~Chapter Thirty-Six: Part Two: Hello Again My Best Nightmare~

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Right off the bat, the team was rolling through hell, Wanda using her abilities to help as she could, throwing bots. Pietro warned the cops- twice due to their not listening. Tony again was first to take a go at Ultron. Despite Banner not wanting to Bucky talked him into becoming Hulk again. Well... 'talked him into' is a relative term. 

Steve got into the fight gladly, keeping close to Wanda to protect her while she helped the people. Left and right, punches being thrown, shielding, and bracing.

"Natasha?" Clint called, "Natasha you here?" He and Bucky slowly slipped around a corner, searching for the kickass redhead as they had been for the last ten minutes. 

"Are you trying to let Ultron know we're here?" Bucky said, swatting Clint over the head lightly.

"James?- Francis!" Nat called hopefully, causing both men to look over, warm smiles curling at their lips.

As both raced over Barton gave an excited "Natasha!" as he began checking her over through the bars. He couldn't be more thankful that she was okay. He watched her turn to look James over next. She leaned into Buck's hand as he brushed her hair back before Clint pulled his bow out. "Back up, I'm gonna blow the door." 

Bucky put a hand up and ripped the lock off, letting Nat out- naturally she first hugged Clint. "What in the hell is going on up there?" Her voice was laced with curiosity and confusion. She had a pretty good idea of what it was but couldn't be sure. Barton decided against saying anything about how annoying Bucky was being, showing him up. He inwardly sighed, knowing he was being jealous for no good reason. 

Clint hugged her back tightly, feeling her heart beat, and her chest rise and fall with every breath she took. He didn't know how scared he'd really been up until this point, he was so glad to have her back, unsure of what he'd do if he didn't have her.

After a minute he realized he hadn't answered and shrugged as he carefully let go, using his thumb to wipe a bit of dirt off of her face. "Work?" He said in a jokey tone, hoping to earn a smile from her. His plan worked beautifully and she grinned some, turning to hug Bucky as well.

"Work? Just how bad is it up there?" She questioned, to which her best friend only blew a raspberry and shrugged.

"Better if you see it for yourself." He assured, cracking a grin before adding a, "We really need to get back out there, Steve and them are probably barely holding their own." Natasha nodded firmly and motioned him to lead the way, he happily turned on his heel and started leading them back out. Though, halfway out Natasha stopped herself and Bucky, looking up at him.

He took in a deep breath and hung his head, "I'm so sorry Natasha..."

"Don't beat yourself up, please? As long as you guys got the cradle it's completely fine..." Her fingers softly ran down his right arm, stopping at his hand. She then gently entangled their fingers and leaned up, placing an ever so soft kiss to his cheek. He went a soft shade of pink and sighed endearingly, squeezing her hand before kissing her head. "We'll talk more after... you hear me?"

Barnes nodded, feeling saddened as he felt her small, nimble fingers slip away from his own, the touch like that of a ghost, there and yet not. The whole place shook, parts of the cave crumbling down around them. Clint ducked with Nat and Bucky put his arm up to shield them. "TONY! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON UP THERE!?" Clint asked,

"Sokovia's going airborne..." Was all Tony replied, to which the boys looked at Nat, then each other.

"How are we gonna get out of here and up there in time?" Natasha asked, to which Bucky smirked a bit.

"I wouldn't worry about that..." He said in an amused tone as a certain Falcon friend came flying in,

"Natasha- good to see you're okay- Steve sent me down here to make sure you guys got out okay." James grinned at his friend and headed out with the others, looking up at Sokovia which was now well above their reach.

"Ladies first!" Clint nudged her to Sam who nodded and took her hand, pulling her chest to chest with him as he said n,

 "I'll be back soon." Before he zoomed off, taking her up. Natasha looked around at the catastrophe zone, taking in a deep breath before spotting Steve. She headed over, lightly knocking him over the head before she shot a bot.

"Always cleaning up after you boys..." She cooed with a smile, rolling her eyes. Steve looked over with a beaming smile, hugging her tightly. Natasha took the com he offered with a playful grin before heading back over to the edge to see Sam was bringing up Clint. At that very moment, she could feel the earth begin to give under her feet. She moved quickly, rushing to get to a safer land- it wasn't fully herself that she was worried about though.

She peered over to see Wilson dodging the falling rubble, Clint giving a "Jesus!-" It wasn't them she was really worried about either though, she was worried about Barnes who vanished as the rubble hit the ground and a storm of dust brushed over the ground below.

"We really need to get this handled..." Tony murmured over the coms, though everyone, and I mean everyone paused as they saw a small plane flying past. 

"Who would be flying in a time like this?" Wanda asked,

"Who would have permission to fly in a time like this?" Her brother responded, popping up next to her. Peter swung over, skidding to a stop next to them.

"What is that?..."  Wanda squinted her eyes as she tried to figure out what was falling from the sky.

There was a long pause and a "Is it another nuke?..." From Tony, everyone could here Steve's exasperated 'don't you even think about it' sigh. Then, there was a scoff from Peter before a small bit of actual laughter,

"It isn't an it at all..." He smiled, webbing himself forward, going past buildings. "It's a who... it's Wade!" He squeaked excitably, his mind racing with the question of if Wade had listened to his voicemail. He watched the bright red figure flail through the sky before he caught him mid-swing, both going crashing into the ground. 

Peter groaned softly before raising his head to look at Wade who pulled his mask up just enough to give a stupid little grin. 


Hey guys! Sorry the chapter is so short but more is coming on Mondays and Fridays until it's over! I hope you enjoyed and are ready for the ending! Only a couple more chapters!

I love you guys so so much!

Oaky Den! Baiiiii!

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