Nine: In A Way No One Else Does

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About an hour had passed since Hadley and Grey had returned to Grey's place, and Hadley had locked herself in the bathroom for around forty-five minutes of that time. Staring at herself in the cracked old mirror, just thinking. What was Harry doing to her? It wasn't normal. It wasn't right... was it?

"Hadley," a knock from the door was heard. "I gotta piss, please come out." Hadley rolled her eyes and didn't reply.

"Blue, c'mon." Grey sighed.


"Because I'm your friend? And you wouldn't want me to wet my pants." he pleaded.

"Since when would I care about if you piss yourself?" she turned away from the mirror and looked at the door.

"Since you're staying over and I doubt you want to sleep in a room smelling like piss."

"I've dealt with the smell of dead people before and trust me that's worse. But fine." she unlocked the door and opened it. Grey pushed past her and rushed into the bathroom, unbuttoning his pants in the process. "Okay jeez Gothel." she stepped back out of the bathroom.

"What?" he said. "I have needs." Hadley rolled her eyes and slammed the bathroom door shut.

"I hope you drown in your own piss."

"I don't have enough for that." he called and Hadley heard the toilet flush. "And I don't think you'd want me dead."

"Debatable." Hadley shrugged leaning against a wall with her arms crossed.

"You'd miss me too much." he said, walking out of the bathroom.

"Again. Debatable." she shrugged.

"Lying is bad, Hadley." he mockingly berated.

"I'm not lying." she said simply.

"You are, come on. he insisted. "I'm the only one left."

"And I stayed locked up in my hellhole for six months. I'm perfectly fine with being alone." she uncrossed her arms. "I'd miss you a little sure but I'd get used to not having you around."

"No," he said. "There's more to it. There's someone else."

"No. Like you said you're the only one left." she sat down on the bed.

"I am, but there's someone else for you." he said, sitting next to her.

"No. Don't be an idiot." she shook her head. "I don't know who you're talking about. There is no one else."

"Harry. Hook." he said simply. Hadley sighed and shook her head.

"No. I'm not doing this again. Nope. Not going there." she stood up. Grey grabbed her wrist and pulled her down.


"Hmmmm, no." she snatched her wrist away and stood back up. He repeated the motion but pulled her onto his lap and held her there.

"You wouldn't hang out with the guy as much as you do if there wasn't something."

"I don't hang out with him." she rolled her eyes and tried push him away from her.

"Really?" Grey wrapped his arms around her. "He has nicknames for you, he teases you, he seems to know you well..." he trailed off. "Those are signs you two spend time together. Plus you're always at that shop." Hadley shook her head and sighed.

"First, he doesn't nickname me. Second, he teases literally every female he sees. Third, know me well?" she laughed. "No. Not at all. Fourth, we don't spend time together. And fifth, I don't go to the shop for him. I go there because I have nowhere else to go and it's funny to watch Shrimpy's tantrums."

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