Twenty: Let Down Your Hair

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A few hours had passed and Hadley had ended up... getting drunk. She had been thinking about her dad too much, so she needed to distract herself somehow. Granted, it probably wasn't the smartest idea but she didn't care. She had gotten annoyed as Harry was being very protective over her, staying by her side constantly. She had punched him a few times- and kissed him once- but that wasn't the point. He knew she was far too drunk; he had tried to escort her to bed, tried to make her drink water but she wasn't having any of it.

Hadley had escaped from Harry's watch in the chip shop and was now drunkenly wandering around the Isle in darkness, clutching a bottle of alcohol in her hand. She was almost tripping over in her heeled boots, and she was wearing a tight and revealing black dress, as well as her neck and what could be seen of her chest being covered in hickeys.

"What's my naaaaame, whaatts why naaame..." she sang and laughed to herself, then hiccuped. "It's so ridiculousss." she continued to walk, earning lasting gazes from some of the people she walked past.

Greyson was just sitting in his bed, lost in his own world when he heard a familiar voice. Standing up he headed towards the window and looked out. He could just see her blue hair in the dark of the night.

"Noooo oneee's gonnaaa stop us soon the woooorld will be ooouurrs..." Hadley sang and then looked up to Greyson's window. "Heyyyyy!" she took a drink of alcohol. "Rapunzellllllll Rapunzeeeell let doownn your haaaaaaiiiirrrrr!" she giggled.

"Oh Hades." he cursed. "Hadley what the fuck?"

"Whaaaaattt?" she laughed. "I saaaaaaaid, let down your loooooong goldeeeennn haaaaiiirrr!" she repeated. Grey ran his hand through his hair.

"Last I checked I neither had gold nor long hair." He began climbing out the window. "How drunk are you?"

"I'm noooottt." she giggled. "I'm just a liiiiittle," she hiccuped. "Tipsyyyyyy." she took another drink from the bottle she was holding.

"Yeah that's a lie." he grumbled as he jumped down. "Why are you even here? Last I saw you you broke my fucking nose."

"Beeeccaaause I was boooored." Hadley stumbled towards him. "Hooky isn't beeeing entertaaaining, he's tryiiiinnngg to get me to go to beeedddd and drink waterrrr."

"So he's trying to take advantage of you because you're drunk?" Grey raised an eyebrow.

"Noooooo. He wants me to go to sleeeeppp." she pouted.

"Yeah you should probably not be out in the streets." Grey sighed.

"I'm fiiiiiiiineeee." she giggled, putting her arms around his neck.

"What are you doing?" he asked, pulling away.

"I was only going to kiss youuuuuuuu." she pouted.

"Why?" he questioned. "You broke my nose yesterday and now you want to kiss me?"

"I'm sorryyyyyyyy." she pouted.

"No you aren't." he rolled his eyes.

"Forgiiiiivvveeeee meeee." she begged and leaned forward, whispering in his ear. "You know I can make it up to you." she kissed his jaw.

"Yeah I do," he groaned and then pulled away slightly. "But you seem to have forgotten that you have hickies all over you from another man."

"Has that stopped us before?" she whispered, kissing his temple.

"No when it was one." he admitted. "But there at least ten. And the fact remains... that you broke my nose and you're crazy drunk."

"I can make it up to youuuuu." she slid her hand down his chest. "Come onnnnnn, at least a kiss thennnnn." He pecked her lips and then pulled away.

"Let's get you back to the shop."

"That wasn't faiiiirrrrr." she pouted. "I want a better kiiiiiiisssss."

"Yeah well we both know what would happen if I do give you a better one, Blue." he said. "And you need to sleep."

"Why are you aaaaannnddd Hooky being like this?" Hadley grumbled. "I'm going to find Gil, he's aaaaaalways fun." she turned away from Grey.

"Oh no you're not." he said grabbing her wrist. "We're like this because we care and right now, I need to get you back into a room before you pass out."

"I'm fiiiiiinnneeee." she tried to snatch her wrist away. "Leave me alooooonnne or kiss me."

"Nope." Grey shook his head. He easily picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder.

"Put me dooooowwwwnnnn!" she demanded. Suddenly there was the sound of glass smashing. "You made me drop my bottleeeeee!"

"Good." He said nonchalantly, beginning to walk.

"Put me doooooowwwwwnnnnnn!" she started to punch his back. Suddenly, her skin started to get very hot.

"Blu, you okay?" He asked. "Are you blushing or somethi--" Suddenly he yelped and practically dropped her to the floor. "What the fuck!" He exclaimed.

"Whaaaattttt?" Hadley asked in confusion. "Are you okayyy?"

"You burnt me!" Grey exclaimed.

"I didn't do anythiiinnggg! How could I even burn youuu?" she questioned.

"I don't know!" He said, pulling his shirt down, revealing a patch of pink skin. He put a hand to her forehead and removed it immediately. "Jeez Hads. You're boiling." Suddenly, sobriety hit her and she furrowed her brows in confusion. It was weird, she was drunk one second and completely sober the next.

"But... I don't know... I feel... fine?" she looked at the burn. "I-I'm sorry..."

"It's okay but... let's just get you to your room and a cold towel." Grey sighed and held his hand out.

"But... what if I burn you?" Hadley stepped back and looked at his hand.

"Just do it quickly." he said. She slowly moved her hand forward and then grabbed his hand. Grey quickly pulled her up and let go.

"Let's get you to the shop... hang on... wait...." he stopped and stared at her.

"What now?" she asked, sighing. "If this is about the hickies you know to just expect it by now so it's not any different."

"No." he shook his head. "Your hair..."

"What about it?" she raised her eyebrows and then noticed a little spark and an ash drift in front of her eye. "What..."

"It's... it's like on fire.... like lighting up. As if it was a piece of coal."

"What..." she grabbed a strand of her hair and noticed there sparks and ashes floating around her head. "But... what?!"

"I don't know but we need to get you inside before someone sees you." he said as he grabbed her covered wrist and hurried to the chip shop.

" he said as he grabbed her covered wrist and hurried to the chip shop

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