~Chapter Thirty: Part One: Welcome To The Lost And Found~

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A young boy went to get help taken away while trying to get help for his aunt who was being crushed under the rubble of their building, he was pulled away by a man who was only doing what he could in a time of crisis. He took the boy to a shelter while the war raged on outside. Aliens flying through the sky and a group newly being known as the Avengers trying to stop them from completely invading the world.

Some were great heroes that people knew well, heroes like Ironman or Captain America, Thor- the god of thunder even. Staring at it through the little brown eyes he had, fourteen-year-old Peter Parker was a mess of emotions.

Both in awe and terror, fear and heartbreak. The day that Peter had been saved by Captain America was the day he lost the most important person in his life, his aunt. May was his last living relative, his parents had died when he was much younger and Ben hadn't been long after.

As explained, of course, this wasn't the first time he'd lost family... but this one caused him the most pain. Every time he lost someone else he still had May who would comfort him and take care of him, promise him that everything would be okay.

She was the best aunt anyone could ever ask for, staying up and watching StarTrek while eating waffles at three in the morning when Peter would have a nightmare, cuddled up under one of the biggest blankets they had. Or taking him out to have hotdogs in the park when he had a bad day, just laying out a blanket on the grass and staring up at the clouds. They would always end up a mess of laughter, point out the funniest shapes in the clouds to one another. A giraffe wearing a tutu or a dragon with a bow on its head.

Of course, there were the small things to... how she would write a little note and stick it in his lunch after he went to bed. It would read 'You're the smartest guy in the room Petey' or 'Hey goof- squeaky squeaky squeaky!' It was inside joke...

She would always grab his laundry and wash it for him, setting it into two piles, one being colors and the other being 'shades' as Peter put it- just different shades of colors of clothing he already had.

She always knew what to do to make him smile, even when he didn't... She knew exactly how he liked things and how to help with problems he didn't understand. He tore himself apart from the inside out, what was he supposed to do without her?

The brunet found himself sitting smack in the middle of an all too crowded shelter, the reason for there being so many people quite obvious. It hurt more and more when he would see new people arrive, mothers rushing to their children- or sisters running into their big brother's arms, best friends bursting into tears when they saw each other's faces.

Peter knew he still had MJ and them but- god only knows if they were alive or dead, they weren't here as far as he could tell. And at that point, Peter broke... Tears streaming down his face, unstoppable and warm. He pulled his hoodie up and set his face into his hands, crying like he never quite had before. Like this was truly... the worst thing to ever happen to him.

So he ran, he picked himself up from where he was sitting, and he took off. He pushed through the waves of people coming in, rudely shoving his way out. He felt unable to breathe, unable to stop the tears, like the world was coming in around him and all he could try and do was find some sort of way out.

And he did, he opened his eyes as the sunlight fell on his skin, his vision blurred as he looked around at the destruction. He didn't stop though- he was going further. Further, faster. Most, if not all blocks and streets looked unfamiliar and confusing, between smoke and fires and huge chunks of buildings lying around it all looked the same. Not to mention there were dead aliens everywhere...

And then he found himself at a place he'd been many times before, Osborn Industries. Or as he and the others called it, Oscorp. The place was still being evacuated, workers of all kinds rushing out into the streets- and those who'd made it out already were either heading for shelter or calling loved ones.

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