#10- You are an idiot!!!

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He asked me whether I am a virgin for real!!! Do I look like a hooker or slut?? Coming from a pious Hindu family what the hell does he expect from me?? Tell him on the night of our marriage that I am 5 months pregnant??? Anger flowed through me in huge tidal waves. I walked towards him. He was standing directly before me now. I did one thing my mind told me to do. I punched him on his left cheek that he moved a bit.

But the moment I took my hand away, I started jumping up and down in pain!! He is damn too strong. So much for myself being strong?? I glared at him, he was trying to hold his laugh in. But the moment I saw him, he laughed out loud.

When I saw him laughing carelessly. My body's reaction was tremendous!! My breath struck in my windpipe, my heart beat stood still for a sec and rapidly raised like a it's gone crazy!! He looked handsome and younger when he laughs like that.

Without thinking my stupid mouth said," You should laugh often not just smile, you look younger and nice." Only after telling this I remembered I shouldn't have said that to him. My cheeks flared in deep shade of red in embracement.

He saw me and said," So I take that you are a virgin." I nodded and said," Yes who the hell won't be a virgin on the night of their marriage?? You are insane. But taking your character into account you won't ask such a question without a reason." He continued my speech telling," So you wanted to know that reason??" I nodded curiously.

He said," You will know in time." His phone rang so he left to pick the call. He was in balcony, but I could clearly hear his voice. He was talking about some changes in his files. I was soo tired that I wanted to sleep. I felt my eyes closing but suddenly some movement behind Kevin caught my eyes.

The shadow came steady behind him and hugged him!!! I know it's a girl. Kevin laughed and said," I thought you loved your virginity." I cleared my throat to tell him that I am not that low to throw myself at him.

He turned and saw me then the girl, he gave her a over friendly smile and said," Babe you are early!!" She shamelessly said," Just can't bear to be away from that body of yours." I didn't see the girl's face but I still recognised the voice...

I felt sick seeing what was happening!!! At least do he remember that he is married and his wife is standing here??? He has no decorum or morality!! He is an ass and an idiot. I don't have words to explain what I feel.

He saw me and said," I don't sleep with kids. I am not that low. Your room is the one next to mine, they are connected. Go through that door." He pointed to a door.

I felt like slapping him again. I just stood there staring at him. He said," What are you staring at?? Remember I am Kevin Richard!!" I smiled and said," Yes I know you are Kevin Richard, the walking STD right??"

What does he think of me??? Does he think I won't stand up for myself?? He did better watch his back if he wants to bring out the bad girl in me!! I am so easy going if someone tries to breaks me!!

Just as I was to enter the other room, I said," Mr Kevin I did like to meet you at your study whenever time permits. We have lot of things to discuss and come to conclusion." I didn't risk turn back, and spoil my innocent eyes and mind.

As soon as my head reached the pillow all the I shed tears came out like a dam had burst inside my eyes. It pained me to see my f****** husband is going to sleep with some girl. It's like a disrespect for me.

Then today I am sleeping kilometres away from Vishz and Dane. Yes in my house, the room in my left is my brother Dane's, on my right belongs to Rahiv, opposite to mine belongs to my only sweetheart Vishz... But we didn't try any funny business becoz our brothers will check on us anytime. And we were busy hiding from each other our feelings.

Small things with great memories, everything with Vishz involved. Playing Pranks on any one, we like to play it on our brothers but since everyone is more stronger, we don't mess with them.

It's our sisters who have to bear all this. We will mess up their make up sets, shampoos, etc. Boys we play only in their food becoz they are protective of that only. Ya Vishz and I had fake called many of our brothers fake girlfriends. We don't mess up with a good one, that why ours has ended here.

Then the time I, Vishz, Dane, Rahiv cooked for our family. Take a picture of our cousins make out with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Sooo much memories to ponder upon.

I don't think I can get any of those fun here. And even when I go back they would have moved away... I am struck in this hell hole with only a husband who I think doesn't even knows my middle name!!! And I don't remember his face at all...While the person whose face is imprinted on my mind and I love is going to other end of this world..

But I think I should sleep now, I am sure tomorrow will take care of itself and I can't worry about it. Damn you Kevin for making my fairy tale life miserable!!!


Hey ppl!!!

What did u all think??? I write get A-rated scene??? Nope I don't think I will not do it. Who do you think the madam with no sense who threw herself at Kevin is??? Do you think Kevin is nice uh?? Why is he acting like this towards the sweet sweet Sahana??

And to everyone reading this story I do like to know what you all are thinking about my story. I welcome your comments on my story and if you point out my aspects to improve I will be really thankful. I am not editing the story, checking for grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes. Do please pardon my mistakes... Follow, vote and comment!!!!!


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