~Chapter Ten: Emotionally Damaged~

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Clint was busy looking through a few files from SHIELD as Steve woke up. "Clint?..." He asked in a way to tired voice sitting himself up and rubbing his eyes.

"Morning," Clint answered in a teasing tone, he didn't take his eyes off the files.

"Where's Tony at?" He stretched a bit and Clint grinned, thinking of what Natasha told him about the two earlier. "Also. What's with the files?" Clint finally looked up from the files and met Steve's hopeful blue eyes.

"Why ya curious? And they're about the kid. Just basic stuff, people, his life. Apparently, it's my job to read up on this crap." He closed one of the files and tossed the pile onto a nearby counter. Steve smiled then thought about what happened last night with Tony. A blush crept it's way to his cheeks but he tried to play it off,

"Just a question. and like your never curious where Natasha is." Clint seemed to choke on air- "Have to keep track of your friends, right Clint?" Steve had a growing suspicion ever since they went to the bar. Those two had to be more than friends and Clint only seemed to prove his point further,

"Right... Uh... He and Natasha left, mentioned something about going to start fixing the tower." Clint smiled warmly at Steve then grabbed a bag from behind him and threw it at the super soldier who caught it and gave him a curious look. "Clothes. Stark dropped em off for you." Barton stood up and grabbed his stuff, including the files. "Change. Come out when you're finished." Then he left, just like that.

Steve sighed and noticed the IV had been taken out, he rolled out of bed and changed, smiling a little. 'Brought me clothes. What a gentleman, ha... That's one-word people never use to describe Stark.' He shook his head and walked into the bathroom to fix his hair and check himself over. He gave a firm nod to his reflection and turned, face to face with someone who shouldn't have been there, no. Couldn't. Not now.

"B-Bucky?" Steve stuttered, eyes wide in shock. 'This can't be happening. This isn't happening.' Steve had last seen Bucky when the brunet and him got in the huge fight and he almost didn't come out alive. Then... Buck disappeared.

James narrowed his eyes at the blonde then let his head fall a bit. Steve hugged him gladly and patted his back, "What are you- why are you here? I mean now- why... Are you... working through what happened?..." Rogers trailed off trying to make sense of the situation.

"I won't be around for long Steven. I just heard what happened at the tower and... had to make sure you were okay." Was James answer. Steve stepped back and stared at him in shock, trying to figure out what to say. James went to say something but Rogers put a hand up,

"I'm glad..." Steve mumbled a bit annoyed, Bucky tilted his head. "Glad that you won't be around for long." Steve went to walk out of the bathroom but was stopped as Bucky grabbed his wrist. He turned and shot a glare at the ex-assassin. "You decided to leave Buck... you could. Have stayed..." the blonde murmured, not angry sounding but a little upset obviously.

Bucky pulled him over, "I didn't decide Steve. I had to. For everyone's safety. You KNOW that. I wouldn't be here for anyone but you..." He tried not to raise his voice too much, not wanting to draw unwanted attention from people outside. Their eyes met as they glared at one another.

Bucky pushed Steve against the nearest wall as he leaned in and kissed him. Steve fiercely kissed him back for a moment then pushed James off and stepped away,

"I'm not doing this Buck. Not you... Not now. You're just going to leave again anyway." Steve walked out and set his hands on the counter, leaning against them. Steve was wordless, confused about everything between him, James, and Tony. Yes. To tell the truth Steve had dated Bucky... for a short while before he died... Then Steve shut everyone and everything out. Bucky had been his favorite human being ever really, then he died. Of course, even when he came back as the Winter Soldier nothing had happened obviously- he hadn't dated anyone since Buck died though...

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