Ten: Maybe I'm Starting To Realise

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Hadley had slept only two hours approximately. She just kept thinking and thinking and thinking. She was just dozing off again when the bitter sun started to rise. There was no point trying to sleep now. Grey groaned and rolled over, promptly falling off the bed. Hadley turned over to the direction that he had fallen.

"I'm not helping you." she grumbled, pulling a pillow over her face. "You're an idiot."

"Fuck everything." he groaned, standing up. He headed to the bathroom and the sound of running water filled the morning air.

"Fuck me." she shrugged, her voice muffled by the pillow.

"Just need to ask, Hads." Grey said, coming out of the bathroom, his hairline noticeably wet.

"No, I was joking. I'm too tired for anything." she said quietly, still holding a pillow over her face. He sighed, grabbed another pillow and walked over to the bed.

"Wake up Hadley." he said, hitting her with the pillow with each word. "Wake up."

"Fuck off." she threw the pillow she was holding at him. He dodged the pillow and continued to hit her.

"C'mon, get up. Don't make me pour water over your head."

"You're not the one who's had two hours sleep." she complained. "If that. And you know I'll fucking punch you until you bleed out if you throw water over me."

"We went to sleep nine hours ago, how did you get two?" he questioned, stopping the assault.

"I couldn't sleep." she said, turning onto her stomach and burying her face in the pillows. He sat next to her and made her roll around to her back.

"Why not?"

"I just couldn't." she rolled away from him.

"Don't lie to me." he chastised. "Were you thinking about your Hooky-boy?" he cooed. She paused for a moment.

"Fuck off." she mumbled, throwing another pillow at him, but to her dismay, he caught it.

"Ah, so I am right." he smirked. Hadley didn't reply and turned over so he couldn't see her face. "C'mon Blue. You can admit it."

"Fine." she sighed. "Yes..." she muttered.

"See?" Grey said. "Not that hard was it?" Hadley turned to face him and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah actually it was."


"So?" she raised her eyebrows and sat up.

"Whatcha gonna do?" he scooted back a bit.

"I don't know." she sighed. "It's not easy."

"I know it isn't, but hey, progress." he said, nudging her gently. She just shrugged.

"He just pisses me off but I can't stop thinking about him." She muttered. He looked at her and thought for a moment.

"When you think about him, are you swooning over his manliness or just thinking he's a dickhead?" He asked and she shrugged. She buried her face in a pillow not knowing what she was thinking.

"I think he's a dickhead but an... attractive dickhead..." She said reluctantly and Grey chuckled.

"There you go. Congrats you have analysed your feelings!" Grey exclaimed, a smile on his face. Hadley rolled her eyes.

"Fuck off Grey." she threw a pillow at him. And hit him with another pillow. Hard.

"Hey, don't damage the goods!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, what goods." she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She hit him again, even harder.

"My entire body is a good... FUUUUUUCK!" he screamed. "HADLEY THOSE WERE MY NUTS!" he yelled clutching his crotch. Hadley just laughed and hit him again.

"Then fuck off asking me about hooky."

"How can... I not?" Grey managed to smirk through the pain.

"Do you want me to hit you again?" she scowled, holding the pillow back.

"No..." he leaned away from her.

"Then shut the fuck up." she threw the pillow at his face.

"Fine." he said, his voice muffled.

"Finally." she sighed and flopped onto her back.

"Hadley Underworld likes Harry Hook!" he exclaimed and sprinted away, jumping out of the window.

"GREYSON GOTHEL I SWEAR TO FUCKING HADES!!!" Hadley yelled, chasing after him.

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