#7- Boys are boys always!!!

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I stare frightened at Vishz. When He saw Lee and his features relaxes. Vishz says in a hard voice," What the f*** are u doing in her room?" I saw them both and asked," So you both know each other?" They both nodded at me and made no move to turn towards me. I whispered to myself," This world is really tooo small!!!"

So I nervously said," Vishz he is Lee my bro-n-law. Lee this is Vishz my bro." Lee raised one eyebrow at Vishz but kept quite. But wasn't so considerate he bluntly asked," Shit man!!! That nutcase is YOUR brother!!! I am not letting her marry him!!! Man ur brother!!" Lee said," Man that was my own reaction when I came to know this is her!!"

I said," Guys hold ur tongue you both are talking about the guy I am going to marry and me!! Cheezzz guys have some decency." They both stared at me like I was talking foreign language. They both said in Union," U r not going to marry that asshole!"

I laugh and said," As though I have control over that. And guys get out of my room coz If biggies see me like this with u guys I am dead." Lee stared at my face then his eyes washed over my body like he is eyeing a specimen. Vishz shouted," Man if don't take your eyes our of her within next minute friend or not you are dead. SHE IS MINE!!"

I mentally palmed my face, and said," Ya your only sister but share me with Dane and Rahiv!" Vishz was staring at me to backdown but I won't do it. Lee shakes his head and says," Guys" I snapped out of our intense moment and got caught red handed!!

I know my face is in the brightest shape of red. I put my hands on Vishz chest and pushed him out of my room. His muscles were tensed under my touch. I smiled internally but kept my face straight.

I turned and said," you too out of my room!" Lee smiled at me and said," Why not push me to out??" I stared at him and said with a smile tugging the corners of my lips," Nope becoz u r a stranger and I don't touch stranger. Two U r not my brother. So plss feel free to find your way out of my room."

I felt like I have accomplished greatest thing and walked into my bathroom. I waited till my bedroom door click. I made myself into the family homely goody goody type girl. I hate painting my face with a thing called make up. I just kept it simple. Don't think I am all white colour. I am blessed with a wheatish skin colour which is a plus for make ups.

I entered the hall saw the guys in a deep conversation. They looked mature discussing things. They both had a business face on. I stood there staring I could on Vishz. But then reality bitch shouts in my mind. So I turned away and went to kitchen to pick up some refreshments.

I returned to hear Lee ask Vishz," What the hell are u going to do? Don't let her go it will break u!" Vishz said," No I am not planning on losing her." I placed the snacks and juice before them.

Lee see just my dress and asked to Vishz," Wow man!! At least some of the maids here are modest!! God I bet she had a perfect body behind it." Vishz laughs humourlessly and said," Who the f*** cares about some maid in my house?? I want her man! She is mine and she is perfect!"

I was shocked to hear them talk like this. And it did hurt a little to hear Vishz talk about some girl and letting her go, wanting her. Guess I am jealous.

In my house we use strictly Hindi. My grandpa and father had learned a bit of English for business purposes. Offcourse myself, Dane, Rahiv and Vishz knows perfect English and French apart from Hindi.

Our Boys were intelligent they didn't take changes and were talking in French. But they are dealing with me!!! I cleared my throat and both the boys were still talking about shit! I said in French," Boys you know??? I have a face too. And if u guys are going to check out some one see their faces once."

Vishz's and Lee's face were a dark shade of red. Lee said,"My god girl I think this family adopted u! Coz no since female was at least a bit modest and have a decency. Sorry sis we didn't know it was u." He said scratching the back of his head with a sly smile.

I smiled and said," it's ok." Lee's face brightened up and said," but really you are damn h... uhhh sorry I mean nice." I laughed seeing him struggle for words.

So just like curiosity killed the cat.

I asked," Who was my dear bro talking about? Any girl help needed??" Lee grinned at Vishz, and said," Ya sure."

I asked more curiously," Who is it?" Lee said," She is someone we know. She is damn cute. Our Vishz is in love with her god knows from when..." His words sent waves of pain through me.

I kept a poker face but my closer people can see I will break down if I keep hearing. I smiled brightly and said," I would love to meet her. My brother is a nice person. She is lucky to get hold of him."

All those pretty things he told me were just a lie?? He didn't feel anything for me!! They wanted to make sure I am not still infatuated with him.

I heard Lee saying," Come let's go see her now itself. Her house is near by." I hate Lee, he is over enthusiastic to see my heart break. I smile at him and said a sure.

Vishz was analysis my every move. They both took me to shop, like wood works shop. Lee said to me," hey I will close ur eyes. She is near by." He threw a blind fold upon my eyes and closed it. He held my hand but I felt Vishz pull me away from Lee towards himself.

I was stopped before someone. I felt my heart twist and a pain went through me. I felt all my insecurities claim me. I hide all my feelings and pulled out the actress in me to control me.

I felt Vishz's warm breath on my neck. I shivered involuntarily. I let his scent and his presence to calm my inner turmoil. Whoever he has, or belong to he is the only one who can be my first crush. It may take time to move on but I will.

Lee pulled back my blindfold I stared at the girl and then realisation hit me!!! I touched and saw a mirror in front of me. They were talking about ME!!

Tears flowed down my eyes. I said," Lee I am marrying your brother and he is my brother is I can't dare to date him!!" Vishz pulled me back to him and asked, " So why are those tears flowing down your eyes? realisation or relief??"

I stammered and said," I don't know. Don't try to mix my emotions!! What I have for you is love of a brother.." He roughly pushed me on the glass and cornered me.

He was temptingly close to me. I stared at him and did the only sensible thing. Pushed him away and ran away. I shouted," Don't u dare touch me I belong to someone else." I ran my way to nearest auto and went home. Leaving my heart with the troubled Vishz to mend him someway.


Hiya ppl,

Soooo????? What will Lee doo?? Who is Lee??? Will he act cool? Or make trouble. Do you think she will accept Vishz after him going through all this for her??? Wait for the upcoming part.

Please comment and vote!!!!! If u want to vote for me press that small star button below. And Seriously people do u like this story???? I want to know what are you all thinking?? Waiting for your reply.


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