~Chapter Fourteen: A Tad Bit Sassy~

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"Hey baby boy..." Peter sat up straight and looked over to see Wade who wore a warm happy smile on his lips,

"Jesus man how many times have I told you not to do that shit!?" The fourteen-year-old whisper yelled, he smacked Wade's chest. Of course, the older kid didn't flinch. "How the hell did you get in here anyway? You aren't supposed to be here..." Peter saw Banner's coat on one of the few chairs in the room but not the man himself.

"I came in through the window, how the hell else? You said you don't like it when I draw attention to you." Wade shrugged a bit and Parker facepalmed. "I was worried about you Pete-y..." He whined, "I saw what happened on the news and when I couldn't find ya! Well, let's just say there are a lot fewer crooks on the streets! and by that I mean I killed a bunch of dudes looking for you. But now that I found you everything's okay! Wait are you okay? I'll personally kill that green ugly faced bitch! If he laid a finger on my Spidey boy!"

"Wade. First of all, don't call me that. Second. Leave it. I got a little banged up... it happens, man. It's part of the job." Technically Wade had never told Peter he liked him but it should have come off obvious. Peter usually just ignored the remarks or played it off, they'd been friends for a while now. Well, that is after Wilson had found the younger man all alone and freaking out about his powers.

"I'll be fine. But seriously Wade you gotta get out of here, god knows when Bruce will be back." In all honesty, Peter wanted the older boy to stay longer and hang out but it was easier to deal with parent type figures when they don't know everything. Wilson whined like a kid then gently hugged Peter.

"I'll be back Pete- sooner or later." He then hopped out the hospital window like it was nothing. The young brunet felt all warm and fuzzy inside like he did every time he saw one or more of his friends. Though... He hadn't seen Harry, Gwen, or M.J. for a while now. Not for the last three weeks anyway.

"Heyyyyy, you're up. How are you feeling?" Bruce's voice snapped Peter back to reality. He shrugged a little,

"Pretty sore and my back still hurts... but. Otherwise, I feel okay." Bruce nodded softly and sat down.

"The search for Steven is going well, I know you aren't his biggest fan but... he's still part of our team and a personal friend." Banner murmured as he flipped through some papers. Parker sat up a bit and furrowed his brows,

"The search? Is that what Mr. Stark was so tense about the other day? Is that why no one besides you has been around? Because they're looking for him...?" The young brunet was more than curious now, and somewhat worried. Though Peter did mostly blame his aunt's death on Captain America he was still just a person... a person that saved Peter's life.

Banner set the stack of papers down and carefully nodded, "Yea. He went missing a few days ago, I think three now... No ones fully sure of what to do. Though, they're looking for any information on Hydra currently. Praying- well. Hoping. They find something to help find him. I'm pretty sure none of the other crazies on my team pray." he tapped his fingers on his pants as he looked down.

Peter may only be fourteen but he knew that look, he used to get it from his aunt May a lot. The look of someone scared for somebodies life. But not knowing how to help them... because they don't know what happened or what's going on. "I'm sure he's okay Mr. Banner- I mean. I know that super soldier or not he's a strong guy, and I don't just mean physically or mentally. He has a strong will from what I've seen... a mighty soul you could say." Peter cracked a smile.

"I hope so- and. You can just call me Bruce okay kid?" the scientist asked and Parker nodded.

"Bruce?... can you find someone for me?"

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