~Chapter Thirty-Nine: The End~

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When the rubble finished falling from the skies the helicarrier landed and allowed the evacuation ships to land, letting their occupants off onto the helicarrier to get more medical attention and find their loved ones it was chaos... controlled for the most part but who could blame the panicked people.

Tony, now having a low suit power took a moment to get to the carrier and ended up tumbling down onto it awkwardly, groaning and sitting up as Steve headed over. "Hey, metalhead- open up and let me get a good look at ya..." The Capsicle murmured with a soft tone and Tony did as asked.

The first question out of the playboys mouth was, "Have you seen the kid? Is he okay?"

"Peter's fine... He's off finding his boyfriend-"

"Whom we still don't know the identity of..."

"One battle at a time there hot stuff." Steve chuckled in response, brushing Tony's hair back before giving him a gentle, soothing kiss. Both were beyond glad their little family was doing okay.

The same couldn't be said for Wanda who when Vision landed with took off to find her twin brother but froze when she did. She'd felt it when he'd been shot, she'd felt him pass, she knew deep down but she hadn't wanted to believe that what happened was real.

"I'm... so sorry..." Was all Clint could croak out as he looked to the Scarlet Witch, his eyes red and puffy. All she could do was give a heartbroken sob as she stepped over, dropping to her knees as she pulled her brothers body close. Wanda's hands shook as she brushed Pietro's hair out of his face, kissing his head before she clung to him, crying like anyone had yet to see.

It wasn't long before Natasha found the master archer, her ex, her best friend in the world. But he didn't look like the man she knew... The man before her was crushed, sitting on the flooring of the ship, his back against the seats, staring at the dead boy across from him before hanging his head, his knees pulled up to him some.

"Hey- Francis," She tried to sound joking as she stepped over, halting as he raised his head to stare at her. He had the face of someone who'd just had their heart torn in half. His eyes red and puffy, unmistakably from crying. He was pale too and spaced out, his hands shaking in the slightest. "Oh... Clint..." She kneeled down to hug him. There was no fight in any way shape or form, he hugged her tightly, tucking his face in her.

Sam and Bucky decided to give them some space and instead went over to Tony and Steve. "Earth to lovers we're glad you're both alive but can you tone down the hot and heavy makin out? There are kids here man-" Sam gave Steve a joking smack upside the head to which the super-soldier went bright pink while Tony grinned some.

Rhodey was laying out on the ground not too far from them, sighing with the suit open, clearly taking a well needed breather. "That was ridiculous..."

"You can say that again..." James agreed, looking around at the civillians instead of his friends before he paused. "Hey, Pete isn't lookin too hot over there." He pointed out a confused, clearly frightened looking Peter who was looking around through the crowds. In an instant he was on top of one of the evacuation ships.

"I'll go see what's up..." Steve carefully got up, knowing more than most anyone there that a parents job is never really over. Stark looked after him as he walked over but decided to stay with the others.

"Hey," Steve tapped the ship that his son was sitting on to get his attention, the kid looked at him, eyes filled with worry. "What's goin on? You alright?"

Peter shook his head, slowly climbing down as he murmured a quiet, "He isn't here..."

"The- your boyfriend?" Steve questioned, looking around as he realized nobody had seen the bright red-suited freak anywhere. "Well he said he was fine before Tony blew the place, have you tried checking inside? I heard they're taking the injured down to the med-bay."

"I did... I checked out here first, then I did a round on the inside, then I came back out to do another round up here... He isn't here pops." He swallowed and looked up at his adoptive father who carefully pulled him into a hug. "I'm worried he stayed behind and sacrificed himself..."

"We'll find him." The blonde sighed, patting his still masked child's head.

"Are you kidding me!" Both looked over to Tony who had already climbed out of his suit and was starting something with Fury. "He took the quinjet and just- left? And you let him?"

"Stark, when a gamma-enhanced man in Hulk form decides to take the quinjet there isn't much we can do- what- you wanted me to go up there and start a fight with him?" Fury answered, to which Peter paused.

"Mr. Fury, sir?" He walked over, "Do you know if Deadpool happened to be on the ship with him?" Steve followed, stopping to look at Tony before shaking his head.

Fury looked at Parker, eyes quiet, studying, watching. "I do, it was only Dr. Banner on that craft, when you find that vigilante though send him my way, I've got some things to speak to him about." Peter's head fell with a sigh and a nod, turning on his heel to go, to search again.

"Lets hope for both of our sakes you didn't just blow up the flying city with the kids first boyfriend on it Tony..." Steve groaned quietly, looking at his boyfriend who shrugged innocently.

"He said he was fine, everyone agreed to do it." Tony put his hands up, shaking his head quietly.

Both paused as Friday alerted Stark that he had a call coming in from Pepper, to which Rhodey cracked up from the background. "You aren't dating her anymore and you're still totally busted..." He grinned, getting up.

"Oh shut it..." Stark grumbled, earning a kiss on the cheek from Steve before he patted his shoulder.

Steve too was trying not to crack up and laugh at his boyfriend. "Well go on, don't leave her with an unanswered call, you know how she gets... especially after life or death situations." Tony nodded with wide eyes before taking a deep breath and answering,

"Hey Pep-"

"Tony! Oh, thank god..." An exasperated, thankful sigh came from the other end of the line. "Thank god..." She whispered again,

Tony pursed his lips a bit, Pepper worrying wasn't anything new but something sounded wrong to the hero. "You alright Pepper? You sound a bit off..." He started wearily, shifting from foot to foot.

She sighed again, "Yea... I'm okay Tony... just tired." Pepper murmured, causing both the blonde and the ravenette to share a look, agreeing that she was probably sleeping before all this. "Is the kid okay? Peter I mean, I saw you roped him in-"

"I did no such thing! He wormed his way onto the quinjet with that bad influence of a b-"

"He's fine Pepper." Steve cut Tony off, rolling his eyes with a smile.

She was quiet for a long moment, "I'm really glad to hear, I was worried about you guys. You don't have the slightest idea of how thankful I am... Listen, Tony, when you get back we need to talk about something important..." Her voice came off more strained and uneasy at the end of her sentence, again causing Tony and Steve to share a look.

"Pepper, are you sure everything is okay? You don't sound like yourself..." Stark murmured, more gentle and worried. Steve softly took his partner's free hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, as if to say that if something is up they'll handle it together.

Pepper took a deep breath, clearly shifting around wherever she was sitting.

"Tony, I'm pregnant."


This is officially the end of the first book! I hope you guys enjoyed it I should be starting to post the second one really soon!

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