Twenty Four: Captain Jack Sparrow Called

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Hadley and Uma alone together in a room. A dangerous situation. It never ended well, it usually ended with blood on the floor. Hadley crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes following Uma as she walked to the door, pushing it so it closed. The daughter of Ursula approached Hadley again, with an angry look on her face. Hadley greeted the girl's glare with a harder one.

"You know, you've got nerve. For a Blueberry." Uma spat, crossing her arms over her chest. Without a moment of thought, Hadley shot forward and pinned Uma to the wall, pressing a hand harshly to the captain's throat.

"You know, you've got guts. For a Shrimp." Hadley retorted. Uma struggled, but still the evil smirk remained on her face. Hadley tilted her head. "By the way, Captain Jack Sparrow called. He wants his hat back." Uma made a sort of growl-like noise and tried to push Hadley off of her, but the Goddess was stronger.

"Let me go, slut." Uma spat. Hadley just laughed in her face.

"Do you really think that offends me anymore? And coming from you?" She raised an eyebrow. "You really amuse me, shrimpy." Hadley began to press harder on the pirate's neck. The second pirate she was attempting to strangle today and it wasn't even ten am yet. "How long do you really think this is going to go on? You, wearing your fake crown that you pretend you don't need. But it's there, oh it's there. But, it's only a matter of time before your reign ends." She began to press onto Uma's neck even harder.

"How long do you think you can keep this act up?" Uma managed to choke out.

"What act?" Hadley scoffed, pressing harder.

"Your strong, bitchy act." Uma clarified, still struggling. "Well, the bitch part still stands. But soon enough, everyone will see you for the broken little girl you really are." Hadley's glare faltered for a moment as small ashes began to float around her head. "I'm right, aren't I?" An evil smirk spread across Uma's lips as she went to escape from Hadley's grip. However, the fireplace suddenly lit up with a burst of flames. Hadley pressed harder than ever before, and soon Uma was struggling for breath.

"You think you can get the better of me. You think you can fucking break me? Well, newsflash, Shrimpy, you can't. You won't." Hadley seethed as Uma began to turn purple. "Looks like your gils aren't doing their job very well, quite like the Shrimp they belong to."

Suddenly, she felt a strong arm pull her back. Uma fell to the floor, gasping for air.

"What the fuck Hadley?" The blue haired girl turned to see Harry stood in front of her, his hand on her arm still.

"Oh go ahead, defend your fish out of water." Hadley rolled her eyes, snatching her arm away.

"Flame yo-" Harry began but Hadley was quick to cut him off.

"I thought you'd have gotten the memo that fire and water don't mix well." Hadley crossed her arms. Her comment was not directed specifically at Uma or Harry. Uma let out a groan from the floor, rubbing her neck. She used the wall as support to help her get to her feet. Hadley noticed this and stepped forward, but Harry stepped between the girls, holding his arms out.

"Now now, ladies." Harry said, looking between the two.

"Don't start your bullshit now, Harry." Uma managed to choke out, having mostly recovered by now. "I have a wand to get." She headed towards the door. "Be at the ship no later than eleven. Both of you." She ordered, shooting Hadley a glare before leaving the room. Hadley just stared at the door with a cold, annoyed look on her face, until Harry spoke up, pulling her from her daydream.

"Why'd you try to kill her?" The pirate asked, turning to the blue-haired girl. Hadley rolled her eyes and turned away. "Oi, don't." Harry grabbed her arm, and pulled her back to face him.

"It wasn't intentional." She muttered, giving in. "Well... it was... but I got a bit carried away." She shrugged, picking the askew bits of rope off the floor in an attempt to distract herself from the urge to go out and just kill Uma.

"Come on, flame. Even I don't believe that." Harry said, his eyes following the girl.

"She was being a bitch, okay?" Hadley snapped. "And anyway, why would you care? You were literally saying that we should overthrow her." She questioned, raising her eyebrows.

"Doesn't mean I want her dead." Harry said defensively.

"I know you don't. Because you're her first mate and you don't want to give that up." Hadley said in a bored tone, rolling her eyes. Harry stepped towards her and tilted her chin upwards with his hook.

"I'd rather be your first mate, flame." He said in an almost-whisper. Their eyes locked for a second.

"And I'd rather be..." She trailed off, leaning up. However, she then pushed him away. "Left alone." She finished, walking towards the fireplace that hadn't been lit in years. Harry let out a groan, and turned as Hadley walked. This was when he noticed the fireplace, and raised his eyebrows.

"Flame... did you do that?" He questioned, walking towards the fireplace. Hadley looked at the crackling orange flames with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't know..." She muttered in confusion. She'd never been able to start fires before. It was only lately that things began to change. The sparks and ashes around her hair... the skin burning... lighting a fireplace? It had to mean something. But who knew what.

"Hey," Harry said suddenly, taking Hadley's abnormally warm hand in his. She flinched at the sudden contact and looked up at the pirate. "We need to talk... about..."

"Can it wait?" She asked, snatching her hand away. However, Harry grabbed it right back.

"It's waited long enough, flame." He sighed. "We need to talk about feelings. The ones we try to hide. The something that's there." Harry said. Hadley let out a small groan at the repetition of her own words.

"Hooky, I-" She began, but they were interrupted by Gil bursting into the room.

"Always chooses the best times." Harry muttered, the pair turning towards the door.

"Hey guys. Hadley, Harry." Gil waved, standing in the doorway. "Uma wants you on the ship. She said that, uh, she needs babysitters for the king." He explained. Hadley rolled her eyes and then allowed a slight smirk to creep onto her lips.

"Well look at that, you've been demoted to babysitter." She nudged Harry, who furrowed his eyebrows and let out a small grumble. She began to walk towards the door. She stopped, having an instinct that made her hand twitch. She followed her brain and clicked her fingers. Suddenly, the fireplace was put out. The three turned around, looking at the fireplace in confusion and awe.

"Woah! You just..." Gil gaped.

"Apparently I can start and end fires." Hadley muttered to herself. "Useful." She smirked and then nudged Gil out of her way, walking out of the room.

"She should not be trusted with that ability." Harry muttered as he and Gil watched the girl leave.

" Harry muttered as he and Gil watched the girl leave

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