~Chapter Nineteen: Lets Talk About This! You Know What, Lets Not...~

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"What are we going to do about them?" Natasha asked as she flopped down on the couch, sitting across from James. This had become their thing now, two in the morning at least twice a week. They just talked and talked, feeling it was nice that someone understood what was rolling through their heads.

"Steve and Tony?" He asked, already knowing her answer was yes. "Well... I guess I could talk to Steve- I don't think I've ever seen him go off like that before... As for Stark. Yea that's your area of expertise."  Natasha opened the two beers she had in her hands then handed one to Bucky and took a long sip.

"They're so childish!" She shook her head, "Can't even handle their own relationships..." Barnes cracked a smile and took a sip of his drink. Romanoff leaned her head back then set her drink down and stretched her arms back, her long sleeved shirt came up a bit and he noticed what seemed to be a bruise on her stomach.

"You okay?" The brunet asked as he leaned forward and stared at it, she sat up and looked to him then to where he was looking. She pulled her shirt up a bit to get a clear look then cracked up,

"Yea, Steve was a little distracted at training this morning and hit me with his shield, and by hit me I mean he threw it the wrong way and it bounced off the wall. It hit me and-" She cracked up and grabbed her phone off the table. She unlocked it and showed him the video, she was to busy laughing to explain. She was right, Steve was off and like she had said. It hit the wall and bounced towards her, he could only guess Steve was supposed to aim around her. Instead it went straight into Natasha and took her with it for a moment before hitting the nearest wall.

"Jesus..." He mumbled, it more worried him more than it made him smile.

"It's nothing, well I mean my stomach is." She turned around and lifted her shirt up to show her back which much like her front was bruised, they both looked equally awful. James reached his metal hand out and ran his fingers along her back nearing her side, completely parallel to her shoulders. She jumped and he quickly took his hand back somewhat. She turned and looked at him,

"Your arm doesn't scare me you know, it was just cold..." She murmured softly with a small smile. She gently took his hand and put it back where it was before. They met eyes and went silent for a moment before he set his drink down on the coffee table and leaned in, their lips met in a soft gentle kiss. Natasha, to his surprise she kissed him back.

"I can't-" she moved back a bit and looked to the side. "I'm sorry." She stood up and shifted. "I'll see you tomorrow Bucky..." She had never really called him Bucky before, though he nodded silently as his cheeks burned.


The next day was Friday, Peter went to school and the day passed slowly as always. Though... after school things took a small turn.

"Hey Peter." Flash said as he slammed the brunet into the nearest wall. If there was one person Peter could hate (besides Loki) it was Flash. This kid was a real dick... two of his friends came around the corner and smirked.

Peter let out a small breath, 'Just don't beat the crap out of them... just don't kick their ass... just don't do it...' Peter thought to himself. "You listening?" Flash snapped in front of the suit-less spiders face. He nodded, Flash shook his head and the other boys grabbed Peter who struggled a bit.

"You weren't listening..." Flash hissed, his patience wore thin. And so it began, for the fourth time in the last week and a half. Flash would beat the ever loving shit out of Peter and yet he'd never say a word after.

After a good two minutes Flash stopped and took in a breath, the frail looking brunet already had a bloody nose and probably a cracked rib or two. He looked like he'd just lost at least four fights. Flash only gave him a sharp smile, then walked over and grabbed Peter buy the jaw. "Ya listening now?"

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