Thirty: A Pact

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Hadley jumped away from Harry, and they both turned towards the door.

"What do you want now, Gil?" Hadley groaned. "You ran out of eggs and need help carrying in more because you're too weak to lift them on your own?" She questioned in a mocking tone.

"No." Gil scoffed. "I can carry a crate of eggs." He flexed his muscles.

"Get to the point." Harry interrupted impatiently.

"Oh... uh..." Gil paused, wracking his brains for why he came in the first place. "Oh yeah! Guys! Guess what!" Suddenly, Gil let out a yelp. A bit of fabric on his trousers had began smoking. He jumped and danced like an idiot trying to put it out, patting it frantically. Hadley rolled her eyes and flicked her wrist a few times, and sure enough, the smoke stopped and the tiny flame disappeared.

"Get to the point. Or it'll be your dick that's on fire next." Hadley warned.

"You... you did that?" Gil raised his eyebrows.

"Yes and I can do worse. Do you want to find out?" Hadley smiled, tilting her head. Harry wrapped an arm around her waist and nudged her slightly. She rolled her eyes and moved her head straight.

"Why'd you come here Gil?" Harry asked with a sigh. "Before the flame burns you."

"The flame?" Hadley raised an eyebrow. "Is that my title now?"

"I can call you princess if you prefer." Harry smirked. Hadley had always conveyed her distaste for that nickname. Though technically she was the Princess of the Underworld, she still hated it and didn't want to be recognised as a princess.

"Do you fucking want me to burn you too?" She said harshly, shifting to move his arm away from her.

"Oh now come on, flame. You couldn't." He smirked, touching her cheek with his hook.

"Do you want to fucking test me right now?" Hadley stepped to the side, facing Harry. Small sparks floated around her head.

"Guys!" Gil interrupted, ripping Harry and Hadley out of their world.

"What?" Harry questioned.

"I remembered what I was gonna say." Gil explained.

"Then say it before you fucking forget again!" Hadley responded, crossing her arms in impatience.

"Uma's in Auradon." Gil finally got out, cueing shocked stares from the Underworld princess and the pirate. Hadley's jaw had dropped.

"She's what?!" Hadley and Harry both exclaimed in unison.

"She found Mal's spellbook, she put a spell on Ben apparently." Gil tried to explain. Harry began walking towards Gil.

"And why didn't I know about this?" Harry questioned.

"Apparently the first mate isn't worthy enough." Hadley said, kind of mockingly and tauntingly. Harry scowled and let out a grumble and headed towards the door. Hadley snapped back into reality and moved forwards, grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him back.

"What are you gonna do?" She questioned. "Uma isn't here. She's in Auradon. You can't do anything. She might not even come back." Hadley reminded him. "I'm assuming," She looked over to Gil. "She's at cotillion." He nodded in agreement.

"But she said she is coming back. She's gonna get the wand herself and set us all free." Gil said enthusiastically. Hadley rolled her eyes.

"Like that's gonna fucking work." She muttered under her breath and then looked back at Harry. "Just stop. Calm a bit." She said gently, looking into his eyes. After a moment, Harry sighed and relaxed, Hadley letting go of his arm.

"What time does Cotillion start?" Harry asked, looking at Gil.

"Uh, six-thirty." He replied. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out his pocket watch, it dangling on the edge of his hook. He looked at it, reading the time. "Twenty more minutes." Hadley squinted slightly, reading the clock.

"Hooky, it's thirty minutes. That says six o'clock, doofus." Harry rolled his eyes in response, putting the pocket watch away. He started to walk towards Gil.

"Get everyone on the ship. We have to be ready to rise with the tide." Harry instructed, Gil nodding and then scampering off. Harry pushed the door shoot behind him and then turned to Hadley.

"You really think her shitty plan's gonna work?" The blue-haired girl questioned. Harry laughed humorlessly and shook his head. He brushed Hadley's hair with his hook.

"Flame, you and me both know it's not gonna work. I just have to pretend around them." He explained. Hadley clutched his hook to keep it still.

"Oh, so you're not a complete dumb idiot then? I'm honestly surprised." Hadley fake-smiled.
"You wound me, flame." Harry managed to pry his hook from Hadley's fingertips.

"Do I look like I care?" She questioned, looking up at him. He smirked and stepped towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"We both know you do. You've already shown it." He pointed out. She rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yeah and you're not gonna tell anyone I showed my soft side or I'll singe your guyliner off." She warned. "And by the way, if I catch you stealing my eyeliner you're as good as dead." She added. He smirked and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take, flame." He responded, brushing his hook over her hair. However, he stopped and looked at her. "And I say there's another risk we take. A risk we take together." He began, an evil glint in his eye. She raised her eyebrows and cocked her head slightly.

"Elaborate, hooky." She said, confused but also intrigued.

"How would you feel about overthrowing Uma?" He asked. With his words, an instant evil smirk spread over Hadley's lips. "And becoming my Captain."

"Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?" Hadley questioned, her eyebrows still raised. Harry just shrugged with a smirk still prominent on his lips.


"Let's make a pact." Hadley suggested. "If we- I -overthrow Uma, I become Captain and take you as my first mate. My boyfriend." She said. Harry smirked.

"Sounds good to me, flame." He said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Okay now come on, we have a Shrimp to watch fail." Hadley smirked.

" Hadley smirked

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