#20- Phone calls!!!

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Matte turned to see me but he was still in shock and confusion. He said," It's Liam!!! I didn't think he knows me to recognise me. Should I attend?? He is close to Kevin sis" I just smiled with tension leaving my system... I replied," Just answer he means no harm. He loves me too much to let me be with him."

Matte answered the phone," Matte Blake." I heard another voice tell," Bro it's me Lee, I am calling to ask whether u have her??" Matte says," Yes I have her."

Then he gave me the phone and said in a teasing tone," Your boyfriend wants reassurance.." I punched him and said," Shut up!"

He puts the phone in speaker. I fought with him but then it's nothing too much... So I answered Lee," Bro?" He just bombarded me," Where are u??? Are u staying alone with that idiot?" I smile at his thoughtfulness and said," nope bro, I am staying with him but his soon to be wife is with us and she is my best buddy."

I can see him smile at my comfort level. I asked him," You set me up with him, right?" Lee said in a unbelievable tone," God sisso, you better go join FBI or something. Ya I kind of wanted u to be safe."

There was a small pause and Lee shouted," Shit!!!" I asked him," What happened??" He said in a panicked voice," Kevin is calling." I told him to take the call... Lee said in a pissed off tone," What the fuck you want!" Wow note to myself Lee can get pissed off too much. I heard Kevin ask," Lee do you have any idea where Sahana is?" Kevin sounds nervous. Or am I dreaming? Nope!

Lee laughed mockingly and said," Fuck u and your messed up life man! You are clueless right? Haaa!!! For someone who loves your family a lot you don't know anything about them!" Ouch that hurts!!! Why is he being harsh!! Poor guy!

Kevin asked Lee in a stern voice," What are you doing Lee?? Why is your voice like that? What the hell is all these drama about?"

Lee shouted back to him," Kevin fucking Richard, Sahana ran away, I mean as took off leaving a letter to everyone! I fucking care for her! What do you expect me to do? Call a girl and go in date!! I am crying u idiot!! Coz it freaking hurts!! "

I won't believe this.. Lee really is angry on him to let me run away from our family and for the false accusation he threw. Kevin said in a nervous pleading voice," If this is a way of getting back at me, it's working. I am really sorry, please tell her!!" Wow!!! Kevin the greatest dumbass and jerk said his apology to me Queen bitch of centuries!!!

Lee said in a frustrated voice," You are kidding me right? Why should I lie to you!! And don't act like you cared about her. We loved her!! This is the best news!!! She knew us too well that he left letters for us in place were we see often!!" Wow Lee loves me!!! I feel bad for Kevin but hell he deserves it!! He acts like he is the fucking king of universe!!

Kevin said to Lee in a very deep determined voice," I will get her back Lee. I won't let her easily walk away from me." That sent shivers down my spine. Shit!! I am in deep trouble!!! I paled visibly gaining inquiring stares from Matte and Lia!!

Lee shouts to him," You won't fucking again be near her shadows!!" But Kevin had already cut the call. I said in a terrified voice," Bro calm down!!" I had never seen Lee lose his temper!!

Lee said to me," I will keep u away from him! I swear it baby sis." I just told a thanks and ended the call.

Matte was in tears laughing saying, " You are always keeping my brother on his toes!!! When you are Aradana and he is Amron or even now when you are Sahana and he is Kevin. You are a perfect chase for him sis." He kept laughing but Lia knew what Blake brothers are capable of. So she just gave me a sympathetically smile.

Then we were becoming merrier and happier. Matte is ready to start a family with Lia. All those innocent sentences he throw in our conversations makes Lia blush like a tomato from the roots of her hair.

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