impoliteness madam. I am Shaw Cesalinan and this is my wife Shelly Cesalinan, madam."

I frowned at him and asked," what do you think my age is?" He was nervous and stammered saying," Maybe 20 madam but you look younger around 17..." I laughed and said," I am 18 and you are old as my uncle Raqim!! And if you call me madam it's awkward for me!!! Call me Sahana!!!"

He smiled warmly at me and said," Ohh dear, you are not one of those spoilt young lady. I am happy to have you as my master's wife." I thanked him and asked," So you guys have kids??"

Shaw grinned at Shelly and said," They are on the way mada.... Sahana" Myself being myself I started jumping up and down in happiness. I said not yelled," That needs celebration!!! How many months??? Can I call you aunt???"

She nodded with happiness and said," Three months." I questioned her," What do you like to eat???" She said," I love chocolate cakes." I smiled and said," I will bake you one!!! Now go take a seat I will start cooking."

It was lunch time and I was nervous thinking what will the boys reaction. Shaw placed the dishes on the table. I served the guys. I always go from small ones to big ones. Kevin said a prayer of thanks.

I can see myself sweating as each one starts to take their food. Boys moaned and Lee said," Wow Shaw wish you were a gay, so I could marry you. Man you are best!!!"

I smiled and was happy becoz they liked the food. Shaw opened his mouth and started saying," Sir but that." I made Shelly close his mouth. Kevin lifted his head to see Shaw fighting his wife, Kevin stated," Shaw didn't cook today."

I was nervous, he asked," Shaw who cooked??" I started blabbering," What are you talking ?? How could someone else cook in our house??" I knew I was blabbering. Kevin smirked and said,"Shaw my wife took take outs from some restaurant! Am I right??"

Shelly who I thought was this silent character snapped at Kevin saying," Kevin Sahana cooked it. It's rude not to compliment her skills!!!" The whole table became silent. I saw Kevin seeing me with shock.

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