Twenty Eight: Rot In The Underworld

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"Get 'em!" Uma shouted. Suddenly, a cloud of blue smoke erupted in front of the pirates, distracting them. Hadley coughed and sputtered but managed to make her way out of the smoke quite quickly. Another cloud of yellow smoke exploded at the riggings where two pirates were. The pirates ended up swinging forward on ropes as another cloud of red smoke billowed out.

The pirates began to attack the VKs and Jay's redhead girlfriend, who were now equipped with swords from one of the barrels. Hadley pulled one of the swords from a nearby barrel and ran across the bridge.

"Go!" She heard Uma shout from behind her. Soon, the pirates began to charge forwards, Mal knocking one of them into the water below, as she was still stood on the bridge. Hadley looked over her shoulder to see Mal and Uma sword fighting. The clashes of swords could be heard from every corner. Hadley debated on who to target for a swordfight, until her eyes landed on the redhead dressed in red.

Hadley clashed her sword against the redhead's, who seemed extremely jumpy for some reason. The redhead turned around, quickly regaining composure and standing tall, clashing the sword right back.

"You must be the little princess who made Jay go soft. How cute." Hadley said in a mocking, high pitched tone, jabbing her sword forward. She was surprised at how quickly the redhead responded, deflecting the sword.

"And you must be the slut." The redhead retorted, lunging forward with her sword. Hadley took a few steps back, their swords clashing against each other.

"Oh, you know of me." She smirked slightly. "So they've had my name in their mouths. Shame I've moved on from them. They clearly haven't."

"Why is it any of your business?" The redhead questioned. "Aren't you supposed to be rotting in the Underworld?" Hadley laughed.

"That's what everyone wishes." She knocked the redhead into the railings. However, she retaliated and pushed Hadley back. Her sword fell from her hand as she fell to the floor. Before Hadley could grab her sword back, the redhead stood on it, kicking it away. It fell into the sea.
"Don't underestimate a soft princess." The redhead leaned down, smirking at Hadley before quickly turning around to fight a pirate behind her. Hadley scrambled to her feet. She noticed another sword on the floor and quickly picked it up. Spinning around, she came face to face with none other than her ex-boyfriend Carlos De Vil, who had just fended off Gil so Ben could escape.

"Long time no see, puppy boy." Hadley smirked, clashing her sword against Carlos'. He kind of jumped in surprise but his glare hardened. "Miss me?"

"What are you even doing here?" Carlos asked, deflecting her sword jab.

"Where else was I supposed to go after you guys abandoned me? Go rot in the Underworld?" She questioned, pushing his sword with her own so it was held above his head, forcing him to lean back. "I don't think so."

"Last time I checked you abandoned us. You kissed... that..." Carlos shuddered, scowling as well.

"I was drunk." Hadley defended herself. "I didn't know what I was doing."

"You knew fine well what you were doing." He shook his head, trying to compete with Hadley's strength. "And you did it."

"Don't tell me you're still hurting about it." She rolled her eyes slightly. "The past is past, puppy boy, forgive, forget." She raised an eyebrow, knowing those were Carlos' own words.

"That's not something to forget." Carlos responded, his teeth clenched. He pushed Hadley forward so she was leaning back now. He looked up for a moment. "You might wanna go save your boyfriend." He nodded towards Harry as the pirate jumped straight into the seawater.

Hadley looked over her shoulder, seeing the water splash. Carlos suddenly released Hadley, causing her to almost fall on the floor. However, she caught herself as Jay ran past and Carlos followed behind him.

Hadley scowled and ran towards the railings next to where Harry had jumped in.

"Out of my way!" She shouted at the pirates at the railings, pushing them out of her way. "How much of a fucking idiot can you get, hooky?" She muttered. One thing she wasn't willing to do was jump in there after him. She looked over to where Mal and Uma were still swordfighting. However, Mal soon ran off, Uma chasing after her. Suddenly, there was the sound of an arrow shooting, a cry of pain and then a large splash. The crew stopped for a moment to look around, but saw nothing. Hadley noticed Harry climbing a ladder back onto the ship, but he called for Uma. She watched the captain help Harry up with a small, absent-minded scowl.

Hadley ignored them both, running straight past so she could get to Mal first. Her sword clashed against Mal's.

"Hi princess." Hadley greeted with a smirk. It quickly faltered and whipped her sword to pull Mal in closer. "Look, we're never gonna speak of this again, but I'll distract her so you can get the fuck out of here." Hadley muttered, earning a look of shock from Mal.

"Why?" Mal blinked as Hadley moved to make it look like they were actually sword fighting.

"You think I want Uma to win? I despise the shrimp almost as much as you do. If she loses, that just gives me an excuse to become leader." Hadley explained in a mutter.

"So I'm a pawn in your plan, huh?" Mal questioned, hitting her sword against Hadley's.

"Would you rather me let Uma get you and your king? No. Exactly." Hadley responded. "So scatter while you have the chance." She pushed Mal towards the bridge between the ship and the tunnel.

Hadley noticed Uma trying to get past and looked towards Ben, who was fighting with Harry. She stuck her foot out in attempts to trip Uma over, but didn't manage, as she reached Mal near the bridge and they began to sword fight yet again. Hadley grumbled at herself, but was positive by now that Mal and her gang would get away. Hadley would be the only winner here on the Isle. She wanted to prove that Uma's plans always failed. It was just opening a staircase straight to Hadley's rightful place on top.

Hadley was looking from side to side when suddenly a cloud of purple-blue smoke exploded, obscuring the vision of the pirates and Hadley. The smoke cleared to reveal just Mal stood on the tunnel. She used her strength to kick the bridge off, and it toppled into the water down below. Mal smirked with triumph at Uma on the other side. The purple-haired girl sent a look to Hadley, who just nodded and mouthed 'Nothing happened' with a harsh glare. Uma was reeling with anger.

"What's my name? What's my name?" She sang, getting louder with each word. "What's my name?!" She pushed Harry as he stumbled over, holding his hand to his stomach. He seemed to wince in pain. Hadley stepped back before Uma could push her too. She was holding back her laughter, watching Uma's tantrum. She hadn't noticed Harry in pain. "Say it now!" Uma sang out, pointing her sword at Mal. And with that, Mal ran away.

"Well, looks like you lost again, Shrimpy." Hadley said, looking at her nails. "Who's surprised?"

"Don't you dare." Uma seethed, pointing her sword in Hadley's face. "If you keep going I'll make sure you go back to that Underworld dead." Hadley raised her eyebrows and pushed the tip away from her face. "No! No no no!" Uma screeched, running off. It was then that Hadley noticed Harry falling onto the floor, clutching his stomach and wincing. Her face fell in concern.

"Hooky?" She looked at him. He rolled slightly onto his back. Hadley looked down at where his hand was covering his stomach and saw...



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