One: Look Who's Out Of Her Hellhole

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The Isle was always dark and miserable, but today it seemed even more so. Thick grey clouds hovered above, people shouting at each other in the streets. A blue-haired girl known as Hadley, the daughter of Hades, emerged from the shadows of Hades' Souvlaki shop and inhaled the revolting stench of rotten trash. A wicked smirk spread across her scarlet red lips.

"Watch where you're going!" a woman shouted as Hadley walked straight into her. Hadley shrugged it off and diverted right towards Ursula's Fish & Chip Shop. She pushed open the swinging doors, and strutted in confidently as they creaked. Hadley stood on a chair and looked around the shop, seeing anyone but the person she was looking for. Sighing, the blue-haired VK jumped down, her black clad boots booming against the floor, causing heads to turn. Hadley rolled her eyes and sat on top of the table, resting her feet on the chair. The heads soon turned back and conversations resumed. Hadley observed her surroundings for a while, but all of a sudden, she sensed a shadow looming over her.

"Hook." she rolled her eyes, pushing away the cold metal hook that was close to wrapping her hair up.

"Look who's out of her hellhole." Harry Hook's Scottish accent whispered. Hadley's grip remained holding the hook in place.

"Look who's still a coathanger." she retorted. The pirate chuckled.

"For someone who's so cold you're just so filled with fire, aren't you?"

"Look, I'm not playing your little pirate games." Hadley shrugged, spinning away from him. "Why don't you go find your little fish friend. I'm sure she appreciates your flirtations." she rolled her eyes.

"Uma isn't back yet." Harry slowly walked around to look Hadley in the eyes.

"She actually went to try get through the magic barrier?" Hadley laughed. "Well I bet that worked out great for her."

"We'll see when she gets here." Harry shrugged, pulling a chair over and sitting down on it so Hadley had no choice but to look at him. When she tried to spin around, her legs would be trapped by the back of the chair.

"Let me go, hooky." Hadley said through gritted teeth. "I'll rip that hook off your hand and stick it so far up--"

"Shhhhhhh..." Harry cut her off, running his hook across Hadley's slightly pointed chin.

"I swear you're pushing your luck, pirate." Hadley hissed.

"It's what I do." Harry bowed, Hadley rolling her eyes. "But next time, call me hooky. It sounds so bittersweet coming out of your mouth in your little annoyed tone." he leaned forward, wrapping a lock of her blue hair around his hook.

"That just gives me all the more reason to not call you it." Hadley muttered, quickly pulling her hair away. Just as she did...

"What's my name?" a familiar voice echoed through in a sing song. Every single head turned towards the swinging, creaking doors as a shadow appeared, dripping wet but so confident as always. Her dreadlocks hanging down beside her face, her teal skirt slightly ripped, her pirate hat tilted, but it made her look even more wicked. She cackled as light shone down on her.

"UMA!" the whole shop sang along, all apart from Hadley. She lacked care. Harry smirked.

"I'll be back, flame." he caressed her chin with his hook as he walked away, whistling to himself. Hadley shook her head and kicked over the chair that Harry had been sat on. Heads turned to her once again.

"Hadley." Uma said simply. An evil smirk curled across Hadley's lips.

"Uma." Hadley responded, folding her arms over her chest. "We have a looooot to catch up on, old friend." 

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