Twenty Five: Fire Hazard

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Hadley walked through the alleyways, looking at her hands. She was supposed to be at the ships, but since when had she been one to follow orders?

There was one person she knew she could tell about the fire that she'd started and put out, though he may not have answers, he at least deserved to know. He was someone she could talk to about it.

As she was heading in the direction of Mother Gothel's shop, she wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings, just looking at her hands. Subsequently, she ended up bumping right into someone.

"Hey do you fucking mind?" Hadley exclaimed, not realising who it was.

"Who the fuck pissed on the shit they give you in the shop for breakfast?" Greyson Gothel questioned. Hadley looked up and then stepped back slightly. She rolled her eyes.

"I didn't have breakfast. I did almost kill Uma and a pirate. Though our king started that job for me." She responded. "What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be working, momma's boy?"

"Mother had one of her guests over again. And she was being loud." Grey shuddered. "I had to get out. Besides a little bird told me something was going down at the docks so I took the chance. Now, what do you mean the king almost killed someone?"

"Nothing new there then." Hadley sighed slightly. "I got woken up by shouting and bangs so I went down to the room where we were keeping the king and let's just say he was living up to his father's name and went all beast on one of the pirates. I don't know why. But I did stop him, and then the pirate provoked me... aaaaand almost got strangled. But then Uma stepped in." She explained.

"Which pirate?" He questioned.

"Do you really think I go to the efforts to memorise their names?" Hadley crossed her arms.

"Blue, if you gave me the name I wouldn't know who it was" Grey pointed out. "Was it Gil... the devilish looking one, Uma's bitch, the crazy one..."

"For one, I'm the only devil around here. Two, none of the above. It was the leering, creepy one." Hadley replied.

"Serves him right." Grey said. "He's the creepiest fucking one. You're like 20 years younger and he stares at you like a piece of meat"

"Doesn't everyone around here?" She rolled her eyes slightly. "I'd have finished the job if it wasn't for Uma. Then again, I almost killed her too. And I li-" She cut off, looking down at her hands.

"And you... what?" Grey asked. Hadley looked at Greh and grabbed his arm, pulling him into an empty alley.

"Watch this." She said. She turned her head and stared at a specific part the floor. She furrowed her eyebrows, concentrating. And suddenly, a bunch of flames sprung up straight from the ground.

"What the fuck?" Grey exclaimed, jumping back in surprise.

"I don't know." Hadley sighed. With a swift movement of her hand in a wave-like motion, the fire was gone. "I lit a fireplace that hasn't been lit in years with my mind... apparently I can light and put out fires. It just happened." She tried to explain. "My hair, my skin, and now... this. It has to mean something... but I don't know what. And why now? Why is it all happening now? Sure my dad's hair lights up when he's mad or stressed but... he can't do whatever that is."

"Maybe you got that from your mom?" Grey suggested, calming down slightly.

"I don't know who my mom is. I don't know where she is. How could she... how could I...?" Hadley shook her head. "I can... I can control fire?"

"Apparently you can." Grey shook his head. "It's fitting you know, cuz you're already hot." Hadley raised her eyebrows and then looked at a wooden barrel. After a moment of staring at it, it lit on fire.

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