Thirty Seven: If... If Is Good

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Hadley had watched the car drive over the barrier from a rooftop. She felt numb. Like a part of her had just been ripped away. She'd never felt pain like this before. Grey's words rang in her mind: 'I'm not saying goodbye, I'm saying see you later'. Then why did it feel so much like a goodbye? Why did she have this horrible feeling that he wouldn't come back? Why did she feel so empty?

Hadley didn't know how long she'd been sat on the roof, her knees pulled up to her chest, her chin resting on her knees, staring into the distance, at Auradon where Greyson now was. No doubt he was already relieved to be away from her. Away from the problematic, broken, bitchy daughter of Hades.

A tear rolled down Hadley's cheek, falling to the concrete of the roof. She didn't want to move. She felt emotionless and numb. She wanted just ten more minutes with him. She glanced down at her arms that were covered by Grey's leather jacket. She should've told him what she did... but it was probably best she didn't throw that on him. He might not have even cared.

Time passed, people passed by, as did voices. After another period of time passed by, Hadley got up off the roof. Her feet felt so heavy, her head felt so light. But, she jumped down from the roof and slowly walked through the crowds of people, not moving for anyone. She drowned out all of the shouts and calls. "Out of my way, slut", "You bitch". The names she'd all heard before, each comment was just a variant of what she was used to.

Just as the Chip Shoppe came into sight, Hadley came to a stop and looked down at the two creatures in front of her.

"Get out of my way unless you want me to step on you." She said coldly and harshly, looking down at Pain and Panic.

"You-your highne--" Panic began.

"Your dad wants you back in the Underworld." Hadley responded in a bored tone. "I've said it before, I'll say it again. When I go back there, I'll be dead." She gritted her teeth. "Out of my way." She stepped forward, Panic jumping behind Pain in fright.

"Yo-you've been crying." Panic stuttered.

"And will my dad care? No. So it doesn't matter." Hadley spat. Sparks and ashes appeared around her head. She could feel the heat radiating from her skin.

"B-but if we don't take you back-" Pain tried to speak, but Hadley cut him off.

"You'll be fed to Cerberus." She finished. "What a shame. Now get out of my way!" She demanded, clenching her fists. Panic jumped and began to shake, but Pain remained still. "I said get the fuck out of my way!" She yelled. Just as she did, clusters of flames sprouted up in a ring around Pain and Panic. Both jumped in shock as Pain's tail lit on fire.

Hadley rolled her eyes and just walked past Pain and Panic, leaving the fire there, the pair of them dramatically screaming and shouting, trying to avoid the fire.

Hadley walked into the Shoppe, and was greeted with an eruption of pirate cheers. She raised her eyebrows in shock and confusion, since she usually would experience sly comments and jokes being made at her as she walked through. However, the pirates were cheering. For their new Captain.

"Hey! Captain Blueberry!" One of the pirates called out. Hadley rolled her eyes in response and continued to walk through the shop, avoiding them all. She managed to avoid all human contact somehow, and made her way to her room. She was surprised at not seeing Uma, though why would she want to show her face?

Hadley opened the door to her room and headed straight into the bathroom. She walked towards the sink and looked in the cracked mirror. She looked a mess. Her eyes were all puffy and red from crying, the dark circles under her eyes evident. She took a deep breath and glanced down at the sink for a second. She found herself glancing back down in panic. The droplets of blood dried up and still there. But the knife... it was gone.

"Fuck..." She muttered. "How can you be so stupid?" She asked herself. Harry knew. It had to be Harry. She was trying to avoid telling him... but now he had to know already. She quickly grabbed a tissue and scrubbed at the blood, trying to wipe it away. After getting some of it off, Hadley gave up and just threw the tissue across the bathroom. She kicked the bathroom door open and turned, ready to collapse onto her bed.

However, she was greeted with a face she wasn't prepared to see.

"Harry..." Hadley looked at him, the lump in her throat reforming.


Pain and Panic danced around to avoid the fire that Hadley had set around them. Slowly, it began to fade away as Panic blew on Pain's tail to put out the fire on it. Both breathed sighs of relief when the fire disappeared.

"What are we gonna do now? He's gonna kill us... feed us to Cerberus..." Panic rambled in, well, panic. Pain suddenly grinned.

"No he won't." Pain said, looking at the ashes on the floor from where the fire had been.

"W-what do you mean?" Panic asked. "Of course he's gonna-- wait..."

"She has some sort of powers..." Pain said. "If we tell him... he's gonna love it."

"B-but we won't be taking her down..." Panic pointed out. "That's what he wants."

"It's something." Pain shrugged.

"And when he doesn't believe us..." Panic trailed off. Pain gathered some of the ashes into his hands.

"You mean if he doesn't believe us." Pain corrected.

"If... if is good." Panic nodded. Then the pair scurried off into the alleyways.

 Then the pair scurried off into the alleyways

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