~Chapter Eleven: A Roll Of The Dice~

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It was sometime in the early evening, maybe one?

Tony walked over and unlocked the car while Steve stood quietly a few feet away, the mechanic carefully grabbed the shield from the trunk and went to hand it to the blonde but paused. Steve tilted his head curiously as Tony set the shield down against the car. The brunet looked up at the taller man and let out a small sigh-

"Steven Rogers." Tony began, "To stop you from moping for the next however long you tend to shut yourself away for, I want you to listen to me." Steve studied Tony's face quietly.

"That kid or anyone else can say that someone getting hurt or dying is your fault but you shouldn't ever believe it. Why? Because. I. don't. I don't believe that a single bone in that body of yours is willing to hurt anyone for no reason. So you are not ALLOWED to blame yourself for this- okay? You can't blame yourself for something you didn't know about- you were just doing your best- hell we all were! and I know that it's tough for some people to swallow but. People get hurt, people die. And we do what we can. But we can't always save everyone. Do you. Understand me?"

Stark's tone of voice was harsh and serious, but obviously caring and worried. Steve sat in shock at what the shorter man had just said, the blonde let out a small breath he didn't know he was holding in. "Okay, Steven?" Tony pressed.

Steve nodded and blushed, 'Positive? Does he believe what he's saying? Does Tony really think of me like that?...' he thought to himself. Without hesitation the blonde cupped the brunet's face and leaned in, kissing him. Tony quickly stepped back and Steve froze, afraid he'd screwed up everything by doing that. Tony just smiled at the expression then gently kissed Steve. "Tony..." Steve mumbled as he looked down a bit, "Just, what... are we?..." He looked back at Stark with brightened eyes.

Tony drew a deep breath in then picked up the shield next to his foot, "That Rogers..." He held it out as the blonde slowly took it. "Depends on if you'd like to go out sometime soon..." Steve's cheeks flushed as a smile made it's way to his lips.

"Tony Stark, asking me on a date... I don't think I could turn down such an honor- it'd be rude." Cap teased as the mechanic smiled. "But... I mean. Are you sure?..." Steve shifted a bit, "I'm just worried your feelings are kind of mixed up because you and Pepper just broke up and- I don't wanna feel like I'm taking advantage of you in any way..." Tony smirked and shook his head, beginning to laugh.

"Capsicle I think I know what I want." Stark rolled his eyes and patted Cap's shoulder, "Just." He continued cracking up as he started walking back towards the hospital. "Go do Captain America things." He waved childishly at Steve who smiled widely as his cheeks burned. 'He knows what he wants?...' Cap smiled and headed off.


Natasha slowly looked from the mess to Clint and Tony. Not five minutes ago they walked into the tower, it had been hours since Steve left the hospital and headed back to start cleaning up. Though they knew the top few floors were messed up things weren't just messed up, it was trashed. And in the center of it all was Captain's shield. Well, it wasn't exactly the middle... saying how there was still the massive hole from where the bomb went off.

"Before anyone starts to freak out- look around, I'm sure he's here somewhere," Natasha said coolly, she could see the ever growing worry in Tony's eyes. The two boys nodded and headed off in different directions. Tony walked across the room and carefully picked up the shield, glancing around the room then heading off towards the bedrooms. He checked his watch as he walked, just now ten after six...

"Jarvis, buddy. You still alive up here?" Tony asked openly as he stepped past a fallen wall, his wide eyes looking around carefully.

"Technically I cannot be alive Mr. Stark, therefore I can not die.-"

"Yea yea Jarvis good to hear you're running up here again. Listen, buddy, I need you to scan for Capsicle and tell me if he's in the tower." The brunet waved his free hand as he popped his head into one of the rooms, wrecked. Seeing no sign of Steve he continued on,

"I see no sign of Mr. Rogers sir, but there is an unidentified individual two rooms down to your left," Jarvis answered and Tony froze a bit. Steven's room?

"Jarvis get a suit up here right now." Stark stated as he started down the hall, he passed the two rooms carefully. Making sure to look in them for anything. Tony finally got to the last room and stopped, looking in to see someone kneeling down. The guy reached his right hand down and touched a substance on the floor, one Tony could clearly see was blood.

He took in a deep breath and stepped in, knowing one of his suits would be there any minute. "Hey Bud-" he turned around and shot at Tony who barely had time to react. He held up Cap's shield and then spun around, flinging the shield at the other man.

He caught it... Tony paused seeing his face. James Buchanan Barnes... Natasha came bolting in, and like it was nothing Barnes jumped off the roof, holding the shield under him.

"Jarvis. Suit?" Tony asked as he ran over and jumped out after James. For a moment Stark was free falling, then his suit was on him. He watched as Barnes continued going down for a minute then hit the ground, to the mechanic's surprise he got up like it was nothing and took off running.

"Damn it Barnes..." Tony muttered to himself as he flew after him, there were to many questions currently in his head. Where was Steve? Did James have something to do with all of this? Who's blood was that?

He fired a blast at James who rounded a corner but had to be hit, at least grazed his side. Tony was not playing around, if Barnes had to get hurt then so be it. He landed and walked into the alleyway that the idiot had run into, "Barnes..." he warned.

He noticed the now somewhat bloodied shield and James bolting away. Stark was right after Bucky barely dodging the shield that came flying was injured it didn't take long for the other to catch up and tackle him.

"You're gonna take me in huh?... hand me over to SHIELD?..." The man asked and Tony shook his head, getting off and standing up.

"Not before you explain what you know about what's happened to Steve..." Stark growled angrily. He stood Barnes up, even as the other man winced and crippled a bit. The shorter brunet grabbed Cap's shield and James then flew them back to the tower.

They were met by two very worried faces that belonged to Clint and Natasha. Tony dropped Bucky onto the floor and set the shield down, "Start talking Barnes."



For now though I hope you enjoyed and stuff and sorry it's kinda short :/

So uhm- yea.

Oaky Den Baiiiiii!!!

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