#29- Sorry I dont know you!

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Sahana's POV

I don't know but I feel like Many people are pushing me from somewhere.... Uh... I hate you all. I just heard a reply shouting," we all love you barbie!!!" Interesting, becoz only my parents called me that.... Well, I feel like I am floating and suddenly I felt like I was pushed into a container...

Pain was ridiculously high. I hate this!!! I tried opening my eyes but it was all a blurrr... I heard insanely loud voices and sounds. Then I heard a soft voice speaking to me holding my arms," Open your eyes very slowly...." I followed his instruction and opened my eyes to see a pair of blue eyes staring at me.

I tried giving a smile to the beautiful hot stranger and reassuring him that I am good. But my throat was dry as Sahara desert!! I somehow managed to ask for water. The guy gently inclined me and poured the water into my mouth.... As soon as I was satisfied I smiled and said," Thanks for helping me. Where is my brother? You should be one of his friends..."

Then he moved and another super hot guy came into my view...

What's up with handsome strangers messing around in my personal space though they are good... I gave an unsure smile to both the guys and said," I thoroughly appreciate you helping me.... But I do like to see my brother as soon as possible." Both the strangers were staring at me with regret and guilt.

Oh my god! They should have kidnapped me. I saw them and said," Please don't do anything to me!! I will give a call to my brother he will give you the ransom for the kidnapping!!! Please don't do anything!!! I didn't even have my first kiss.. Get married to my crush... You know how important that is for me??"

Then I saw my brother burst through the door. I saw him and smiled my 'I am so happy you are here' smile. I shouted," Dane boo!!! U don't love me uh?? You left me with these strangers!!! Good bless me they are not these creeps type." I turned and said," Sorry for rambling about kidnapping. You both look like good guys..." I gave them my 'I am guilty as charged smile'.

Then I saw Vishz run into the room with my favourite pink roses. I smiled shyly at him and said," Hi there stranger." He was like too sad one minute then he smiled. I was smiling back shyly as him. Ya people he is my crush... I still miss Amron sometimes and I won't forgive Mr. Blake...

Suddenly a cute guy in doctor coat appeared. He grinned at me so I shrugged him off. I don't do well with strangers. Only then I saw my surroundings and saw that I was in a hospital. I tried remembering what's wrong with me, but no answer was available. I gave Dane a questioning look and asked," What's wrong with me Dane? Why am I here?"

All were silent and awkward, the doctor guy said," Well, well, curious aren't we??" I nodded. He said," Well you felt of from staircase and was unconscious." I nodded understanding what he was saying.

He continued saying," Now it will be better better to ask you some questions." I said," Proceed." He asked me," I am Doctor Ashton. call me Ash. What's your name?" I looked around to see the two strangers standing there. I said in a conspiracy tone," I don't want strangers to know my name." Dr.Ash laughed and said," They are no strange to you."

I gave them both again a weighting look and said," I am Aradana Akshya Akash but now they changed my name to Sahana Laksh." The second guy with honey eyes was grinning while the blue eye coloured guy was just analysing." Ash asked me," What's your age?" I shook my head hardly and said," 17." Ash asked me," Do you remember anything else?" I shook my head and said," No. Where is Lia and Rahiv?" Dane replied," Ya they will come. Just continue the session."

Ash took a deep breath and said," Well, Sahana it may come as a big news to you but you should know. You are 22 years old." I smiled and said," I never knew doctors can play pranks with their patients." Ash shook his head and said," Due to a complication, you have forgot a part of your life. Well you are married to this guy here. He is Kevin Richards. That guy is your best friend Gabe."

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