~Chapter Thirty-Two: Isn't It Obvious?~

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"WAKEY WAKEY." Clint called as he walked down the hall, opening Tony and Steve's door with an, "Aye lovebirds- get your asses up we have things to be doing." Steve appeared to already be awake, brushing Tony's hair softly as he rested. He just gave Clint the 'he didn't sleep last night' look and the master archer left them be. Everyone knew that if you got Tony to sleep it's a miracle and to let him sleep for as long as possible- even in the case of a certain killer ai being on the loose.

If Peter were awake it'd be a different story, for now, he had yet to wake and his little vigilante friend stayed with him. As the blonde decided to peek into the other rooms his first stop was Nat's, least to say it was a bit of an odd surprise to see two ex-assassins with dark pasts sitting on the floor in some casual clothing, a cup of coffee next to each, playing Go Fish. He said nothing, unsure if he was wordless in surprise or if it was too awkward to say anything he only gave a silent nod to the two before moving on.

Was he still kinda off because of his and Natasha's break? No way... okay maybe just a little. 'Who wouldn't be worried with a hottie like James around.' He paused, asking himself if he really just thought that. He groaned and silently peeked in, seeing Banner was brushing his teeth- they made eye contact and Clint, trying to be a good friend asked: "How're you holdin up man?..."

The brunette spit out the minty toothpaste and rinsed his mouth, sighing as he dried it off with a, "I feel terrible I mean- I mean I could have killed someone..." Clint nodded a bit and gave him a caring smile.

"Buuuuuuut, ya didn't..." Banner turned to give him what was supposed to come off as a hurtful or annoyed look but being such a softy Barton just smiled more. "Come downstairs and get some eggs man, Pete's still out- Tony is finally resting though I think Steve is a bit stuck... That masked weirdo is still down there too." He hummed.

'Wade.' Bruce remembered, he nodded, "Can do. God, I hope Thor isn't down there already... he always steals all the freakin poptarts." Clint couldn't help but sneer at that response and had it not been for there being one too many gays in the household (and the lovely Jane of course) he would have made a joke that Bruce and Thor act like a couple all the time.

Bruce slipped past his friend and waddled downstairs, smiling at Laura with a polite "Good morning..." Before turning to Wade and Peter, studying the kid sadly. He knew deep down that this was the witch's fault, that she'd messed with him... but he still lost control, hell, he could have killed Tony if Peter hadn't gotten in the way.

"Finally!... Thank fucking god you got here- where am I supposed to go to eat man? I have this flippin mask on!- I just want breakfast..." Wade whined and Bruce shook his head silently, giving Wade a look that asked 'have you given a single thought to Peter?' And Wilson, had he not had his mask on, would be giving an offended look to the scientist. "Are you kidding? He's all I've thought about..." Bruce paused before his look softened and he kneeled down to Peter, checking his vitals gently.

"Say- anyone seen blondie? Didn't see him down here earlier, figured he was in his room." Barton came bouncing down the stairs and Laura hummed as she slid some eggs onto a plate.

"He took off just after I woke up, left a note saying he needed to 'figure some things out' being all mysterious and weird." She supplied, motioning to a note on the counter. "You guys are a really great team- does everyone just not tell each other where they're going or what they're doing?" She teased, Bruce and Wade shared a look.

"Who they're doing..." Clint mumbled quietly and Laura gave him a look that said 'not in front of the kids' and he scoffed. "They are in their own little worlds." She narrowed her eyes and motioned to Bruce who threw his hands up.

"Oh- thank you, Laura, really," He said in an exasperated tone- meanwhile Clint just died, loving his sister more than words could explain. It became very clear to Bruce and Wade in that moment that the siblings shared the same annoying sense of humor. Oh, and who joined at the perfect time? A certain couple of assassins, Buck first then Tasha who gladly took a plate of eggs and began shoveling them in her face.

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