Five: Why Can't You See That It's Real?

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Hadley strutted through the streets of the Isle, crowds parting so she could pass, children's lips quivering as she scowled. She heard miscellaneous whispers from a few, many of the culprits her age, mostly pirates. She also heard a few calls of 'blueberry', the nickname the pirates had adopted for her. It boiled her blood, but they would never stop saying it even if she killed them. The sign for Ursula's Fish & Chip shop came into view, and she approached it by sauntering, trying to bide time. Even though she didn't want to go there, it wasn't like she had anywhere else. Gil was sat on the step outside, and egg in his hand.

"Look who called her Shrimpy again." Hadley chuckled, stopping in front of Gil. He looked up at her.

"It just slips out sometimes!" Gil sighed. "She doesn't kick you out for saying it." he complained.

"Because she knows I can overpower her." Hadley smirked, crossing her arms.

"And she knows Harry would have something to say about it if she tried to boss you around." Gil added, popping the egg he was holding into his mouth. Hadley narrowed her eyes.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well he talks about you all the time." Gil shrugged with a mouthful.

"No he doesn't." Hadley furrowed her brows.
"Oh, yeah he does." Gil nodded. "He likes you. A lot."

"Oh just shut up. You never know what you're talking about." Hadley shook her head, walking straight past Gil into the chip shop. She pushed a pirate out of her way as she headed to the corner where she would usually sit.

"There she is..." a voice came from behind Hadley before she could even sit down. She knew it was Hook from his voice alone and let out a sigh.

"For fuck sake." she muttered.

"What? You aren't happy to see me?" Harry questioned trying to conceal his disappointment behind a cocky smile. He walked around to face Hadley. He moved to run his hook along her cheek but she pushed it away before he had the chance.

"No one is ever happy to see you." she rolled her eyes.

"Don't lie, flame." He tilted his head and the cocky smile faltered for a millisecond before it put it back up again. "You love seeing me."

"Seeing you makes me want to pour acid into my eyes." she corrected.

"You're lying again." he slowly pushed her hair back from her neck with his hook, but stopped dead. The cocky smile he had been holding, disappeared replaced with a frown.

"What?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Who gave you that?" Harry asked seriously, trying not to show how much it hurt him to see that she had someone else.

"What?" Hadley questioned. Harry gestured with his hook to the side of her neck, and she looked down and noticed the hickey. "Ohhhh that."

"Who gave you it?" he asked again, stepping back.

"None of your business." she shrugged and crossed her arms.

"Flame..." he said sternly. "Who gave you it?" he repeated, staring into her eyes.

"Why do you care so much?" she questioned, stepping back like he had previously.

"Who gave it to you, Hadley?" He asked again. He didn't know why he was so bothered, it was her business after all but he had to know. He wanted to know who she had, maybe to make sure it was a good guy or something else. He didn't really know.

"Chill, hooky. It was only Gothel." Hadley rolled her eyes.

"Greyson Gothel?" Harry questioned curiously, stepping forward to be a little closer to the blue-haired woman.

"Well yeah duh. He's the only Gothel around here." she stepping back from him, so much so that Harry now had her trapped against the wall, unintentionally or not. "But I answered your question so you answer mine. Why do you care?" she asked. They both stared at each other in silence until Harry slowly leaned forward towards her, wanting to kiss her. However, she just pushed him away, not understanding properly what was going on.

"Hooky what the fuck?" Hadley remarked looking at him with confusion spread across her features.

"I'm sorry.. I just... Sorry" Harry whispered, realising how stupid he was being. He wanted to leave but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He just enjoyed Hadley's company too much and felt weird running away after that. He felt like she deserved some sort of explanation but he had nothing.

"Harry, I... I can't. Not now." she ran her fingers through her hair. She didn't even know what to say.

"I'm sorry" He said, with a sigh, looking down at the floor.

"Hook. I can't do that. Not right now." she shook her head.

"Why not?" he questioned, a frown spreading across his face as he looked up at her. He was curious as to her answer but more wanted there to be no reason and her just be with him. That didn't seem likely though, "I can't be the only one..." He muttered.

"I'm a heartless bitch. I'm incapable of feeling anything." Hadley's said coldly. Harry furrowed his eyebrows in concern at her words, but before he could question her, she shook her head. "No, just leave me alone." She muttered, pushing past him.

"Flame!" Harry called desperately.

"No." she snapped, not looking back as she walked out of the shop.

"You can't stay away from me forever, flame." he called before she opened the doors. Once she had disappeared, he let out a sigh. "Why can't you see that it's real? That you aren't heartless?"

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