Twenty Six: Talking About Me

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Hadley and Grey approached the docks, the ships full of pirates and the King Ben just noticeable, tied to a pole with Uma and Harry around him.

"Come on, Gothel. You wanna prove you're tough? Then endure the glares and death stares you're about to get from all these pirates." Hadley smiled, leaning against the pole next to the stairs onto the ship.

"I'm tough Blue, but one push and I'll be in the water. So that's a no. I'll see you later." Grey said, quickly kissing Hadley's cheek and then scampered off. Hadley rolled her eyes and watched Grey go. She smiled to herself, shaking her head before walking onto the ship.

"Someone's heeeeeeeeeere!" Gil exclaimed.

"Chill out, it's Hadley." Harry threw a sword up at the riggings where Gil was hanging from. The whole pirate crew turned to see the blue-haired girl walking to where King Ben was tied to a post, with Harry and Uma around him.

"I think you're the one that needs to chill. If looks could kill." Uma commented, rolling her eyes as they fell onto Hadley. "Your jealousy is showing."

"It's not jealousy." Harry scoffed, gritting his teeth.

"No. It's letting your eyes wander to someone you can't have." Uma responded as Hadley fully approached them.

"Talking about me?" The Underworld princess questioned. "How about you keep my name out of your mouth unless you all want to be thrown overboard, hm?" She smiled, though it was clearly fake.

"I know who will be getting thrown overboard." Harry murmured, his eyes still fixed on where Hadley had came onto the ship.

"Who was that?" Ben questioned.

"Who?" Hadley raised an eyebrow. "Oh. It was Grey."

"Of course it was." Harry grumbled. "Greyson fucking Gothel."

"Son of Mother Gothel?" Ben asked.

"Shouldn't you already know that if you're the King?" Hadley questioned mockingly.

"There are a lot of people on the Isle. It's hard to keep up with them all." Ben replied.

"Really? Oh but I'm sure you and your dad would have a list of all the people you decided to be simply not good enough." Hadley leaned against the pole Ben was tied to.

"You are good enough." Ben said, looking at the blue-haired girl. "You all are."

"Please, I've heard the opposite enough in my life to know that's a lie." Hadley rolled her eyes.

"Time for you to leave, Blueberry." Uma spoke up. Hadley raised her eyebrows at the captain.

"Really?" Hadley stared at Uma. "Oh yeah, kick me to the curb now."

"Go." Uma said harshly. "And Harry, stop fantasising will you." Harry snapped out of his world, an angry look still prominent on his face. "You'll find an excuse to kill Grey sooner or later."

"What?" Hadley spun around.

"Didn't I tell you to leave?" Uma snapped.

"Didn't I tell you that I don't follow orders?" Hadley retorted, crossing her arms. They held their glares on each other for a moment, until Hadley got bored. She groaned and then turned around, walking off.

"What's so wrong with... Greyson? Is that his name?" Ben asked.

"Yes. And Harry's had his eye on Hadley since we were all young. Since she was in Mal's little group." Uma explained. Harry himself wasn't paying attention to the conversation, he was staring at Hadley, as usual.

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