Thirty Four: You're Leaving

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A few weeks later...

"This would only happen to me." Greyson Gothel grumbled as he headed to the chip shop. "I hate everyone." Going through a back alley, he went through a series of windows and knocked on one. Hadley turned to the window, in only her underwear.

"Well fuck I wasn't expecting visitors." she walked towards it to see Greyson. She opened the window and hung her head out of it, not caring that she wasn't wearing much. "What the fuck are you doing here so early?" she raised her eyebrows.

"We need to talk." Grey said seriously.

"Woah who pissed in your coffee?" she raised her eyebrows.

"My mother and probably Jay." Grey replied.

"Not even commenting on the fact I'm in my fucking underwear. Who are you? So it's not because I technically have a boyfriend now. And your mother always pisses in your coffee let's be real. And you didn't even see them while they were here." Hadley moved back so Grey could climb through the window. "You are making no sense."

"Congrats. Hook finally got the guts huh? Took him long enough." Grey said, climbing in the window.

"Well... he didn't really ask me. It was more of a... pact." Hadley rolled her eyes. "I should probably cover up then huh."

"It's fine. I need to get this over with" he sighed and sat down, his face in his hands. He looked up at her. "My mom got a letter inviting me to Auradon Prep." Hadley's face dropped.

"What?" she said in disbelief, staring at him.

"Yep. And I am sure Jay had something to do with it." Grey muttered, dropping his head.

"So basically, you're leaving me." Hadley laughed and shook her head, turning around so she was facing away from him.

"I was going to decline Hadley. But my mom accepted before I even knew about it." He explained, looking at her pleadingly. "I have no choice now."

"Wow. You're actually leaving." Hadley laughed, still facing away. "You're going to Auradon."

"I don't want to. It's the last thing I want. Look at me, please." He begged.

"All this time. Saying I was the only one you have left." she laughed again, not listening to him. "And now you're leaving me."

"Hadley what do you want me to do? Go against Maleficent and my mother? You think I want this? To leave you?" Grey questioned, standing up.

"You're actually leaving me. Of course you are." Hadley shook her head, still facing away. "I have Harry now. I'm part of the pirates. So now you're free to go off and be with Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos again. What a perfect opportunity for you."

Grey had enough. He went around to where she was facing and put his hands on her shoulders, forcing her to stay still.

"Hadley, can you fucking listen to me for once? I don't have a choice. I don't want to fucking go. I am being forced to do this."

"You're not gonna come back though. You're gonna end up just like them." a tear rolled down Hadley's cheek and her skin started to get hotter. "You're gonna hate me and forget I exist."

"I will come back." He promised. "You're my best friend, I will come back. I could never hate or forget you. I'm not them."

"Sure Grey. Whatever you say." She pushed his hands off her shoulders and her skin got even hotter.

"Hadley, I need you to believe me. I need you to calm down." He said gently.

"I don't need to do anything." sparks and ashes started to form around her head. "What you need to do is leave. I'm sure you have packing to do." She said coldly, turning away again.

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