Seventeen: Such A Child

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"Told you." Hadley said, leaning against the wall outside of Lady Tremaine's Curl Up & Dye as Harry strutted out.

"Can't wait to see Uma's face." he smirked.

"Uh, you are not getting the credit for finding her. Because it was me." Hadley crossed her arms and tilted her head. "And I'll be taking this," she plucked the money he was holding out of his hand. "Off your... hand." she smirked.

"Flame give it back." Harry grumbled. "I stole that."

"You're acting like a child." Hadley rolled her eyes. "You stole it from Dizzy and now I'm stealing it from you." Harry stepped forward, furrowing his brows but then he stopped and relaxed, smirking. Slowly, he reached out and brushed his hook along Hadley's chin and jaw.

"You know... the things I would do to get you--" he was cut off when Hadley harshly grabbed his hook.

"Don't try to flirt yourself out of this." she tilted her head. "Do you have gum?"

"Yeah I- that doesn't matter." Harry said. "Give me the money."

"No." she shook her head.

"Flame." he grumbled.

"Hooky?" she smirked.

"Give it back."

"Wow you are acting like such a child. This is fun." she smiled innocently. "I wonder what I could do with this money."

"Flaaaaaaaame." he pouted.

"Oh come on it's just money." she looked up at him. "Fine. You catch me, you get the money." she said before quickly sprinting off.

"Hadley." Harry groaned, but he followed her. He chased her all the way through the alleyways of the Isle, until Hadley found herself alone, no longer being followed.

"I lost him..." she muttered, slowing to a stop and looking around. Her eyes locked on something very interesting, making her peek around the corner of the wall she was behind. Blue hair. White hair. Brown hair. "No fucking way..." she leaned over the corner to see none other than Evie, Carlos and Jay. Suddenly, she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders and went to scream, but a hand covered her mouth.

"Aw, seems like I caught you flame." Harry chuckled, his breath tickling her neck. "Now give me the money." he said firmly. Hadley struggled under his grip and managed to keep the money tightly in her fist.

"Hooky stop it!" she protested, squirming.

"I caught you, I get the money." he smirked and brushed her blue hair off her shoulder with his hook, leaning down and pressing his lips to her skin. "The money, flame." he whispered against her skin, peppering gentle kisses on it.

"H-Harry I'm se-serious!" Hadley exclaimed. "Stop!" she whisper-yelled, ripping herself from his grip. "Look!" she pointed down the alleyway to where Evie, Jay and Carlos were stood.

"Well well well." Harry smirked. "Isn't this fun." he sauntered forward but Hadley grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back.

"Wait." she said harshly.

"We need to tell Uma." Harry said.

"Oh shut the fuck up and get your head out of her ass. She can wait." Hadley rolled her eyes. "You really are her little toy sometimes."

"Oh please, flame. You're the one who has me wrapped around your little finger." he whispered, caressing her jaw with his hook. "I'd rather be up your--"

"Do not finish that sentence." Hadley shook her head as she felt a hand wander down to her hips. "Hooky stop!" she demanded, then her eyes widened. "Look." she pointed at Evie, Jay and Carlos, where another boy had joined them. He looked very familiar, however it was a face the Isle had only ever seen on TV screens. "That's... that's Ben!" Harry's eyes widened.

"Alright there's no way we can keep this from Uma. This is too good." he looked at Hadley.

"If you really feel the need to, you tell her. I'll keep watch." Hadley sighed.

"Fine." Harry sighed and briefly pressed his lips to hers. "But I'm having my fun with you later."

"Hooky!" she complained, pulling away. Harry just smirked and lifted something up in his fingertips. The money. "Dickhead." she grumbled as he turned around and strutted away.

"See! I told you she'd be around the pirates!" an annoying voice that made Hadley scowl spoke out.

"What the fuck does he want now?" she crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at none other than Pain and Panic stood in front of her. Panic jumped behind Pain, shaking.

"W-well... y-your highne--"

"Cut the princess crap! I'm not a fucking princess. If you're gonna address me by a title then go with slut. It's what dad goes with anyway." Hadley said harshly.

"B-but you're the--" Hadley cut Panic off.

"The future of the Underworld?" Hadley said in a bored tone, looking at her nails. She laughed. "I want nothing to do with that shithole. Dickhead Lord of it and unfortunately my dad kept me captive in there long enough. When I go back there I'll be dead."

"Speaking of dad... he wants you back down in the Underworld." Pain explained.

"Y-yeah... you've been gone for... for days." Panic added.

"Oh I know he does. And it's a shame that's exactly what I won't be doing." Hadley smiled fakely. "I'm doing just fine up here."

"He doesn't want you with--"

"With the pirates? I've heard this all before." she rolled her eyes. "Now get outta here. I have business to be doing."

"W-we can't go back without you! H-he said he'd feed us to--" Panic gulped when Hadley kneeled down to his and Pain's level. She leaned in close to their faces, both leaning back.

"I. Don't. Care." she said slowly. "Understand? Or do you need me to say it in Greek too?" she spat.

"Y-your--" Pain tried but Hadley had none of it.

"Δεν με νοιάζει*." Hadley gritted her teeth. "Now would you rather be eaten by Cerberus or sharks? Either way your fate is pitiful." she smiled. Pain and Panic looked at each other and then ran off. Hadley sighed and ran a hand through her hair, resting her head back against the wall. "I hate you dad." she whispered.

"That's a new one." came a very familiar voice. "I think I prefer Hooky, flame." Harry strutted towards her and brushed her hair with his hook.

"I don't have a daddy kink. That's yours and Gil's thing. So if you're looking for someone to call you daddy, go to him." Hadley rolled her eyes.

"The only person I want is you. And you can call me whatever you want, flame." Harry whispered, leaning in. "Anything from your mouth would turn me--"

"Don't continue." Hadley grabbed his hook before it could travel down her arm. "What did she say?"

"What d'ya mean?" Harry asked.

"Uma. What did she say? About spoiled king and the traitors being here?" Hadley rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah." Harry's smirk grew. "She has a plan."

*"I don't care."


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