Thirty One: Evil Will Win

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Hadley was sat in the corner of Ursula's Fish & Chip shop, stirring her drink with the straw that was in it. The pirate crew had come back into the shop, disappointed to find the barrier hadn't been brought down. Uma had failed. Not that anyone expected her to actually come through and succeed.

Sure, the pirates were in great dismay. They were in full support of Uma and wanted her to succeed. However, for Hadley and Harry, this was just their chance. Hadley's chance. And it was only a matter of time before Uma would return, and it would be time.
Hadley looked up from her bottle to see Harry approaching the table she was sat at.

"What do you want, hooky?" She asked.

"Now flame, do you want me to answer that honestly?" He questioned with a smirk, reaching out with his hook to touch her face. She quickly grabbed it, holding it tightly still.

"I think I already know your answer." She rolled her eyes and abruptly let go of the hook, causing him to stumble slightly. "And I don't want to know."

"I thought after our confessions earlier today you'd at least be a bit nicer to me." He said, slipping onto the seat next to the blue-haired girl.

"I was nice to you. I didn't leave you to bleed out on the ship. That's enough niceness for..." She paused, thinking. "Ten years. At least." She finished with a smile.

"Oh c'mon flame." He smirked, leaning over and lifting her chin up with his hook. "We both know you can be very nice to me." He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her lips. She rolled her eyes but kissed back. When his hook began to travel down to her collarbone, she pulled back and gripped his hook.

"Do you want me to reopen that wound of yours?" She questioned.

"Depends on the way you do it." He responded, his smirk still prominent.

"Harry." She narrowed her eyes.

"Hadley." He replied, mimicking her tone.

"Are you done being an annoying ass?" She sighed.

"For now." He nodded and leaned back against the back of the chair. "You gonna give them a speech?" He asked after a pause. Hadley had chosen the wrong time to take a sip of her drink, as she just ended up choking on it, coughing.

"What?" She choked out.

"They ain't gonna support you straight away, flame." Harry pointed out.

"Well no shit. To them I'm a Blueberry." Hadley muttered in response.

"Which is why you need to give 'em a speech. Get them behind you." He replied.

"It'll take a miracle to get that to happen." She rolled her eyes.

"I thought it'd take a miracle for us to admit our feelings." He retorted, looking at her. She stared at him, trying to search her brain for a comeback. But, she found none. Hadley let out a groan and stood up on the chair, stepping up onto the table. Harry stood up and stepped back to watch his almost-girlfriend.

Hadley stamped her foot on the table in attempt to get attention drawn to her, however, it didn't work. The pirates just completely ignored her, continuing their conversations.

"Hey!" Hadley shouted. Still no attention. She looked down at Harry and shrugged in frustration.

"You've gotta get their attention yourself." He muttered. Hadley grumbled to herself and thought to herself for a moment until she got an idea.

She focused her eyes just in front of her, on a blank area of the table she was stood on. Her eyebrows furrowed, she was staring hard at the table. After a moment or two, a bunch of flames sprung up from nowhere, sparking and crackling. The pirates gasped and turned their heads almost in unison.

"Next time, it'll be your heads." She warned, waving her hand. The fire didn't go out straight away, but after a few tries, it successfully extinguished.

"I thought she was Hades' daughter, not the Queen of Hearts'." A pirate muttered. Hadley snapped her head to where the comment had come from.

"I suppose I'm Hades' daughter, yes. Would you like to remind him of that fact?" She questioned, crossing her arms over her chest. "Because that can be arranged if you don't shut up." She narrowed her eyes at the pirate, who cowered and shrunk in her seat. "Just as I thought." Hadley muttered.

"What do you want, Blueberry?" Another pirate called out. Hadley's head snapped to that pirate. Before she said anything, Harry caught her attention and shook his head. She rolled her eyes and sighed, her arms falling by her sides.

"The question is..." She stepped forward on the table. "What do we all want?" She paused. "Victory. Success. We want to win. All of us." She walked around the table, her eyes travelling over the crowd of pirates. "Uma can't bring us that. How many times has she failed us now? Should we count?" Hadley questioned. "No, we can't. Because it'd take the rest of our pathetic little lives to do that."

"What's your point?" A pirate shouted out.

"I'm getting to my point, shut up." Hadley snapped, standing still on the table. "We shouldn't wait around forever. Waiting for her to pull through and for one of her plans to work. It's never gonna happen. She's failed you too much. She's not a good leader." Hadley continued. "So I say, there should be a new leader." She declared. "Me."

"Why should a blueberry lead us?" The pirate next to Harry questioned, earning a harsh elbow to the stomach from the son of Captain Hook.

"I know I may seem like just a blueberry to you, but my dad is the King of the Underworld." She reminded them. "I have power. I have fire. What does Shrimpy have?" Hadley raised an eyebrow. "A pirate hat and a chip shop. Oh, and a skill in throwing tantrums." She added after a moment of thought. "Which one sounds better to you?" She asked rhetorically. "If you support me as your leader, I can promise you that evil will win. We will succeed. The world will be ours." She looked across at Harry, who was just smiling at her in admiration. "So, what do you say?" She asked. Suddenly, the pirates erupted into cheers, which caused Hadley to raise her eyebrows in shock. She jumped down from the table and walked over to Harry, who wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"That's one of the many reasons why I love you, flame." He smirked. Hadley rolled her eyes but smiled. "And because you're hotter than any of the fires you start."

"You think it worked?" She asked after rolling her eyes again at his comment.
"You made 'em cheer louder than Uma ever has." Harry said. "They're behind you. And if not, I'll be hooking them all. Now all we need is-"

Harry was cut off by the doors to the shop swinging open, revealing a dripping wet, angry Uma.

"Shrimpy." Hadley smirked, stepping away from Harry. "I'm so glad you're back."


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