#22- Getting caught!

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I am not frightened! I don't fear anyone!! Enemy can smell your fear. Veron was waiting for me in the entrance. I asked in my pro voice," Catch?" He said," No you are not going." I stated at him and said," You are letting me do this Veron Black! I had been through worst! I think each of u as my own bro. So I take it."

I was safe in my mask, no one could identify me. Veron lead me into the arena. I could feel my butterflies in stomach. I hate it Becoz I don't know anything abt my enemy. No weakness abt him. Veron lead us to a guy who sat on a big chair with all those sluts surrounding him. The leaders were around him.

This guy who is Zeus has a broad shoulder, hell ya he is hot just from behind!! All muscles not even one ounce of fat. Shit it will hurt like hell if I punch him! God I am not this all muscled body. I have small abs slender arms. I use my brains and kill the prey with it's weakness.

I was more intimated by this guy Zeus. Veron walked before him. I was not ready to see The guy Zeus. Veron said," Ryder this is Akshya." I reluctantly saw Ryder!

My eyes widen in recognition!! He is Kevin fucking Richard!! Hell to me!! He is hot.... Why didn't I notice this before?? Ya, I think my female hormone wants to work for this arrogant stupid!!

My mask shows only my eyes!!! I took a deep breath. If my face was uncovered two things would have happened. One- Kevin would have identified me. Two- My jaws will be on the floor seeing Kevin. That's not a pretty sight...

Veron nudged me on my stomach. Kevin/ Amron/ Ryder whoever he is at this moment, said," Wow!! Hello beautiful. Why hide that beautiful Face of your in unnecessary mask? I am sure as hell that you have a hot face just like your hot body." I was in my training vest and shorts. That pervert!!! He was flirting with me. I just stayed silently. I didn't let my eyes to meet him.

Veron said,"She don't like people telling all those about her. She is strictly professional, no unnecessary talk, Ryder." Great now Kevin's interest in me is increased.

Kevin asked," Is she deaf and dumb?" I glared at his feet. Marcus laughed at his comment and said," Nope she can hear crystal clearly and voice of an angel. She doesn't like to talk to strangers. She is too much of private person."

Kevin was just looking me from top to bottom. As though he was trying to put me in a category of variety of women he dated. I turned to leave but Kevin's hand shot out and pulled me near him. I felt my breath suck in!! When my eyes met his, his grip tightened... I was staring at him and he was staring at me.

I really think werewolves are alive and all those mate shit exists. Becoz these 4 years I was not interested in one single soul. There were guys who wanted to date me. But the spark was not there!!! Just one mere sight of our eyes there is that much sparks!!

He whispered in my ears," Where do you think you are going??? I am the Zeus here girl. You can't go until I dismiss u." His minty breath was washing over my face. It was like electricity passing in small amounts inside me. His grip tightened on me. As he was feeling me, I heard Lee chuckle and clear his throat.... I pulled away from Kevin, went and stood near Veron.

Veron being my protector, threw his arms around me and held me safe. I swear I saw Kevin's eyes deepen and dilate!! He glared at Veron. That made Veron take his arm away.

I turned away from Kevin's piercing graze and whispered in uncomfortable Veron's ears," He is my husband whom I am hiding from." Veron's facial reaction was hilarious that I couldn't stop laughing. Veron glared at me and whispered in my ears," Nice joke." I replied to him," Nope honey, truth!"

I turned around to see my beautiful brothers-in-laws come in. This idiota could have used his real name instead of middle name!!

Girls swoon over them and it didn't settle down good in my stomach. Like b**** they are my brothers! Try pushing your body on them later!!!

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