~Chapter Thirty-Seven: Oh Noes~

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~sorry for there not being a photo I'll add one soon my wifi has been wonky~

"What are you doing here!?" Peter shrieked as he grabbed Loki, going to yank him into a building. Instead, he was shoved to the ground as Loki grabbed a bot that'd previously been behind him, smashing it into little pieces.

"Watching your back what else." The god said as he grabbed the scrawny boy by his suit, standing him back as he began to dust him off. Though Peter only shook his head and pushed at the idiotic, evil man. He then pulled his mask off,

"You need to go."

"I'm not done here." The god replied as he watched the young boy try and push at him, seeming a bit amused as he added an, "I still have help to be giving." That stupid smirk he tended to wear again came to his lips before Peter groaned.

"If you wanna get caught by my parents and literally every other Avenger then you're doing a great job dude- but seriously!... I have all the help I need, I have people watching my back, I'll be fine." He flicked the villain's forehead, causing him to pause as it clearly caught him off guard.

He narrowed his eyes at the boy quietly, "I'm having so much fun though..." he huffed, causing Peter to slide his hands down his face with another groan, shoving at the god more.

"Go or at least be less obvious! Jesus!"

"So what, you aren't even going to say anything about the fact that I'm helping out?" Loki mused, to which Peter whined. Throwing his hands up with a,

"God give me strength!" Though Loki didn't say anything it was clear he was thinking of a snarky response to that, "No! I"m not gonna say anything about that because that would mean I'd have to agree that you're doing something good for someone else! And you aren't that type of person! You're the type of person who killed thousands of people and tried to take over New York!" The brunette scolded, "Anything and everything you do is to handle a loose end for yourself- I don't think this is any different-"

"PETE! WHERE YA AT!" Wade was obviously coming up on the two,

Peter took in a deep breath as he looked over his shoulder then back at his enemy, "Please?... Go..." He begged softly, to which Loki studied him for a long moment, nodding softly as he gently ruffled Peter's hair before slipping away.

Parker only sighed to himself and yanked his mask on, yelling a, "I'm over here! I'm okay!" Deadpool came flying around the corner, guns at the ready. "I'm fine Wade..."

"Was it him? Did he get away?"

Peter thought about it for a long moment and felt his soul being crushed as he uttered the words; "It wasn't him... I don't know what it was..." Is this really what I've come to? Lying to Wade now too?...

Wilson headed over, hugging the boy tightly before giving a soft, "Thank god... We'll get him Petey-pie..." Peter nodded before he hung his head some,

"I hope so..."


"This is shield?" Quicksilver questioned with a small grin,

Steve only shrugged and bobbed his head, "Yea, this is what S.H.I.E.L.D's supposed to be."

"Tony we can get everyone out of here! Are you sure you can get this place blown?" Tasha Asked, ushering people onto the little ships that were ferrying people to the helicarrier.

"Yea- gimmie a couple of minutes?"

Steve trashed another bot with a, "Just be careful out there- who has eyes on my kid?"

"We're fine." Deadpool replied over the coms before Thor finally spoke up,

"They're all going for the key- we need everyone here now." And most all came to help, though a couple like Wade or Clint stayed behind to finish loading up people.

Of course, Thor just had to ask if that was the best the AI could do, to which a secondary army of bots was unleashed onto them. It was incredible to them seeing what Wanda and Pietro could really do, letting out all of their anger and hurt.

Though as they easily got into it, Stark, Vision, and Thor ended up blasting and melting most of Ultron's main body.

"They're trying to escape the city!" Thor said in realization,

"Guys we can't let not one of those bots escape- Rhodey you got me?" Tony asked firmly, as he blasted a bot out of his way.

"Oh I got you alright." Rhodey grinned to himself, getting to work, pausing some as he noticed Vision using his full capabilities. At this point he thought to himself that it was better to not even ask as he knew deep down that things were only going to get weirder and weirder from this point on.

"Alright- guys the air is gettin real thin up here, we gotta evacuate now. You guys head to to evac ships and I'll double check for stranglers, meet you there, yea?" Steve said as he tried to catch his breath from all the fighting.

"Yea sure, but who's gonna protect the key?" Clint questioned as he studied his companions.

"I will," Wanda took in a deep breath, her tone and body language all saying that she was okay with doing this, that she wanted to. "It's my job..." She assured softly, causing Nat, Steve, and Clint to look at each other before nodding, the trio splitting up.

At that same moment Wanda's twin came popping up, "You need to get the people on the boats."

"And what leave you here?" He brushed his blondish silver hair back quietly, catching his breath.

"I can handle this-" She blasted a bot out of her way, "Besides... I want everyone else off, then you can come get me and we can go, understood?" Pietro grumbled in annoyance, eying his sister. "Everyone else off. Then me, repeat it."

"Everyone else off, then you." He said unhappily, walking past her before smiling playfully, "I'm twelve minutes older than you technically..." She gave a teeny scoff and shook her head.

Meanwhile Clint and Natasha headed back towards the boats, Natasha starring off quietly. "You know... I'm not a fan of him but I think he'll be okay..." Clint murmured reassuringly, to which Romanoff looked at him some. "Barnes." He clarified as he turned a corner, dodging a car. "He's gonna be fine... he may be an asshole and a serious piece of work but, he's a lot like me..." He admitted,

"How so?"

"Well he'd do anything to come back to you alive, just like me..." Clint said, to which Natasha gave the most ever so slight blush and smiled as she looked out the window.

"You're such a sap." She scoffed teasingly, to which he gently took her hand and kissed the back of it before letting go and stopping the car in front of one of the ships. Both could hear the Hulk raging out somewhere closeby and the two shared a look. "I got it, get your ass on a ship." Nat said before sliding out of the car,

To which Clint did just that, pausing as he heard a woman crying for her son, "We were in the market-" He looked around, pausing as he pinpointed the kid. 'Why do I always have to be the good guy?' He thought before he sighed and took a deep breath in, jogging towards the kid.

He scooped the sweet boy up and paused as he turned, seeing who he could guess was Ultron in the quinjet, guns firing. And he did the only thing he thought he could, he hugged that kid to his chest and turned his back to it, knowing deep down it probably wouldn't help, still, if giving his life meant that he could save the poor kids then- then well it was worth it.

He felt nothing though, barely even a breeze, and as he slowly looked over his shoulder, his heart stopped.



Hey, guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it's a bit shorter than usual but my brain has been a bit fuzzy! Don't worry though Monday's chapter is gonna be even better as the end is right around the corner!

As always votes and comments and such halp and I love you all very much!

Oaky Den Baiiiiiiiiii!

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