~Chapter Thirty-Three: Part Two: It Really Doesn't Get Any Easier~

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"I really wouldn't worry about the boys possibly hurting her y'know," Clint said as he noticed Pietro was watching the three. "I mean the vigilante seems pretty protective over Peter but Peter would never let him hurt her- or you to be honest."

To that Pietro only scoffed, "Everyone is hostile when it's just you and your sister. I don't care if you have faith in him my trust is in myself to keep her safe." The silver-haired boy looked to Barton quietly.

"I could get that... But really, while guessing that Tony and them have Ultron's full attention and that he doesn't have a clue where we are, you don't have to worry about you guys getting hurt- maybe try and focus on something else?" He offered, which again only caused Pietro to scoff.

"Like what?"

"I dunno, maybe show me what you can really do? Clearly you have the element of surprise in most fights but how is your hand to hand combat?" Clint raised an eyebrow as he readied up.

"I was trained by Hydra," Pietro responded as he crossed his arms, a hint of annoyance resting in his eyes. He didn't want to be talking to the archer and he was curious of how long it would be before said archer realized that.

"And I've taken down probably hundreds of Hydra operatives," Clint smirked, trying to egg the boy on and get him rattled up.

"I knocked you on your ass the first time we met."

"like I said element of surprise."

"Are you asking me to kick your ass to prove your 'training' skills are garbage?" Pietro asked to which Clint shrugged. There was something about the speedster that continued pushing Clint to be curious about him, to get to know him better.

"Be my guest." Clint snorted, putting his fists up, "And we fight without the speed- I wanna see your hand to hand regular combat skills. Wanna see you use your surroundings boy." At that very word the two got into it. Usually, Pietro wouldn't let his irritation get the best of him, much less towards an overgrown man-child but with Ultron betraying them and just in general being used- well blowing off some steam was good for him.

Least to say when a hit was thrown Clint had Pietro on the ground in about four point three seconds, holding the twigs arm behind his back with his face against the grass. "Yea you stink- I mean damn kiddo we're gonna have to work on that."

"I hate you."


"I'm always picking up after you boys," Natasha muttered sarcastically, weaving through the traffic covered streets. "Move- Move!-"

"Hard right! They're heading under the overpass-" She heard over her coms, Buck was doing a surprisingly good job flying the quinjet. She swerved and straightened out, finding Steve before flinging his shield at him full speed.

"James- do you think you could get the guards' attention???"

"uuuuuuh- yea gimmie a second." He could say he would try or he could just be a yes man to the beautiful redhead. Within the minute they're away and Nat was worming her way into the back of the truck, listening in as Cap and Ultron seem to go tumbling off. She shook her head and focused on getting the package to the quinjet.

Meanwhile, Steve had tackled Ultron into a train, small screams of panicked people. "Banner tell me you've got the lab set up?" Tony asked, taking to assisting Romanoff, pausing a small bit. "Capsicle are you doing alright down there?"

"Just fine honey-" He answered, throwing his shield up to block a hit.

"Almost ready, is the package on its way?" Banner replied, glad he could be setting up the lab and not getting into the fight again with Ultron. Sure he knew that his freaking out and destroying part of that city, battling Tony, that'd been due to Wanda but still... He'd had his worries about losing control since the beginning.

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