~Chapter Twenty Four: More Black Winter Cuz Why Not~

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Natasha waited for Tony and Steve to come out then stared at them for a long minute or two, hands on her hips and her head tilted. She wore a stone cold look that made Steve wonder what he did and Tony curious of just what she'd yell at him about this time. Maybe his fighting, maybe having the kid in danger, god only knows.

"Did you guys see what you did?" She asked finally and the two shared looks, then looked to her with now more questionable looks. Natasha's lips slowly curled into an almost devious smile, "You guys worked together better than I've seen in months. I think Tony has a soft spot for Peter and Steve- you have a soft spot for caring about basically anyone- but specifically Tony and his cares." She pointed out, sounding happy and amused.

"I do not have a soft spot for that kid!- I go just as hard on him as I do everyone else!" Stark said defensively and Natasha shook her head.

"Uh...huh..." Was all she said before pinching her nose and shaking her head.

"Tony it's okay to care about someone," Steve added, which caused the mechanic to look at him. "But- please, what's your point, Tash?" He looked back to her and she threw her hands up.

"My point is you guys ridiculous fight needs to just be over already- okay? We have more important things to be dealing with. For both you guys, Peter, everyone's sakes just. Kiss and make up okay- or don't kiss. Just makeup. I do and don't care but the obvious ignoring each other and small arguments here and there, it all stops here. I'm not gonna helicopter parent but I'm serious." She pointed a finger at the two men then made an 'I'm watching you' motion with her pointer and middle finger, then walked back in, attention turned to Wade who seemed a little off put and Peter smiling like the stupid teen he was.

Tony put a hand to the nape of his neck for a moment before taking in a breath, Steve looked to him for a few seconds, unsure.

"I'm sorry." They said at the same time and both stared at each other with widening eyes.

"For what?" They again said in sync before Tony facepalmed, both Steve and Tony thought that they were both out of line and the other wasn't... innocent. But at least not to place full blame. Even if the stupid playboy had started it.

"For saying that you were playing with my feelings and..." Stark rolled his hand as if saying the rest, "Yep." He seemed to look anywhere but at Cap who had a tiny smile coming to his lips.

"I will say I was... extremely out of line to say the least. You actually don't screw a lot of things up- and I know you care about what everyone feels." He paused momentarily, "Oh- and, if you really say you aren't bisexual or... whatever you'd please then that is perfectly okay. Me stating that was... I'm sorry." Steve apologized, Tony carefully looked back to him and nodded the smallest bit.

"We good?" The brunette asked and the blonde gently nodded as an answer. "I uh." Tony bit his lip a little then rolled his head. "I think I'm still kinda figuring out the whole maybe gay maybe not thing but- that date would probably help if you're still up for it." Stark said and Steve smiled,


"If we don't die first," Tony cut his friend off and Steve shook his head.

"No one is going to die, Tony- alright? I mean Peter is kinda... out of the game for the moment but. He's alive and breathing so, no one is gonna die." Rogers said and the shorter of the two nodded.

"Alright well. I need food." Tony said as he slipped past Steven and headed for the kitchen. The blonde rolled his eyes but followed along.


Barnes walked into the living room as he usually would every other night and flopped down across from Natasha. She didn't seem to be drinking tonight which- Buck thought was nice but also made him curious.

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