~Chapter Four: Are You Sure About That?~

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The Next Morning

Natasha awoke with Clint's warm arms wrapped around her, she lifted her head and met Clint's eyes as she looked at him. "How long have you been awake?..." She inquired as she brushed her short yet messy hair back.

"Not long..." He answered as he leaned in and gently kissed her. He wore a wide, proud, toothy grin. "Only a few minutes." he clarified for her, "You just look so peaceful... ah, I don't know. I didn't want to bother you." Nat smiled a bit then jumped as there was a knock at the door, she quickly slid off the bed and rolled under it silently. She watched as the door opened,

"Hey man I just-" Tony's voice paused, "Is that a chick's bra?" he asked Clint blandly. Tony glanced around at the few pieces of the clothing strewn about but mainly focused on Clint who just looked to the side a bit. Tony smirked, "Hey man I don't care if your having chicks in the tower- has she left yet?" He glanced around a little and Clint paused a little, Natasha had never been gladder that this had started in her room.

"Yea man." Clint stated as he motioned around the room, "like I'd keep any girl around the tower for too long. They either want money- secrets- or just a good screw." Clint meant nothing of what he said because he actually somewhat had faith in humanity but also had to think of some kind of cover.

"I hear ya man- and you kept her bra?" Tony asked and Nat couldn't help but smile waiting to hear what kind of trash would come out of Clint's mouth next.

"I'm sorry have you not kept trophies from one night stands before?" He now wore a shit eating grin as Stark leaned his head back a little and chuckled. 'What an idiot...' Tony thought. He quietly shook his head, smiling at Clint.

"See man this is why you're my favorite out of the team- you aren't all stuck up and rules all the time like the rest of them. They always seem like they have a stick up their ass." Tony pointed his finger at Clint, "You and I my friend are much alike- later. Drinks." He continued and Clint nodded.

"Was that a compliment- from you?" Clint raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Don't worry I won't bring it up to the others man- I'll be out sometime soon though." He waved his hand to shoo Tony off, sure that the floor was extremely comfortable for Nat. Tony nodded and headed out, completely forgetting why he had gone in there in the first place. Natasha rolled out from under the bed-

"He is SO dead later... I do not have a stick up my ass! He's just a reckless idiot!" She hissed quietly, Clint laughed more and motioned for her to come back to him, a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she got on the bed and curled back up with Clint.


Steve had already rolled out of bed and taken a shower. He dressed and headed into the kitchen, pausing as he saw Tony. He continued to grabbed a mug and pour a cup of coffee then turned around and sighed. Before even taking a sip he set it down on the counter and looked at Tony who was just about finished with his cup, sitting quietly on a stool across from Cap. "Listen Tony," he shifted a bit and put a hand to his neck, still feeling crappy about last night. "I didn't mean anything yesterday I-,"

"I know Cap." Tony cut him off and Steve stared at him. "Lets just," Stark put his hands up, "Forget what happened yesterday, I was up all night and I realized I can be kind of..." He trailed off,

"Judgmental?" he asked Stark with a wide smile, 'Is he really apologizing to me? Positive? Maybe, he cares?' he asked himself, staring into those wonder-filled eyes of the genius Iron Man inventor.

"Snappy," Tony muttered, obviously fed up with the conversation already. Steve was happy enough with that answer and looked down a little. Tony couldn't help but smile a bit when he saw Cap happy and sipping on his coffee.

"Boys," Natasha said in a light-hearted tone as she walked in and slipped past the two, grabbing a water out of the fridge. "Everything good?- no more heated fights about to break out and start some kinda war in the tower?- because last night was a little... scary." She ranted a bit with widened eyes, Captain nodded,

"You're in the clear Tash." Steve smiled warmly to at her and took another sip of his coffee. He then glanced over to Tony.

'Why does he keep looking at me like that?' Tony shifted a bit uncomfortably under his companions blue-eyed stare. Nat looked between the two suspiciously and wore devilish smirk but said nothing of what she was thinking.

"Natasha is that a hickey?" Tony smirked as he looked over and saw the obvious hickey on her neck. Luckily before she had to answer Bruce came in,

"You guys hear? Thor's coming to visit sometime soon." Banner shared as he walked into the kitchen, causing everybody to focus on him as he dug through the cabinets for something to eat.

"Well, it's about damn time." Clint had popped up seemingly out of nowhere causing Tony to jump end eye him timidly. "Morning." He said openly to everyone but met eyes with Tash for a second. She stretched and smiled warmly at the others.

"Sparring this morning," Natasha commented as she tapped her watch and met eyes with Clint, Captain finished his coffee and grabbed an apple.

"Alright, I'll be back in a few." Steve exclaimed as he stretched and headed for the elevator, "Goin on a run." He clarified way to happily.

"Cool." Tash and Clint figured since they were going down soon they might as well go now. Clint grabbed a cup of coffee and they joined Steve. Tony watched Cap for a second before looking back to his coffee and sipping on it,

"You guys are a bunch of health nuts." He leered at them as he stood up and walked over to the fridge.

"Well we don't all have full body armor, plus... when was the last time you actually fought one of us? Maybe your just jealous because you're getting rusty Stark." Cap shot back as he flashed a wide smile, Tony's heart leaped at that smile and he didn't know why.

Tony rolled his eyes and waved them off, smiling a little. Natasha pushed the down button as Bruce shook his head and sat down at the counter.


"That's not fair to Steve! You guys know he can't get drunk!" Natasha crossed her arms as she flopped back on the couch next to Clint, Cap furrowed his brows curiously and stopped before walking into the room. Tony sighed loudly as Bruce chuckled and commented,

"Besides I highly doubt Steve would want to go out." Steve tilted his head and checked his watch before walking in, it was ten after five... He had just woken up from a probably two hour nap.

"And who says that?" He asked squinting his eyes, everyone looked over at him. He headed over and flopped down next to Nat then looked up at Bruce who was sitting on the arm of the couch. Of course, to no one's surprise, Tony was across from them alone in a comfortable chair. Bruce just shrugged a little, "Hey I may not be able to really drink but I don't think I need to. If you guys wanna go out I'll come along." Tony inwardly smiled as he noticed how messed up Cap's hair was.

"But then I'd feel like your being left outttttt," Nat whined and Clint smiled a bit, nodding in agreement. Tony didn't seem to give a damn whether or not Capsicle came, he just needed to go out.

"Tash- you guys." He looked around at them, "I really don't mind. To be honest I've been itching to get out of here." He smiled as best he could at the others.

"All in favor raise your hand." A snarky voice said, Nat, shot a glare at Tony but raised her hand. They all did. Steve sighed in relief and Tony stood up, motioning to the elevator as if saying "Well then let's go."

Of course, everyone was completely unaware of what would be happening that night or the next day.



Sorry for the million updates on the other chapters- heh. As usual I hope you liked the chapter annddddd yea.

Btw just a warning i've been a tad bit depressed and moody so if I don't upload for a bit that's why... yep.

Oh and like I said. If you see messed up stuff feel free to comment and correct me. Just try not to be rude about it 😬

Oaky Den Baiiiiiii!

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