~Chapter Seventeen: Superfamily Beginnings~

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Not much had changed over the last two weeks.

Peter had gotten out of the hospital and fallen off the face of the earth again, though, this time even Wade had no clue as to where he had gone. He wasn't web-slinging his way around the city and stopping crimes. It left Harry, Gwen, and MJ worried of course Harry just told the girls he was probably off with Stark in some other country or something and that he'd probably be back sometime soon.

Stark and Rogers still hadn't gone out yet and Steve could only guess Tony was stalling, he also somehow managed to get the mechanic to let Buck stay longer though the blonde didn't know for how long. In his spare time the super soldier continued to help fix the city and draw. And... ever so often go out and wreck whatever Hydra soldiers or bases he could find. On his own of course, he dared not tell anyone, especially Tony who probably would somehow ground him.

Natasha and Clint seemed to be okay, key word being seemed. Barton had a sinking feeling that something was going on between the two ex-assassin residents of the tower. He knew he needed to bring it up and talk with Nat about it but could never seem to find a good moment...

Bucky was quiet and out of the tower most days, usually days when Coulson or Fury stopped by last week he had to hide in the kitchen closet because Nick came by unannounced. His and Natasha's friendship grew rapidly and silently.

Thor had yet to find a lead on his brother, when he wasn't looking for Loki though Jane usually came around and hung out for a few days before disappearing to go help her father with some kind of work.

Then there was Bruce... Who helped Tony work on Ultron when they had the time and did a small case or two for SHIELD but otherwise enjoyed the peace. No fighting aliens or other crazy monsters... Just books and quiet... besides the ever so often argument over A: Someone (usually Clint) pranked someone else (usually Tony). B: Someone broke something and got in trouble (again usually Clint and rarely Steve). Or C: (Bruce's personal favorite) Someone's relationship whether it was Steve and Tony, Jane and Thor, or Clint and Natasha would get into a fight and shit would hit the fan (sometimes a person would too).

Why would that make Bruce happy you ask? Because after the yelling stops everyone would have already retreated to their rooms, lab, or the training rooms. Leaving Bruce in peace with the living room all to himself.


Natasha made her way to the lab and smiled warmly as she walked in. "You're still down here working?" She teased. Tony glanced over from his work and raised an eyebrow curiously,

"Yes. I am," he looked at his watch then back to her and tilted his head. "And you're still up at three in the morning?" She crossed her arms playfully then walked over and sat on a nearby stool, spinning herself around a bit.

"No-" She yawned, "I just woke up and had a feeling you'd be up to. Seems you're the only person besides me." She peered over his shoulder at his computer "Ulllll-Ultron?" Nat tried to pronounce the name correctly.

Stark's brown orbs looked over at her, he then turned around and smiled. "Well I'm honored and it's just somethin I've been working on... It's really nothing though- I can't seem to fully figure it out." He waved his hands a bit then closed the program he'd been working on. Tash spun around on the stool a bit more then stopped and let out a small sigh.

"You do remember what's happening tomorrow right?" The redhead questioned and the brunet furrowed his brows, seeming to think. He tapped his feet a little,

"Nope." He gave up, "Between trying to rip every person in Hydra to shreds and my little side project Ultron I've been somewhat busy. Oh, and not to mention rebuilding, rewiring, re-everythinging the top  floors. Which- I hope you're enjoying." He scoffed in a bitter tone, Natasha could tell he was just as grumpy as always. She put her hands up with wide eyes,

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