~Chapter Thirteen: Yes I Did~

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Quick A/N
I tried desperately to find fan-art of the Defenders AND Claire Temple. The world was not having it so I'm sorry but I love her to bits and pieces so I'll make next chapters pic be her. Cool? Cool. Carry on.


Tony had gotten back not ten minutes ago (after waiting for Bruce to get back to the hospital...) and was already arguing with the others.

"Well, who do you think is our best guess here?" Natasha rolled her eyes as Tony sighed, currently, they were sitting around playing the 'Who, When, Where, Why, and How' game. They could already place a few.

Steve was taken from Avengers tower about probably half an hour before Bucky showed up, which was five minutes before the rest. They could guess that if he was taken, (which he probably was) he had to have been either surprised or overpowered. Neither of which are easy to pull on Rogers. As for the question of why? It could be a hundred things,

"You think Hydra took him?" Clint asked, practically reading his partners mind. The redhead carefully nodded and hopped up onto what was left of the kitchen counter.

"If so there could be a million reasons why..." James murmured from the couch. Tony paced as Thor sat down next to Bucky. Clint leaned against a nearby wall.

"You mean like you, Barnes?" Stark snapped at the long-haired brunet. Bucky slowly looked over and glared at the mechanic. He wanted to be angry at Tony or call him a dick but...

"Arguing isn't getting us anywhere guys." Nat shook her head, "And back off Tony. You know just as well as the rest of us that he's not the bad guy- to us anyway... and we don't need you two fighting while we're trying to save Steve! I mean I get that you two got the hots for him but gentleman that can be dealt with later." Everyone froze, Bucky let his head hang and Stark blushed like mad.

"He's right though Romanoff, if they can have any reason for kidnapping Steve It's completely possible I'm one of them. Maybe you should just turn me in... it might be safer for Steven that way..." James looked around at them, his eyes read something of hurt and love. Heartbreak and worry. He was ready to do whatever need be to keep his childhood friend and ex safe.

"No. Because I sure as hell know blondie would be pissed, wouldn't forgive us for turning you in. You're innocent. So start thinking! If we want him back, we have to actually find him. So come on, shoot. What ideas do we have? Leads on any Hydra agents?" The redhead gave Barnes a firm nod and stared at the others intensely.

Clint was quiet, wondering how Steve was doing... hell.

Everyone was...


2 Days later...

"Ya. I don't think your plans gonna work. Ya see. James and them can't come to get me back if they don't even have a clue where I am." Steve had been barely holding out, his face bloodied and bruised all to hell. Honestly so had the rest of him... He'd been knocked out a few times but mentally was fine. Besides the growing worry for Bucky, and missing the others... especially Tony...

"Big talk for a man tied to a chair... Besides. We have our plans and ways. It's all about timing..." The redheaded man who had still not given Steven his name continued to taunt the super soldier. A grin curled at the ends of Cap's lips.

"You're right about one thing..." Steve had been working at the damn ropes every chance no one was looking. "Timing... is everything." He snapped the ropes and stood up, dodging the fist that came flying at him. He instead caught it and twisted the guy's arm behind his back. Steve then harshly shoved him against the wall.

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