~Chapter Thirty-Eight: Goodbye To Home, Whatever That May Be~

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It all happened in the blink of an eye... Clint holding his breath, hugging the young boy tightly to his chest, his back turned to the quinjet. He was waiting for a pain that didn't come, his eyes drifting over before widening in horror.

"No..." The word barely slipped past his lips as he watched four bullets hit Pietro. Before he had a chance to do anything though, before the other bullets could hit in the next split second the speedster was harshly yanked away. 

The barrage of bullets came to a stop as Hulk took to the skies, tackling the ship full force. Clint's eyes could only be focused on the silver-haired boy lying in the dirt a mere fifty feet away. Captain came rushing over with a "Barton-"

"I'm fine- get him to his mom-" His eyes didn't leave Pietro as he handed the kid off to Steve, getting up to jog over to Pietro. Peter was kneeling next to him, clearly panicking as he was trying to stop the bleeding. 

'There's so much blood...' Is all Hawkeye could think, the red seeping out from the four holes in the kid's chest and abdomen, soaking the once blue clothing he wore. "I tried-tried to pull him out of the way- if I'd just- just been faster-" Peter stuttered, mouth falling open.

"No- you did good- go get some help-" Clint said as he gently nudged Peter back. It was always hard in times like this, he'd always had to remind himself that Wanda, Peter, Pietro, they were all just kids no matter how much hero work they put on their shoulders. No matter what they'd seen or done... they were just kids...

Peter seemed a tad bit out of it but sped off towards the evac ships to get help while Clint put pressure on the wounds he could. If he'd been thinking straight he would have kept Peter there to help keep pressure on the wounds.

"What the hell were you doing?" The words came out before Clint had a chance to stop himself. Of course he was pissed at the kid.

The way Pietro's cloudy blue eyes loomed over to Clint was nothing short of heartbreaking. "I was being a hero... you didn't see that coming did you?" A broken smile crossed the boy's lips and Clint scoffed, the most half-hearted chuckle escaping him.

"That was dumb... that was dumb, and selfish, and irresponsible you brat..."

"Was it old man?"  Barton paused, caught off guard by what the kid had just said. "I saved you and the boy... I think it was worth it." He dropped his head back against the ground, moving a hand to touch one of the wounds before he held it up to study it. The softest quiver ran through him before he looked to the brunette. "I'm losing it too quickly aren't I?"

"Shut it- we're not having this talk you little smart ass. You-... you are going to get your ass up with my help and we're gonna walk go to one of the evac ships and get you some help. Do you understand me? And when you aren't on the verge of death? Then I'm gonna beat some sense into you." Clint sat the Maximoff boy up, trying desperately to keep him alive. He couldn't face the possibility of Pietro dying for him, not after what he'd promised the twins.

"Barton..."  Clint looked at Pietro, focusing on him before there was the most ever so slight shaking, a sharp sort of shockwave slithering its way out of the main part of the city. And Pietro... smiled? "She's throwing a fit Barton... I think... we both know I'm not getting on those evac ships..." He hung his head weakly, his hand finding its way onto Clint's arm. "I need you to watch out for Wanda, I need you to make sure... that she makes it out alive... and stays... safe..."

The master archer gave a quiet growl, scooping Pietro up. "Where the hell is Peter with help?..."

"DAMN IT OLD MAN..." The frustration and anger that erupted from the speedster caught Clint completely off guard, and finally, he looked at him. He really looked at Pietro and quietly sat back down. "Yes... I made a selfish choice and I feel like making another so if you could just-" He groaned and coughed, clearly trying to focus on the situation at hand. "Let me." He looked at the older man, his eyes more clouded over and dazed but still just as determined as before.

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