Three: Jealous

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"Enjoy your little moment in the spotlight?" Hadley rolled her eyes as Harry slumped down onto the chair next to her.

"I'm always in the spotlight, flame." he smirked, taking his pirate hat from her head and putting it back on.

"Sure hooky whatever you want to believe." she rolled her eyes. He leaned forward and brushed the hair back from her face.

"You don't need a spotlight to shine in my eyes." he whispered, a small smile appearing on his face again. Hadley pushed his hand away and because of her sudden strength, he toppled backwards but managed to balanced himself on the table.

"Woah, woah. Chill out, flame." Harry raised his eyebrow.

"I'm not dealing with your flirting shit." she snapped and turned away from him.


"No!" Hadley spun around. "If you even try to claim that I'm different or whatever, I'm not going to listen. Every word that comes out of your mouth is bullshit. Plus, I'm not blind. I saw the look you were giving Uma during your pathetic little musical number." she stood up and kicked her stool to the floor. Harry went silent for a moment but then a look of confusion then a look of realisation spread across his face. "Don't even try that shit with me. It's not going to work." She added.

"Wait... are you jealous?" he questioned, also standing up. She glared up at him.

"Don't be such an idiot." she rolled her eyes. "Oh wait... too late to tell you that." she pushed past him.

"You know you can't walk away from me flame!" he called after her.

"Just watch me!" Hadley snapped as she continued to walk on. "And you seriously need to stop staring at my ass!" she turned around once more before shoving open the swinging doors and walking out of the shop.

"Ow!" a voice remarked. She looked down to her left to see Gil, who Harry had kicked out of the shop, on Uma's orders. The door had hit him in the head. Hadley scowled at Gil and stomped away.

Hadley had to get herself out of there. She had to be away from Harry. The whole thing had her steamed up with... some sort of negative feeling. Maybe it was jealousy. Though she didn't know why. She had acted the exact same way in the past, but something about Harry being flirtatious towards Uma really boiled her blood. She decided to take a walk around the Isle, since it was something she hadn't done in a while. As she walked she around and thought back to how life was a year ago, running around causing mischief and being evil with Mal, Jay, Carlos, Evie and Greyson Gothel. She couldn't imagine doing that now. Mal, Jay, Carlos and Evie had gone off to Auradon and Grey had practically just disappeared. Or rather, Hadley isolated herself. Suddenly, a whistle came from a roof to her right. Hadley turned her head and looked around at where the whistle had come from.

"Up here Blu." a voice called. Hadley looked up and saw him.

"As if it's Greyson Gothel." she said, using a rickety stepladder to climb onto the roof with him.

"The one and only." he smirked.

"Still cocky and Mr Huge Ego as always." she rolled her eyes.

"Did you expect that to change?"

"Of course not." She sat down on the cold metal.

"So how has the daughter of Hell been?"

"I've been in my 'hell hole'," She used air quotation marks. "For six months. Not much goes on unless you wanna hear about how many people die per day."

"Sounds fascinating..." he yawned.

"You're telling me." she rolled her eyes. "What about your life? Anything interesting there?"

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