~Chapter Thirty-Six: Part Three: Love-O-Mine~

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Peter weakly sat up, his eyes scanning over the man in his lap. Wade... His best friend, his crush, his best ally. Parker swallowed a bit, pulling his own mask up just above his mouth. "Did you get the voicemail?..."

"Is your arm okay!?" Was what his friend had to answer as he sat the younger one up, studying it.

"I'm fine..." Parker smiled gently, watching the older boy sigh and hang his head before he focused on the situation.

"Did you mean what you said?" Wade asked as he set a hand to Peter's cheek, watching the boy lean into it. Peter nodded just barely, his breath catching in his throat a bit. He could see a pinky flush come to Wade's face- or well, the small portion of it he could currently see.

"I meant every word..." Peter said in a soft whisper, pausing as Wade leaned in, gently kissing him as he cupped his cheeks. Parker gave into it, kissing him back adoringly as he let Wade lean into him. Peter had never felt anything like this before, not towards any girl he'd ever seen, not even Gwen.

Wade's lips were soft and warm on his own, tasting sweet and also kinda gross... Peter could guess his-... whatever Wade was now, hadn't brushed his teeth this morning. His smell, despite being sweaty and rough, comforted Peter in a way he couldn't put into words.

The two slowly broke, Peter quietly running his fingers over Wade's jaw as both began to grin. Parker then couldn't help but laugh a little, glad this had turned out the way it did. "Hi..." He said dumbly, to which Wade snorted.

"Hi Petey-pie..."

"COULD YOU TWO STOP MAKING OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLEFIELD!? NEITHER OF YOUR DADS WANNA SEE THAT!" Tony scolded as he went flying by with a bathtub, both boys then went a bright shade of pink before a bot slammed into the back of Wade.

A snarky whistle went through the coms, presumably Rhodey's fault as Peter had explained his struggle to his sort of uncle the night he'd seen Loki on the runway. Peter webbed the bot and yanked it back, slamming it into the ground, causing all parties to pause before there was an amused, "Looks like the kids got fire now Stark." from Clint.

"Focus people-" Steve said, though peter just looked up as Wade walked over, pulling his mask down and offering a hand to him.

"Partners in crime?" Wilson asked sweetly, clearly excited to kick ass. Peter took the hand and was firmly yanked onto his feet, coming chest to chest with Wade.

"Let's just start with partners in justice and go from there..." Peter smiled before pulling his mask down and wrapping his arms around Wade. Mumbling an ever so soft, "I missed you so much..." Into Wade who smiled under his mask, his cheeks aflame.

"Wait- Pete, did your dad just fly by with a bathtub?" Peter nodded and there was a grunt from Steve,

"Capsicle you got incoming." Tony mused as his boyfriend groaned more, huffing.

"Yea I love you too Tony..." He muttered, quickly adding a, "You focus on getting this place down safely, everyone else? You have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt em back. you get killed? Walk it off..."

There was some distant chatter before Pietro popped up next to the two teen boys, "Oh so you figured it out?" He teased Peter lightly, to which Peter only smiled and nodded.

"It wasn't hard to... I just decided that- if I like him I like him..." He gently took Wade's hand and gave it a good squeeze.

"Maybe I should take that advice." Pietro snorted, both pausing as there was a,

"Peter your old man could use some help over here!" Steve called over the coms, trying to stop two cars from falling off the broken part of the bridge. 

"You should take that advice, it's the best idea I've ever had." Parker assured Pietro before swinging off with a, "Which old man are you talking about? You're a codger and D- Mr. Stark is- well he could be my grandpa-"

"Where did you learn such a word?" Tony gasped sarcastically, "I'm sure your pops doesn't appreciate that..." There was a short pause and an added, "Though you aren't wrong..." Steve only shook his head, watching as his spider-son webbed the vehicles, pulling back hard as Rogers pulled the people out.

Meanwhile, Wade looked at Pietro with a "What's up?" though Pietro only shook his head and sped off, scooping up his sister as he headed off. He couldn't help watching Clint for a moment before though, studying him. No matter how annoying the master archer was he intrigued Pietro, maybe it was the shitty jokes or maybe it was how much of a tough guy he claimed to be when everyone knew deep down he's a softy. Either way, Pietro hoped that deep down that they would both survive this. He really wanted the archer to live, as he was the only person to make Pietro feel safe for the first time in a long while.

Thor got into it with Ultron and Wanda stepped into play, lividly trashing bots, Pietro by her side. "Tony do you have anything yet?"

"Only a way to blow up the city..." He mumbled, causing Steve to sigh and slide his hands down his face.

"I'm not leaving this place with one civilian on it," Rogers stated firmly, causing Romanoff to look at him with a small, understanding nod. Sam landed next to them, sighing as he looked at the two,

"I still haven't seen him you guys, I'm sorry..." Natasha shook her head as she looked down, Steve setting a hand to her shoulder.

"It's alright... I suppose there are worse places to go, I mean where am I ever gonna get a view like this again..." Just then there was static over the radio before a certain favorited black leader of theirs mused a teasing,

"You like the view? It's about to get a whole lot better-"

"Hey guys! Look who's here!" Peter said as he hung from the helicarrier, only to get a sigh from Fury who clearly wasn't the happiest about there being someone as young as Peter stuck in this fight. Though he couldn't quite complain either, they needed all hands on deck at this point, the more the merrier. 

Natasha paused, eyes going wide before she tapped Steve and headed over to the edge, a grinning James Buchanan Barnes waving excitedly at them. "You little shit! You just made me look the last twenty minutes for your corpse!" Sam scolded over the coms.

"Girls, girls, you're both pretty. Can we wrap this up soon?" Clint asked as he jogged up to the group.

"I can agree with you there Barton, lets get civilians out people." Fury ordered, pausing along with everyone else as Deadpool went flying by, shrieking like a little girl.

"I GOT HIM!" Peter squeaked as he launched off the helicarrier, causing the adults to share a look like 'Is that freak really who Peter is dating?' None of them had ever really been the biggest fan of Deadpool due to his... tactics... but still they put up with him for Peter's sake as he seemed to like having him around.

Peter swung back up within ten seconds, pausing as he and everyone else could see a bright green glow towards the center area of the city, almost all of them knowing that glow all too well. "That can't be..." Tasha said,

"Steven- you seeing what I am?" Tony questioned in a rather agitated tone.  Peter bit his lip a bit before dropping Wade and going web-slinging through the still-standing buildings.

"Hey! Peter! Wait!" Rogers started after his kid while Natasha, Clint, Sam, and Deadpool began trying to evacuate civilians with shield. "Peter stop!"

Peter didn't though, he still didn't know what Loki's plans were and if his dads caught Loki before he got there... well he would never figure out Loki's plans. He wouldn't be able to save countless lives from the psychopath.

He came to a harsh stop, eying Loki who looked over with a smile and a, "Hello there Peter..."


Hey guys I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it and am excited to continue writing it! I have to clarify that when this book ends I will be finishing posting another fanfiction THEN beginning to release the next book when I'm sure I can handle multiple projects. I'm already planning and writing the second so you won't have to worry about if uploads will be constant because they will!

I love you guys lots and as always votes and comments and such help lots! 

Oaky Dennn Baiiiii!!!!

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