Six: Duel Me

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Hadley marched through the alleyways of the Isle, getting as far away from the shop as possible. Thoughts buzzed around her mind.
"What the fuck is that pirate doing to me?" Hadley mumbled, sighing as she turned the corner.

"Hadley!" a masculine voice called from behind her. She ignored it completely and carried on walking. "Maybe she'll respond to blueberry..." she heard him say (too loudly). Hadley groaned and rolled her eyes. "Blu--"

"What do you want Gil?" she snapped, turning around impatiently. He jumped back.

"Uh... Har- Uma wants you to meet her on the pirate ship..." he replied quickly. Hadley raised her eyebrows.

"Why?" she questioned. Gil paused and his mouth dropped open. "Why Gil?!" she asked again.

"Uh... he didn't say why..." Gil finally stammered out. Hadley tilted her head.

"He??" she questioned.
"Oh uh... I meant she! Yeah, she." Gil nodded to himself. Hadley paused, thinking for a moment. 'Well that wasn't believable at all." she rolled her eyes.

"Fine." she sighed. "When?"

"Now." Gil replied. Hadley groaned and walked past Gil, bumping into his shoulder. "But--" he tried to continue.

"Shut up. I don't want to hear anything else." she snapped, though continuing to walk.

"Okay..." Gil watched her go. Hadley stomped past the chip shop and the pirate ship came into view.

"If this is actually Uma I'll be surprised." she muttered to herself.

"You actually came." that annoying Scottish accent that Hadley instantly recognised echoed as she climbed the ladders.

"I knew it." she grumbled, standing on the deck of the ship. She crossed her arms and glared at Harry, who stepped towards her. "Well you're a funny looking Uma."

"I'm a good looking Uma though." he shrugged.

"Nah, you're really not." she rolled her eyes.
"Why can't you just admit it?" he asked. Hadley turned away from him and didn't respond.

"Fuck off." she muttered as she rolled her eyes. Heavy footsteps got louder and she could feel his presence behind her. "What are you doing?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

"Admiring you." Harry said with a small smile on his lips.
"Shut up." She rolled her eyes.

"It's only the truth, flame..." he whispered.

"Shut up, Harry." she mumbled.

"I don't take orders." he shook his head.

"And neither do I." She retorted as he pulled away from her. He looked her up and down, the smile spreading on his lips. He couldn't help but admire her. She was just beautiful even if she didn't see it.

"Your beauty just blossoms." he smiled, continuing to admire her. He just couldn't seem to take his eyes off her.

"Okay Romeo since when were you romantic?" Hadley raised her eyebrows.

"Since I met you." he whispered.

"Okay you're drunk." she rolled her eyes. "Who let you out drunk? It's dangerous for humanity."

"I'm not drunk flame, I'm being serious." Harry sighed. "Why can't you see that?"

"Yep definitely drunk." she turned away.

"Flame..." Harry said quietly, reaching out for her hand. Their fingers barely touching but it still made Hadley turn.

"What?" she questioned looking at him.

"Don't leave me here." he said a frown growing on his face.

"I'm not staying here." she shook her head and stepped away from him. He let out a sigh and adjusted his pirate hat.

"Why not?" he asked genuinely wanting to know. He just wanted to talk to her or for her to see that he wanted her and nobody else. That was beautiful and deserved love even if it wasn't him.

"Because I don't want to. Got a problem with my human rights?" Hadley tilted her head.

"You're not human, flame." Harry pointed out. She raised an eyebrow and then groaned.

"Please do not use a stupid pick up line to try to call me an angel."
"I'd go for more of a goddess." he shrugged, a small smile on his face.

"Oh wow. So you're gonna get on your hands and knees and worship me now?" she rolled her eyes.

"Or maybe you're a little devil." He added more thinking out loud. She scoffed at his words. "Little things are adorable, like you."

"Well your 'little thing' certainly isn't adorable." she glanced downwards and crossed her arms.

"How would you know that?" Harry tilted his head. "You were drunk when you saw it last."

"I make good assumptions." she shrugged, looking at her nails. "And even if I wasn't drunk I've long discarded any memory of that night." she muttered. Her words made him frown but he just tried to ignore the feeling of heartache. "I told you before. I'm outta here." she quickly spun around.

"No, flame don't go." he begged.

"Why shouldn't I?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. He looked at her, trying to think of a reason, but none came to mind. However, he stepped away from her, taking two swords from a barrel and throwing one at her feet. Hadley looked at him with a confused look on her face as he walked towards her, twirling a sword between his fingers.

"Duel me, flame." he challenged, wanting a way for her to stay.

"Pft. I'd kick your ass in a duel anyday. Are you sure you wanna put yourself to that shame?" Hadley scoffed. "But I'm not dueling you."

"I'm afraid I won't take no for an answer, flame." Harry stepped towards her. She stared deep into his eyes and moved her face towards his.

"No." she said bluntly.

"Why? You scared I'll beat you?" He taunted, leaning closer to her. He knew the best way to keep her around was by taunting her. She was competitive when it came to duelling and never liked losing.

"You couldn't beat me even if you wanted to. Don't think too highly of yourself." She replied, picking up the sword that was at her feet. She thrust it forward as Harry scrambled to his feet, picking up his sword in the process. He thrust his sword towards her and metal clashed against metal. Hadley won dominance and soon knocked Harry's sword out of his hand. She quickly picked it up and held the sword in her right hand forward, poking it into his neck. "And you thought you could beat me." she smirked. "A dirty pirate can't overpower the spawn of Satan." she spat on his chest. Before Harry could respond, they were interrupted by a shout.


"Σκατά." Hadley muttered.

"Uma..." he sighed, scrambling to his feet.

"You have to get out of here." Harry said, looking at the blue-haired woman.

"Oh so now you want me to leave." she raised her eyebrows. "So Shrimpy doesn't toss you overboard because she found you with another woman."


"Hadley go. Now." He said seriously and then gently pushed her towards the edge of the ship. "You're gonna have to jump." he quickly ran away from her. Hadley looked back but he was already out of sight. She looked down at the concrete ground and just jumped. Surprisingly, she landed on her two feet and started to run instantly. 

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