~Chapter Nine: Cool Off~

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Steve blinked a little and slowly scanned the room. He paused as he saw Tony passed out in a chair next to the bed he was in. 'Wait... where am I?' He glanced down at his arm to see an IV in it, he easily figured out that he was in a hospital but the question of why was harder to answer. He remembered Tony getting upset about something, Banner trying to break into Stark's phone, Thor showing up, going to talk to Tony, and...

He could vaguely recall learning Pepper and the mechanic had broken up... He chewed on his lip for another good minute before remembering that he wrapped Tony's hand. Then they talked (well Steve did) for a minute about the other stuff... and how Tony had kissed him... Then... it all went blank.

Cap looked around and noticed a paper cup, he drank the water out of it then threw it at the brunet, "Stark?" He questioned, it came out more of a tired groan though. The shorter man seemed to shift but slept on, "Stark." the blonde whined again but to no avail. He looked around and was disappointed when he saw nothing else to throw. He had forgotten Tony's feet were on the bed, so Steve used his own legs to shove Tony's off which made the mechanic topple out of his sleep. And the chair.

"OW! ROGERS YOU CUNT!" The brunet yelped from the floor-

"Language Tony." Was all Cap answered in a warning tone, there was no heat behind his words whatsoever though. In fact, a smile played across his face. Tony carefully stood himself up and paused a bit,

"So you probably wanna know what happened... Well uh, to sum it up real quick. The Green Goblin showed up, blew up a huge hole in the Avengers Tower, you decided to take a nap. Spiderman who turned out to be some thirteen-year-old boy named Peter Parker flew in, started fighting him. I tried to wake you up or get you out of the line of fire, obviously, neither worked... Pumpkin bomb almost blew us up, Clint had your shield, the floor gave out. Lots of fire then the Goblin came back at us, you and him went out of the first hole he made-" Tony was cut off by the sweetened sound of Steve's soft laughing. Tony looked at him quizzically as the blonde laughed for another minute.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Tony... I just. You saved me and everyone else again huh?" Cap wore a large warm smile as he talked. Tony's cheeks flushed as he nodded a little, feeling unable to make words of any kind for a minute.

"Yea... Technically I saved you, Clint, and the kid." Tony shrugged as if it was nothing- "Did I mention I took down the Goblin single-handedly?" A smirk came to his lips and Cap continued smiling shaking his head, 'Positive... Tony knows how to make other people smile easily... or well at least me... another positive. He was selfless enough to save me... why do I feel so special? It's nothing new for the billionaire to save people...'

"Your ego knows no bounds huh Stark?" The super soldier teased and the brunet just gave him a grin,

"Steven, my ego knows no bounds because we all know I'm amazing. I'm fun to hang around, I love to party. I run one of the best company's since well... ever. I flew a nuke into a wormhole. Not to mention I'm the slickest guy around- best drinker- best dancer- best kisser." He paused a bit as the blonde blushed. He just smirked at Steve though and continued to ramble on about how great he was for another ten minutes. Captain didn't seem to mind it at all, in fact, he enjoyed hearing how much Tony loved himself. Even if it usually wasn't true he seemed happy at the time and that's all Steve liked to see.

People he loved being happy and in a safe place- speaking of people he loved. There was a light tap on the door that Stark and Rogers didn't notice, they were to busy cracking up about Tony's ego and Steve's thing about language. The door quietly opened and Natasha stuck her head in, she smiled softly and snapped a photo of the two cracking up before stepping in, Clint behind her. Bruce was in the other room in case the kid woke up and freaked out. If anyone knew how to calm someone down- it was Bruce.

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