Eight: I Only Want To Snap Her Neck

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"Lead the way m'lady." he said with a mocking bow.

"Ugh don't." she rolled her eyes. "Makes me want to puke." she said, walking to where the pirate was.

"Holy shit." Grey breathed. "You really did a number on her."

"Yep." Hadley nodded. "I did warn her all hell would break loose." she shrugged, looking at her nails. Grey leaned down and pressed two fingers against her throat.

"There's a pulse."

"Hm. A shame." Hadley kneeled down to the pirate's level. Grey picked the pirate up, her head hanging.

"C'mon blue."

"I want to kill her." Hadley pouted, standing up.

"I don't think your dad needs or wants anymore souls, especially hers." Grey began walking. "Plus now you probably have her scared out of her wits."

"You don't let me have fun." Hadley followed reluctantly. "I only want to snap her neck." Before any of them could reply the pirate groaned.


"You couldn't have stayed unconscious for just a bit longer." Hadley grumbled, punching the pirate in the face instantly.

"Fuck!" The pirate screamed. "You slut!!"

"I suggest you calm down before she ends up really killing you." Grey said with his teeth gritted.

"Oh don't start this again. You know I can kill you." Hadley glared at the pirate. "Don't try me."

"But greyie." the pirate whined wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself up so she was sitting on his arms. "She's cheating on you with Harry and I love you." she kissed his neck. Hadley felt her skin start to heat up, her body shaking and little embers floating around her head.

"First of all," he shifted so she was lying down again. "My name is Greyson. Second, Hadley and I aren't dating so she can get together with who she wants, not that she wants Harry according to her. Third, who the fuck are you? Fourth," they arrived at the chip shop at that point, "You try anything with me or Hadley and I will let her have her way with you. Got it?" The pirate nodded and promptly puked on Grey's shoulders.

"Grey I swear to fucking Hades if you don't let me at her I'll be punching you or a wall!" Hadley said through gritted teeth.

"She's passed out again," Grey groaned and put the pirate on a table in the chip shop.

"Now let's go." Hadley said turning to get to the door but Grey stopped her.

"Don't you want some payback?" He asked. Hadley shrugged, "We could throw the trash can over her head so she wakes up smelling like garbage." He suggested. Hadley tilted her head at him.

"I don't want her to wake up at all." Hadley grumbled. "And I also don't want Hooky to see us."

"Why do you keep calling him Hooky?" Grey questioned. Hadley paused.

"A nickname." she mumbled.

"And then you say you don't like him." Grey teased.

"I don't." Hadley protested. "He's a dickhead."

"Then why nickname him?"

"Shut up." she grumbled.

"While I am upset you haven't used your usual method of shutting me up, I will concede and say let's get the hell out of here, cause I hate this place." he walked to the door.

"I'm not in the mood Grey." She said bluntly, walking out of the shop.

"No shit." he said as Hadley rolled her eyes and just kept walking back to Grey's place.

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