~Chapter Thirty: Part Two: Just Call Me Deadpool~

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Peter awoke with a soft groan, slowly blinking and looking around, unsurely registering that he was indeed alive. 'Was it a dream?...' He paused as he realized there was something above him, he turned his head to look at whatever it was and found it was a who.

He shrieked rather femininely, putting his hands up to block himself from any incoming attacks. The other, masked, person yelped and fell back, something on his face. It took Peter a moment to register that he may have thrown something at the person in his panic.

"DUDE WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" The masked man asked, clearly a man by his voice. Peter got up in seconds, stepping back with a,

"I DON'T KNOW! WHO ARE YOU!? WHERE AM I-" He paused as his legs got rather cold and he looked down, "WHERE ARE MY PANTS!?" Parker grabbed the edge of the shirt, yanking it down to his lower thighs.

'I told you we shouldn't change his clothes.' White sighed disapprovingly while Wade was desperately trying to pull whatever it was, off his mask. While usually, he wouldn't mind a sticky white substance on his face- he did this time.

"You didn't disagree to his pants!" Wilson argued with White, listening to the panicking boy trip. Wade finally pulled the stuff off his face, finding it to be... webs? He looked at the boy, a tiny smile coming to his lips under his mask. The boy had fallen back into a pile of laundry and was again pulling the shirt down as best as he could, looking at the man confused and honestly frightened. It was cute, him looking a blushy and flustered.

"Alright- alright- just- listen okay? I'm not gonna hurt you- I pulled you from the rubble of Osborn Industries- you were a friggin dusty mess so I took your shirt and pants and threw them in the washer- I put one of my shirts on you because I didn't want you getting cold..." Wade assured him softly as he stepped over, kneeling down and holding out a hand to help Peter up.

"Who even are you?" Parker asked as he unsurely took the hand, trying to processes this. His mouth opened and he let out a, "WAIT A MOMENT. From the rubble? I- I should be dead!"

"I know right." Wade said in a happy tone, standing the younger of the two up. "And- you just call me Deadpool." Peter nodded just barely as he studied the older guy, though all he could see was a suit and a mask it said quite a bit. He was taller than Peter and more buff for sure...

Peter gasped before screeching an "OH MY GOD! HARRY! IS HE- oh no-" Wade stopped him, putting a hand over his mouth, causing Parker to just stare at him quietly.

"First of all, please stop screaming my neighbors are going to file a noise complaint. Secondly, the Osborn kid? He's fine. That Defender chick Jessica Jones grabbed him and jumped out before it came down- I still have no clue how you made it though... your bones should be broken in every way humanly possible but- you don't even have a scratch on you... and the webbing..."

Peter carefully took the guys wrist, moving the hand from his face as he sighed softly, glad Harry was okay... Though it brought him right back around to the memory- the one where he'd been forced to leave his aunt. He swallowed a bit, knowing that she'd died there, she was already out of it as he'd been dragged away.

"How are you feeling?..." The vigilante questioned softly, seeing the expression change on the other's face.

"I... don't know..." The younger admitted wearily, looking down a bit. He jumped and fired webs at the door as there was a knock, then paused in awe, looking at his arms like 'did I do that?...'

"One sec-" Deadpool walked over to the door and opened it, paying for the pizza and taking it before wiggling the box.

"New York City was over-run with aliens yesterday... people... died... and you ordered pizza?" Peter replied, shaking his head disapprovingly. "They friggin deliver too?..." His stomach growled, betraying his trying to act moody and like he wanted nothing to do with this weirdo who supposedly saved his life.

Wade smirked to himself, "Hell yea. Now eat." and Parker unsurely did so, shoving pizza in his face like he hadn't eaten in months.

'God he's cute...' Wade thought... thoughtfully.

'Look at him-he is in your shirt eating your pizza. OH MY GOD CAN WE KEEP HIM!?' Yellow agreed excitably.

'I would try reasoning with you two but I have a feeling it'd be virtually impossible to get you to try and think otherwise...' White officially gave up on them.

And that was the day that Wade knew that he was going to be keeping a close eye on this boy, and things only felt to get better...

After eating and changing into his clothes Peter ran out on the masked man- on Deadpool... He looked to the city and shut his eyes tightly for a moment, then slowly made his way back to May's place. Here he was, a fourteen-year-old boy alone after a catastrophe, staring at a destroyed building which he knew his aunt was buried under.

He broke into tears again as he saw just her hand, he put a hand to his mouth, gasping softly before turning away. 'Aunt May... she's actually...' He stepped away and vomited, unsure of how he could ever handle this.

What caught him off guard heavily was the feeling of being hugged by someone, more specifically being hugged by a masked vigilante man named Deadpool who he'd met less than an hour- maybe two ago. But he didn't fight, he only buried his face, quietly sobbing into him.


Sorry I said I would post Friday and ended up posting today- I've been with a friend for her birthday and had a rather busy couple of days.

If anything is off as always feel free to point it out!

As always votes, comments, and other stuff halp!

Love you guys lots!


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