Twenty One: Set The Place On Fire

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"Shit but what if Hooky sees me?" Hadley sighed, looking through the doors to see Harry with a worried look on his face, talking to pirates. She and Grey were outside of the shop after Hadley's little heating incident or whatever had happened. "Come on, we can get through a window." She suggested.

"Fine, it's not like I wanted to get killed by everyone anyway." Grey shrugged.

"Just follow me." Hadley sighed, sneaking around to an open window. "Thank fuck I left it open." she started to climb through.

"Nice ass." he said as she scrambled in.

"Fuck off." she snapped back, jumping down onto the floor. "You didn't want me ten minutes ago."

"I always want you." he smirked as he went through the window. "But I know better than to take advantage of a drunk woman."

"I'm technically still drunk. I don't know... it must be this heat or whatever that's made me sober..." she shrugged. "But did you seriously have to comment on my ass?" she rolled her eyes.

"Yes." he said nonchalantly. "Not my fault you have a good one. Where's the bathroom?"

"It's not my fault either." she rolled her eyes and pointed to a door on the left. "If you make anymore comments about my ass I won't be sorry next time I burn you because it'll be on purpose." she said firmly.

"First you flirt with me and then you criticise me for making a comment." He shook his head. "Nice boobs as well." He said, shutting the door.

"Gothel I actually fucking hate you." she grumbled through gritted teeth.

"No you don't." He called. "Now get on the damn bed."

"Demanding much." she rolled her eyes. "No. I don't take orders." Suddenly, the door opened. Not the bathroom door though. It was the door to the room, and none other than Harry Hook entered the room.

"Hooky?!" Hadley turned to the door in surprise.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you for ages." he said with slight relief.

"I took a walk. You don't need to be worried. I'm not a baby." she rolled her eyes.

"You're dru-" he stopped. "You're sober?" Hadley just shrugged in response.

"Your point being?" She raised her eyebrows. The pair of pirates were interrupted by the bathroom door opening and a shirtless Greyson Gothel walked out, his pants undone, his hair a mess and his wet shirt in his hand.

"Hadley, you better be on the bed." he said before looking up and seeing the scene in front of him.

"Shit." Hadley immediately cursed. The rage built up in Harry's eyes and he scowled. "Uhmmmm... why don't I leave you boys to talk this out? Hm? Yes I think so too. Bye!" Hadley bolted for the door but Harry grabbed her wrist before she could leave, though his glare was fixed on Greyson.

"Okay... Hadley please calm your boy down." Grey said awkwardly.

"He is not my boy!" Hadley sighed in frustration. Harry didn't say anything, he just glared at Grey. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Wait..." Grey said looking down. "Oh I see the issue. Hook, this is not what it looks like."

"That's what people always say." Harry growled and stepped forward, but Hadley put her hand on his chest and pushed him back.

"No." she said and then sighed. "We were not going to fuck." she rolled her eyes and then shot a glare at Greyson to stop him making any comments.

"She's right. Hadley," he nodded towards her. "Has some sort of ungodly fever and no towels. So I had to use my shirt."

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