Thirty Eight: The End

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"Harry..." Hadley looked at her boyfriend. He did not look happy at all. He looked angry... hurt... upset? A mix of negative emotions that Hadley couldn't register. He glanced at her up and down, raising an eyebrow for a moment, but dismissed whatever he was thinking.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked simply. Hadley just looked at him, not really knowing what to say.

"It's not an easy thing to just come out with and say..." She muttered, looking down at the floor. Harry's glare softened and he took off his hook, placing it on the bed. He stepped towards her.

"Hadley..." He said softly, holding his arms out. He walked further towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into his chest. He wiped a tear from her cheek using his thumb. He kept one arm around her and stroked her hair comfortingly with the other.

"I try to be strong, Harry..." She shook her head. "But I'm not... I'm really not..." She said shakily.

"Hey, hey." He said gently, running his hand through her hair. "I'm sorry, alright? I probably shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I was just... annoyed that you didn't ask me for help. And you are strong, flame. Just promise you'll talk to me next time... I don't want you hurting yourself anymore."

"You're not exactly the person to go to for help." Hadley muttered.

"Did you tell Greyson?" Harry asked, continuing to stroke her hair. Hadley suddenly froze up. It all began to hit her again. He was gone. She couldn't go see him for who knows how long. He was in Auradon. Probably already forgetting about her. More tears spilled down Hadley's cheeks and she closed her eyes, fighting back sobs. Harry frowned and easily picked her up bridal style, carrying her over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it, her still in his lap. He began to rock side to side and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"He's gone..." Hadley managed in a whisper. "He's gone..." She repeated with a sob. "And I didn't tell him... I should have... I just completely forgot... I was so focused on the fact he was leaving... he probably didn't need to be burdened with my problems anyway..."

"Hads, you're not a burden at all." Harry responded, looking down at her with a frown. "Neither Greyson or I think so."

"You don't yet... but I'm sure it won't take you long to realise that I--"

"Flame, no." Harry shook his head. He took her chin in his hand and forced her to look at him. "You're not a burden."

"Yes I fucking am." She said. "It's no wonder Grey left. He got his chance to get away from me." She sobbed.

"I'm sure he had no choice. And if he didn't care would he have given you a shirt and his leather jacket? I've seen 'im wear that jacket a lot." Harry pointed out.

"Maybe he only did it out of sympathy. To get me off his case." Hadley muttered, looking down at her hands.

"That won't be the case, flame. I know it." Harry said gently, stroking her hair again. Hadley opened her mouth to say something but just began to sob again. Harry held her head to his chest, just stroking her hair and letting her cry. "You're gonna be alright. You are strong. You just need a spark to light up again."

"I think the fire within me is all burnt out." She mumbled. "I don't know if I can..."

"Hadley, listen to me." Harry looked into her teary eyes. He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her lips. "You can. You're gonna be alright. You're the strongest person I know."

"Since when do you know what I've been through?" She questioned, averting her gaze away from his.

"Maybe I don't." Harry shrugged. "But I'm your boyfriend now. And I'm going to help you in any way I can. I know I haven't been the best to you, but I wanna change. I wanna be a better man for you. Because you deserve the world, flame. You do. And you don't deserve this. You deserve to be happy. And I'm gonna try, I promise you." Harry cupped her chin with his hand, her eyes falling back onto his. "I know I can't fill the hole Greyson left, but I want to at least try. You're the Captain now, my Captain. You're gonna be the best Captain the pirates could ask for. And if any of 'em are dicks to you, I'll hook them." He promised. "I love you, Hadley. You're my dancing queen, my flame. And nothing's gonna change that. Even when you're pissed at me, I'll still be here. I'm not gonna leave you. You have me, flame." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. Hadley looked at him for a moment, taking his words in. But, she then shook her head.

"For how long?" She questioned. "How long will it take for you to find someone better? To realise how much of a broken bitch I am? To realise I'm incapable of loving anyone in any way. I don't know what love is. I don't know how to feel anything. I'm... just numb. I don't want you to be stuck with me. Burdening all my problems on you because I don't have Grey to turn to now..." She let out a sob. "Maybe I should just rot in the Underworld..."

"No. Never." He shook his head. "You'll never go back down there as long as I'm alive, flame. Your dad is a dick to you, and I'm not having you put in that situation. And if you do have to go down, I'll go with you."

"It's not going to be that easy." Hadley responded bluntly in a mutter. "He'll find me one day. He'll drag me back down there somehow."

"Not if I have something to say about it." Harry said. "Hadley, you're going to be alright. I'm going to be here for you. Through anything. I'm your boyfriend. I know you won't trust me that easily, but I hope you will eventually." He smiled slightly. "You overthrew Uma, you didn't let her get to you. You're so strong, flame." He continued, looking at her. He wiped a tear from her cheek. "You burn so brightly and you'll burn anyone who comes in your path, I know you. You've fallen, but you'll get back up again." He brushed her hair back from her face. "Just as you have before." Hadley managed a small smile.

"Hooky... I lo--"

"No." He cut her off. "You're not ready. Don't say it yet, flame." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You need to love yourself first. And I know you can. And I'm not going to leave you. I'm hooked on you, Hadley." He gently kissed her lips. "You really do have me well and truly hooked."

The End.

The End

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