~Chapter Fifteen: Team? Family? Friends? They're All The Same~

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Jessica let her and the two men into Matt's apartment, Danny and Luke seemed to have disappeared. Meanwhile, Matt was looking through a stack of paperwork and Claire was looking Steve over, patching him up. The two looked over and Steve sat up a bit, wincing somewhat. "Tony-" He paused in seeing Barnes. "Buck..." the blonde murmured softly.

Jessica moved and shut the door behind them, Stark stepped out of the suit and walked over to Steve James following soon after. "Jesus Rogers- Steve what the hell happened to you?" Tony looked at the heavily bruised ribs and side, then to the blondes somewhat cut up face and what seemed to be broken or badly injured leg.

"Hydra..." Steve mumbled, trying to read what was in the mechanic's eyes. "They wanted you to come find me... They wanted you." The blue eyes loomed over to the long-haired brunet who back stared at him with pure care and love.

"We could kind of guess... Are you okay? Do I need to take you back to the lab and run scans or?" Steve shook his head and reached his hand up, tapping Stark lightly.

"I'm good. Tired... and my leg and ribs are killing me but I'll live." Claire finally butted in,

"I'm Claire, Claire Temple. I'm a nurse for anyone like... well him. Or you guys. Vigilantes, heroes, and don't even start with the innocent shouldn't be in any crossfire like this. I've dealt with these people for a while now. If someone wanted me dead I'd be dead already." She held out her hand and Stark carefully shook it. Claire helped sit Captain up and he gave the two guys a firm look.

"You're sure you're okay? I mean... It's been like three or four days now Capsicle. We were worried." Steve could tell the genius meant that he was worried, the blonde's melted. 'He was really scared of what happened to me? Positive... I think I may be falling for Stark. Hard.' Tony Stark was actually scared of what had happened to him. Claire stepped away to give them some space and instead walked over to see what Jessica was getting to in the kitchen cabinet.

"I'm sure..." Steven replied softly, Tony let out a small thankful sigh and Buck gave him a firm nod. "I see you found Bucky..." Steve was completely unsure if Tony would take the ex-assassin to SHIELD or not. Stark just nodded, keeping his eyes on Steve.

The front door opened and two guys stepped in, just the two who were missing. Luke and Danny. "Would someone maybe, explain just who you are?" Stark asked openly.

"These guys are called the Defenders. Danny, the Iron Fist. Luke, he has unbreakable skin. Jessica, she has super strength and can heal faster than most. And Matt- he's blind." Claire teased.

"Hey! I am not just a blind man-"

"Wait a blind man saved me?"

"Then what do you do?" Tony cut Steve off, who had cut Matt off, who had originally cut Claire off. Matt looked in Stark's direction,

"I'm Daredevil. My other senses are extremely heightened." Matt continued running his hands over his braille paperwork, Tony tilted his head and casually walked over. Claire gave him an 'I wouldn't' look. Which he completely ignored. "Mr. Stark I'd like it if you'd take a step back."

"I wouldn't doubt his ass kickin skills..." Luke added as he walked over and wrapped an arm around Claire. The mechanic threw a punch- just to test Murdock, who caught it and stood up. He continued on to flip Stark onto his back on the table then sit back down. Tony let out a groan as he heard Barnes crack up.

Someone sat Tony up and held out a hand, "Danny Rand." the playboy shook it and nodded a little to the kid,

"Tony Stark- I think I may have met your parents when I was younger. Nice people. You seem to be keeping the company in check." Tony smiled warmly at the kid and sighed. "And point taken not to mess with your friend." A smirk found it's way onto Matt's face. Steve stood himself with a groan, Bucky shot him a scared glance and Claire shook her head.

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