Thirty Two: Broken Bitch

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Hadley walked towards Uma slowly, her evil smirk prominent as the daughter of Ursula stood with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Don't you look like a perfect prissy princess in that dress?" Hadley smirked.

"Don't start." Uma glared at Hadley and tried to get past the blue-haired girl, but stopped when a cluster of flames appeared in front of her feet.

"You see, dear Uma." Hadley tilted her head. "It's already begun." She smirked and then paused, thinking for a moment. She waved her hand, the flames disappearing. "Why don't you go get out of that awful dress, and then come back so we can..." She trailed off. "Talk about things." Uma raised her eyebrows, but surprisingly didn't shout.

"I can't be bothered with your bullshit, Blueberry." Uma groaned.

"Then it can be quick." Hadley shrugged. "If you think I'm gonna step down and let you get on with your tantrum, then you're even more wrong than usual." Uma opened her mouth to retort, but found nothing to say. She let out an irritated grumble before stomping off into the back of the shop.

"Aye, go on. Off you go." Harry waved her off, sitting down on the table that Hadley was stood next to. "This what you--" He was cut off when Hadley waved a hand in front of his face.

"I know what I'm doing." She interrupted. "One step ahead as always, hooky." She patted his cheek. "You know, I think you underestimate me sometimes. I have more evil in my pinky than you do in your whole body. I just never really use it." She shrugged.

Before Harry could respond, Uma stomped back into the chip shop, pulling a chair out. Hadley's eyes followed Uma as she moved.

"Slut, party of one. Right this way please." Uma spat. Harry grumbled and stepped forward, but Hadley quickly pressed her hand to his chest to keep him still.

"No, no, hooky." She shook her head. "We don't want to damage her gils. She's gonna need them." Hadley stepped forward, shooting a glare at Uma before sitting down on the chair.

"Won't you sit with me, Shrimpy?" Hadley asked, smiling sweetly- too sweetly for it to be true in any way. Uma narrowed her eyes at the blue-haired girl.

"You know, I said I was starting to like you." The Captain muttered, slumping down in the chair opposite Hadley. "What do you want?"

"I have something to propose." Hadley smirked, Uma raising her eyebrows. Hadley's smirk didn't falter as she placed her elbow on the table, holding out her hand. "Just like you did with Mal." Hadley shrugged. Uma cocked her head.

"What do you want, Hadley?" Uma asked bluntly.

"The question is, what do you want, Uma?" Hadley tilted her head, ignoring Uma's question. "You want me gone, right? Out of your hair, you could be free to rule without disobedience or threat." She smirked as Uma leaned forward. "Interested now, huh Shrimpy?"

"Go on." Uma said slowly.

"If you win," Hadley began. "I go back to the Underworld, you never have to see me again." She proposed.

"Hadley-" Harry tried to protest, his eyes wide. Hadley shot him a glare that made him shut up.

"But if you win?" Uma questioned with caution.

"Ah, not as dumb as Mal I see. Quite surprising, honestly." Hadley smirked. "If I win... you hand your Captain hat over to me. And I take your place as Captain." She finished. Uma's eyes widened and a scowl quickly crossed her lips.

"You really think you can do this?" Uma said coldly. "Nah." She shook her head, standing up.

"What? You scared you're gonna lose? To the Slut of the Isle?" Hadley questioned as Uma was walking away. The pirate stopped dead, letting out an annoyed sigh. She turned around and sat back down on the chair. Uma placed her elbow on the table, holding out her hand.

"Bring it on, Blueberry." She seethed. Hadley smirked and grabbed Uma's hand with a harsh grip.

"You know, I remember a time where I actually had faith in you. I'm glad I grew out of that." Hadley said as the arm wrestle began. The two fighting for dominance. "Means I don't get disappointed when you fail every plan." Hadley continued with an evil smirk on her lips. Uma faltered for a second, though her glare on the blue-haired girl was still hard and cold. "What, Shrimpy? Did I touch a nerve there?"

"Still dreaming." Uma muttered.

"Got nothing to say?" Hadley questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Or are you too scared to lose? Concentrating on your... strength." Uma's grip on Hadley's hand suddenly tightened.

"You think you're all bold, strong and scary, don't you?" Uma said through gritted teeth. "You hide behind this huge heartless villain facade. But everyone will realise soon enough that it's fake." Hadley suddenly pushed Uma's hand with a newfound immense amount of strength. However, much to her dismay, Uma managed to resist her hand hitting the table.

"Facade. That's a fancy word for a shrimp." Hadley responded through gritted teeth.

"Did I crack you, blueberry?" Uma asked with a smirk.

"I don't crack. You don't fucking know me." Hadley replied with a harsh tone, her knuckles turning white because of her grip.

"Please. You have so many cracks that one more touch will make you shatter." Uma spat, but for a moment, a split second only, a slight hint of softness broke through. "I know you better than you think I do." When their eyes locked, Hadley narrowed her eyes and channelled all of her strength into pushing Uma's hand down. Uma began to laugh humorlessly.

"You talk bullshit." Hadley muttered, trying not to distract herself from her end goal. She could feel her skin slowly heating up. A spark drifted in front of her eye.

"That's what you want to believe. You've built your walls so strong after, well, pretty much everyone in your life abandoned you." Uma shrugged slightly. "Should we make a list?" She tilted her head. "Your mom... your dad... the VKs... I'm not surprised. You've never been good enough for anyone." By now, tears were pricking in Hadley's eyes. Uma's words weren't weakening her, though. They only fueled her anger and strength more. "It's only a matter of time before Greyson and Harry leave you too." Uma smirked.

"Uma, that's--" Harry went to step in, but before he could go further, flames appeared at his feet.

"Because," Uma looked Hadley dead in the eyes as she began to weaken her grip slightly. "Who could ever love a worthless, heartless, slut, broken bitch like you?" Uma said harshly, in almost a whisper. A tear slipped down Hadley's cheek and she suddenly, forcefully, slammed Uma's hand onto the table, a very unpleasant crack sounding through the air. Uma furrowed her eyebrows in shock, until a wave of pain hit her. She looked at her hand as Hadley stood up, throwing her chair into the table. She pushed Harry back when he tried to call for her and follow, causing him to crash onto the floor.

"You're a fucking bitch, you know that?" He growled at Uma, who seemed just as dumbfounded as the rest of the pirate crew. Harry desperately wanted to follow Hadley, but, if he had learned anything about her, he knew she needed time alone. Time to cool off.

The pirates should have cheered. But a deafening silence filled the air as Hadley ran out of the room, into the back where her room was.

After slamming the door shut and then turning to punch the wall, she fell into a heap on the floor, breaking into sobs.

Hadley had won. But it felt like she had just lost everything.

 But it felt like she had just lost everything

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