Twenty Nine: Let's Learn Together

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Hadley watched as Harry's eyes groggily opened.

"Took you long enough to come back around." Hadley said quietly.

"What the fuck happ-" Harry cut himself off by feeling a sharp pain in the right side of his stomach.

"Don't move you idiot." Hadley gently pushed him to lay down. She had brought him to his room while Uma stormed around having tantrums. Harry passed out slightly when they got to the room, so Hadley had gathered cloths and water to clean his wound when he eventually came round.

Hadley stood up, walking to the cabinet in the room. On top of the cabinet was a bowl of hot water with a cloth in it, and a stick-on bandage. She walked back over to Harry, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Uma's off having a tantrum." She explained before he even asked. She knew he would, so it was better to just give an answer.

"Why would I care?" Harry questioned, looking up at her. She looked at him with slight confusion.

"She's your Captain. You're always following her around like a lost puppy. In a Carlos way." Hadley responded, dipping the cloth in the water, placing the bowl on the bedside table.
"I'm offended, flame." Harry replied, trying to sit up. However, he just winced and Hadley pushed her hand on his chest.

"Last time I checked, I wasn't speaking Greek. Lie down, coathanger." She instructed firmly. He rolled his eyes but compiled, laying back down on the bed, slowly, wincing as he did.

"I don't care about Uma. I care about you, Hadley." Harry spoke into the silence that had filled the air after Hadley had began to squeeze the excess water out of the cloth. She stopped, hearing his words. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.
"You're gonna have to take your shirt off." She muttered, holding the cloth in her hands. She completely dismissed what he said.

"Well that wasn't the response I expected. Not that I completely mind." Harry smirked, carefully sitting up and beginning to pull his shirt over his head. However, he stopped, the pain from his wound shooting through his body. Hadley sighed, dropping the cloth back into the bowl.

"Let me help. Since you're an idiot and you're incapable of being careful and doing things yourself." She rolled her eyes and took hold of the hem of Harry's shirt, and gently began pulling it up over him, being careful not to affect the wound. She pulled it over his head and clutched it in one of her hands. For a moment, their eyes locked. Hadley ran her other hand from Harry's shoulder down to his bare chest. He glanced down at her lips for a moment. Suddenly, Hadley snapped back to reality and moved away, tossing Harry's shirt into a corner. She cleared her throat and reached over, lifting the cloth out of of the bowl. She squeezed the excess water again, the drips filling the awkward silence.

"Lie down again." She muttered, holding the cloth above Harry's wound. It was a cut inflicted from a sword that went from just above his hip to the bottom of his ribcage.
"It's not that hard to make me do that when the words come out of your mouth." Harry smirked, but it faltered when he saw the serious look on Hadley's face. He sighed and then did as he was told and lay down again.

When he was down and comfortable, Hadley gently pressed the damp cloth to his bloody wound. The contact instantly made Harry wince.

"Fuck." He muttered.

"How did it even happen?" Hadley questioned as she cleaned the blood from the wound as gently as she could.

"I don't know." Harry responded. "It might've been the King but all I remember is the pain." He tilted his chin downwards slightly, watching Hadley clean the wound. The blood was clearly staining the cloth, but it didn't really matter.

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