~Chapter Twenty Three: Love Is Supposed To Hurt... Right?...~

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Peter blinked slowly, trying to take in his surroundings... It felt hard to breathe- what happened? Where was he? Just what was going on?... It then hit him like a bag of bricks and he sat straight up, looking around the room with wide eyes at the few figures around him. Wade had passed out and Steve was talking to Bruce,

"Hey- Peter." The almost sharp tone caught Peter off guard and he looked over to stare at the man whose voice he knew so well.

"Hey Mr. Stark..." he managed, barely though. His voice was weak and broken, cracking and the pain fucking killed him. This quickly caught Bruce and Steve's eyes too. Rogers stood quiet and still, watching Bruce carefully walk over and sit down next to Tony and stare at the young man.

"Is everyone okay!?..." Peter said, his neck and throat killing him, again... it still felt hard to breathe and his voice had given out.

"Calm down. And try not to talk." Banner began in a comforting tone, Peter slowly sat back the smallest bit. "Rhodes has a few bad scrapes and some serious bruising but he's fine. Gwen and them too." He continued, Peter was re-registering all of what happened. And re-remembering the air being unable to get in his lungs... the crushing arm against his neck... the inability to do anything...

"Peter?" Tony asked for the millionth time, the small brunette blinked and looked at Stark finally. "You alright?" Peter was taken aback somewhat by the caring and soft warm tone of the mechanic's voice, like he was trying to calm Peter down. The suit-less spider nodded, lying just the tiniest bit.

"Again. Just try not to use your voice- take it easy kiddo..." Bruce gave him a gentle smile, "You're gonna be just fine." He reassured Parker then stood up. Tony scooted closer, knowing the look of 'remembering one of the most traumatizing moments of your life'. Before he could say anything though Steve walked over and leaned against the foot of the bed a bit,

"Tried to get him to leave." The blonde smiled widely as he motioned to Wade, "Gave Hawkeye- a black-eye." Peter couldn't help but smile the tiniest bit- both at the crappy attempt at a joke and at how much Wade seemed to care. At first, Tony was annoyed with Steve but let it go quickly as he realized the annoying Capsicle was just trying to make the little pale fifteen-year-old smile. And it worked so beautifully.

In all honesty?... Tony envied how Steve could make Peter smile, that smile was something so real and honest that it warmed the mechanic top to bottom...

"Thanks..." Peter murmured carefully and both the two- seemingly mature older men looked to one another, then back to him.

"For what?..." Steve wondered aloud in a silvery tone, he then gently tilted his head at the boy. Stark only stitched his brows together, looking confused and a little worried about the kid.  ~UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR~ Peter flashed his bright usual smile at the two.

"For saving me..." Peter began, catching the two off guard already. "I..." He chewed his lip for a small moment, "I was really scared..." Peter admitted, he was always scared but never once had he backed down from a fight. There was a difference between backing down from a fight and knowing you aren't able to, he still smiled though, just barely. "But... you guys saved me... I mean- I at least remember Steve trying to help..."

"Yea and then he got slammed into the bar wall,-" Tony retold the rest of what happened to them to Peter, Steve adding a detail here and there.

"With a fondue skewer?..." The fifteen-year-old asked,  looking at Tony like he was some kind of legendary warrior- maybe a god even. Before the mechanic could answer Natasha walked in, looking extremely annoyed, pissed even.

"Why would no one tell me that he's up!" She half-roared, then walked over and in a benign way shoved Steve to the side so she could get the best view of Peter. Her annoyed yelling had woke Wade up, he actually jerked awake in a rather violent way, looking around the room. His eyes landed on his most favorite person ever.

"PETER!!!" Wade screeched way too loudly, he sounded happier and excited then the time Pete had lost a bet and had to go out with him to get Dippin' Dots while the older of the two loudly sang Hollaback Girl in line. MJ had joked it was a date and Wade had dearly wished it was. He threw his arms around the younger boy who seemed to process for a short moment then hugged his best friend back. Natasha cooed over the two for a moment while Stark rolled his eyes and Steve smiled softly at the two.

Then Peter said something stupid. Very stupid.

"Jeez- I didn't think you'd miss me that much."

Wade seemed to pause at the statement, "You're joking right_ that... that was a joke. Right, Pete?" He asked and Peter shrugged just barely. "OH MY GOD PETTTTEERRRRRRR! OF COURSE I'D MISS YOU THAT MUCH!!!! ARE YOU A FREAKING IDIOT!?!?!?" Wade shrieked in a rude tone, causing Peter to jump a bit. Stark was already greatly annoyed with the Wade kid who Peter claimed was a friend from school, which wasn't a total lie. Him being a friend anyway, like Wade went to school. Steve thought it was nice someone besides them cared for him so much.

"That's a little harsh bud..." Nat lightly teased, though the suitless spider was not at all offended, in fact, his heart fluttered rapidly.

"He really shouldn't overwork his vocals... Not that anyone cares and or is listening..." Banner mumbled, he was kinda right. That no one was really listening.

"I see why Fury likes having you guys around..." Peter began rambling, catching everyone's attention. "You guys do make a good team..." Though he stated it as if directed to everyone it was aimed at Tony and Steve who still hadn't been talking... The two again looked to each other for a moment and stared.

"That we are. Stark, Rogers, I need to borrow you." Natasha said in a motherly way, squeezing Peter's foot lightly and motioned the two 'men' rather boys to come along. "You. Rest," She then said to the two teens, "And catch up." she added and walked out. Tony and Steve followed her into the hall, looking at her curiously.

"Ultron's been in everything. Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other." She began, meanwhile Peter moved his attention from the doorway to Wade as he said,

"Pete-y can we talk?..." He asked in an oddly small tone. Peter just nodded and stretched just barely, inwardly feeling like shit that he hadn't been out there and 'helping' the others for not two minutes before he messed up big time and almost ended up getting killed. "Well- yesterday was just kinda crazy- with the fight and- and Gwen-" He paused as a wide smile grew on Peter's face. Parker then brought his hands to his face and slowly set them down.

"Oh my god I completely forgot she kissed me- Wade. Gwen kissed me..." Peter seemed to process for a moment, still smiling, he then looked to Wilson again. "Dude- do you know how long I've had a crush on her!?..." His voice was still raspy but when Wade heard those words his heart broke. Gwen liked Peter... and Peter liked Gwen. It was as simple as that... It felt like Wade's world was collapsing, crushing down on him and suffocating him, taking all the air from his lungs and leaving him deflated and sad like a crappy pool floaty in winter. Bright and colorful, yet so alone and useless as of the moment.

"I- didn't know you had a crush on her- you've... never brought it up." Wade said, forcing what to everyone else would look like a happy smile.

"Well duh- her and I have been close for what feels like forever- I mean- she's smart- and- if we're being truthful we all know Gwen is really pretty... I was just so worried about what she'd say I-I've been trying to find the courage to ask her out for months now! And I know Steve and Tony seem to like her, so- I mean..." Peter seemed barely overwhelmed, in a good way. Wade felt like his soul had just shrivled up and died.

Wade and Peter hadn't always been close, they only knew each other for a few two or three months now... and Wade knew he really wasn't all that smart or beautiful... inside or out. He also knew Stark and Rogers weren't his biggest fans... Then Wade suddenly realized.

'I'm everything Peter doesn't want or need...'



Currently in the hospital gettin my infusion. Fun times.

So- that happened.

I hope I ripped out your hearts, or close to it.

Votes and such halp!

Oaky Den!!!! BAIIII!!!!

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