Four: Friends With Benefits?

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Hadley's eyes groggily opened to a ceiling. It wasn't her own. She slowly sat up, which made her realise she was in fact naked and in a bed. Then, it all came back to her. She pulled the covers up to hide herself and turned her head to see Grey asleep next to her.

"Fuck. Hadley you're an actual slut." she mumbled, though she started to laugh for an unknown reason. There was nothing funny. She just laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Grey asked groggily, sitting up, his hair in all directions.

"Fucking hell I didn't think you were awake." Hadley breathed. "I don't even know what I was laughing at." He shrugged and then got up.

"Grey you're naked." she reminded him.

"It's not anything you haven't seen." he retorted and put his pants on. "So what happens?"

"What do you mean what happens?" she rubbed her face and got out of the bed.

"Are we starting this arrangement again or is it a one time thing?" he asked.

"I don't know, Grey." she said honestly, picking her underwear off the floor and putting it on. "I didn't really expect to even see you, let alone end up fucking you."

"Let me know what you decide because honestly? I'm up for either. And don't leave me in the dust." he said.

"Oh come on, how could I ever leave you in the dust?" she smirked, walking slowly towards him. He shrugged.

"You would." he opened his arms.

"I'm not that much of a bitch." she took the opportunity to wrap her arms around him and pull his body close to hers.

"Lying is bad." he chastised playfully.

"Fuck off." she rolled her eyes and let go of him. "I can be a bigger bitch, don't try me."

"Don't want to." he said, stepping back.

"Then shut up or I'll have to shut you up myself." she rolled her eyes and picked up her clothes.

"In a hurry to get somewhere?"

"No but you're just basically calling me a bitch." she said as she pulled her skin tight leather top over her head. "Can you zip it up?" She turned so she had her back to him. He came up to her and zipped it up.

"You know I mean it as a compliment." he pressed his lips to her neck.

"Being called a bitch is a compliment?" she tilted her head to the side as he kissed her neck.

"It is in this side of the world." he mumbled.

"Well thanks then I suppose. I'm the biggest bitch on the Isle." she smirked. "And dare I be cocky and say the hottest."

"I will agree if that's out of the females on the Isle." he pulled away. Hadley rolled her eyes again and smirked.

"Nah I'm the hottest out of everyone." She pulled her leather pants on and sauntered towards the cracked mirror that was in Grey's room. She ran her fingers through her bright blue hair and inspected her face.

"I disagree." he said, sitting on the bed. "I would argue that I am equal if not hotter than you."

"Don't flatter yourself Gothel." she smirked in the mirror. "Have you seen me?" she turned to her side in the mirror so she showed off her ass and her curves.

"I have, several times, and you are extremely hot. But come on." he said. "You have to admit I rival you."

"Hm, nah. I still win." she turned to face him and strutted forward so she was stood in front of him. "And you know it."

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