~Chapter Twenty-Nine: Part One: Skewed Sight~

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Stark was blasted back by Ultron, though that didn't stop him from pulling himself from the wall and getting back up to fight. He took to the air and the two became quickly entangled in a dance of different repulsor blasts and dodging maneuvers. Tony wanted to remove this metal being from his world already, knowing he'd messed up big time- for the millionth time.

When Natasha had stormed down into the lab to beat the crap out of Tony her train of thought about beating a reality check into him wasn't all that far off from the right idea. Tony had always kinda spoken physically not verbally, showed who he was through his actions. And hers, while not fully for the reason she claimed, worked. You could say she quite literally knocked some sense into the playboy.

Speaking of the redhead though, Natasha had found herself neck-deep in goons to fight- she was oddly glad that these were just Klaue's men though and not the Iron Legion bots, as they don't care all too much about bruising her or beating her to death. At least Klaue's men were human in some sense- if only physical.

She was throwing swift punches and knocking men unconscious left and right, watching the back of none other than her ex-boyfriend Clint, ever so often taking a second to check over him with her eyes, make sure there were no apparent injuries that needed taking care of.

Barton had taken one of the highest positions in the 'abandoned' cargo ship, naturally firing arrows faster than you can say hairpin, dropping crooks and watching his friend's backs while (as best he could) trying not to hit Stark.

Down on the lower levels, Steve and Thor were bashing Iron Legion bots to pieces. They were, to say the least, just as pesky as the last time the Avengers had faced them. Maybe even more-so just because they're working for Ultron.

Steve would give a worried glance over his shoulder at his boyfriend of sorts here or there, silent panic etched onto his pale face before he'd return his focus. It wasn't easy though, when you go through every day fighting some kind of evil, then fall for someone who tends to always be right in the middle of it? It becomes harder to think about what's better for the human race or the health of your loved one.

And if things just couldn't get more hectic, they did. Pietro was racing about, figuring out when was the best time to attack the Avengers, and his sister Wanda was creeping in the shadows. Just waiting for Ultron to give her the a-okay to mess with the other team.

And though the witch had before had concerns and was unsure if doing this was really the right thing, when she saw Stark making jokes when they'd first arrived it made her just want to snap. Who makes jokes at a time like that? She'd realized that now more then ever she wanted to remove that smug look from his face.

She listened in to their coms carefully, hearing a "Tony don't even think-" from Captain America seconds after Ultron went flying out, the Ironman following suit. The blonde gave up mid-sentence and sighed softly at the sight, then shook his head and tried to get back into focus.

Like any other time with Stark, Steve had already learned that while being head over heels for a guy who spends most of his life fighting isn't ideal you also have to have a little faith that he knows what he's doing. Be rest assured though, that would never stop the super-soldier from caring.

"He's a hothead Steve, what'd you expect him to do?" Clint snorted before shooting a guy, his ex was no help and only egged the situation on by adding a snarky,

"Stand down? Nah, why would the invincible Ironman ever do that?" Before she round-house kicked another one of Klaue's guys in the face. While she didn't enjoy having to help clean up her close friend's mess, she did very much enjoy being able to blow off some steam. And while she would never admit it to anyone but Tony himself, she was just as worried about his decisions as Steve.

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